Making Location & Capacity Decisions
This analysis primarily focuses on how to make decision with regards to location and capacity of sleep. The article aims to clarify some of the pressing doubts of the MBA participants spread across the world of which a majority is, I believe, sleeping now and the rest I presume or either trying to make the critical operations decision or reading this blog to gain the essential gyaan.
Now that the base has been established, lets move ahead and see the cost-benefit analysis of the various Locations for sleep and maximum possible Capacities at each location.
Option 1:
“Regular Ramu”:
This option behaves like a clock or time table or for that matter subodh in DCH. Well, you don’t have to make any capacity decisions or location decisions in this option. All you have to do is sleep at a regular time no matter what. And sleeping location is your Room and only your room.
– You don’t look like a hen which is escaping from its master who inturn is waiting for a nice tandoori chicken the next day.
– You don’t stink
– You don’t have problems like constipation/ attention(??)/ fatigue.
– No pains of sitting through endless and hopeless group meetings to decide things like what should be the file name of the final report for the marketing group presentation 1 or what is the number of characters each member should type in the one page report for OM.
– You never know what you are going to miss
– Your sideys hate you BIGTIME
– You cant expect to work in a different timezone. Simply put, no foreign placements for you. 😛
– You will be labeled as free rider sooner or later.
Option 2:
“Classroom Kamu”
This option behaves exactly opposite to Ramu discussed earlier. Persons pursuing this path to sleep can be found in acad block more often. The basic problem with these people is not “lack of sleep”. But it is their strange nature to fell asleep for voice stimulations. Studies are done to see whether these people sleep in hostels if they are made to watch a virtual class. The results are…. Leave it, its anybodys guess.
– More time at disposal. You can do all that you ever wanted in your life with that time. Things like, watching all the porn on the LAN, giving b’day bumps to all the 240 souls in the class or for that matter what ever is the number, preparing for the next days class (???), writing blogs, networking, reading stupid stuff (???) and the list goes on.
– You are always on the top of situation. Whether it is group meeting or hot gossip or free treat at canteen. You are there.
– You get most of the airtime in meetings. Since most of the members turn out to be not so KAMUish, you get to have a snoring audience to listen your spiel on how to market Benz cars in china kara agraharam.
– You stink. You hardly get any time to brush your teeth. Forget the bathing part.
– You might end up having back pain.
– You might suffer from other forms oral sleep stimulants like, guest lectures, batch meetings.
– If by gods grace and some luck, if all your group members are KAMUs, you will end up spending time on discussing who should start the discussion for days and months to come.
Mixed Options – 1:
“Napping Nagu”
Well, these people sleep for 2-3 hours in the night in their beds and another 2-3 hours in the afternoon no matter where. Most of the B- schoolers argue that this is the best of the both worlds. You get adequate sleep yet manage to make sure that you don’t miss any thing.
– You will feel energetic at most parts of the day
– You get medium work load and maximum fun
– with little planning you can actually squeeze more sleep that the above two sleeper classes
– You might be missing the important filling elements (snacks and dinner) of the day due to unplanned sleep. Surveys have always confirmed that most of the budding managers survive on snacks and dinner only.
– You are in a fix if there are one too many guest lectures
– You always get D or C grade in Quizzes. Not that you can get an F. But yeah, it depends on your potential.
Mixed Options – 2:
“foreigners Faltu”
This option behaves like a foreigner. He/she following the option try to sleep from 2pm to 10pm. God forbid if there is any quiz they write it and sleep till 11pm. Later they don’t sleep in classes (or may be they do, after all sleep is something which cannot be determined using kurtosis or cognitive dissonance or for that matter lambda).
– You sleep when most others are wasting their time preparing for classes or getting bogged in group meetings.
– You gain maximum fun in class by following every single CP
– You can work in foreign locations, even if it is Sahara or Panama.
– you generally don’t stink in classes
– You loose weight and become skinny sooner or later.
– You are labeled as sucker. Because when most of your group members are sleeping you try to solve the case or write the report all alone.
– You end up labeled as ghissu.
1. Operations and Prod. Management – J Martinitch
Current Y! status says: Mission Statement: Long awkward statement that demonstrates management’s inability to think clearly 😀

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2 Responses to “Making Location & Capacity Decisions”
Well, this is too much to read baby! Divide it into pieces and feed it into us. 🙂 We've bcom masters of writing long posts!
awesome is the only word i can think bout really really great .keep flooding us with more such gyaans chandoo aka mango