Countif – Quick Tip
Here’s a few neat ways to count Text, Blanks and Non-Blank cells using the Countif() function.
Count All Non-Blanks
Count All Text
Count All Blanks
You can download a sample of the above Countif_Quicktips
Learn More about the Countif() function
Sumifs() a close relation to Countifs()

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20 Responses to “Countif – Quick Tip”
Interesting use of "><". Didn't know this!!
I use "?*" to count non-blank cells with text
Yes, This occurred to me today by a slip of the finger and Wow!
I searched for it on web and in Office Help. Didn't find it there as well. That makes this trick more Wow
Awesome... New Learning
countifs() is also a very interesting formula. Which helps in having multiple ranges
Nice summary! Thanks!
Be very careful with =COUNTIF(B2:B9,"><"). If you insert the following text into B2:B9, the formula returns 0 which is incorrect. Better to use =COUNTIF(B2:B9,"*").
Good catch. One more thing that I tried.. If you insert ="" in one of the cells, "*" still counts it as non-blank (this is sometimes the case with imported data)
I prefer "?*" as it ensures the cell has atleast one character
Hi Hui,
How to count number in the list.
I've always used something like: =COUNTIF(B2:B9,">"&0)
But generally, I want to find that meet certain criteria. If you just wanted all numbers, regardless of value, you could use:
If you wanted to return only values that met conditions using SUMPRODUCT, you'd use something like:
Without the ISNUMBER() clause, SUMPRODUCT will also count your text cells.
You can also use a formula like this:
It counts only numbers
The "><" isn't quite doing what the post implies.
It is counting cells where the character code is greater than that of the < symbol, with the character code for the < symbol being 60.
So, if you just put an exclamation mark (!) in a cell, the formula wouldn't count it because the character code for ! is 33. This is what Jason highlighted a couple of posts ago.
@Pavi, just use the COUNT() function.
Also be careful with this: COUNTIF(B2:B9,"=") because it treats cells with formula ="" as non-empty cells.
COUNTIF(B2:B9,"") is better because it counts empty cells and also cells with empty text string ("").
We are trying to use COUNTIF function to find blank and non-blank cells, which is creative and fine.
However, we can also use COUNTA() to count non-blank cells and COUNTBLANK() to count blank cells. These are very specific functions to do the same work.
What are the best CountIf options for text, number and blank using the data in B2:B9 if the data in each cell, including the blank, was generated with a formula?
Try this:
=CountA(B2:B9) + Countif(B2:B9,"?*")
This will count if the cell has anything (number, text, or characters) except blank (even if generated by formula)
a nice learning, thank you very much.
at "Count all text" I tested a space, with
a nice result ..
Kind regards,
Also we can try out this thing as well
1. =COUNTIF(C28:C31,"Band")..will return 2 by exact match between the cell range
2. =COUNTIF(C28:C31,"*and")..will return 2 by exact match between the cell range containing "Band","Rand"
3. =COUNTIF(C28:C31,"*and")..will return 1 by exact match between the cell range containing "Band","Rnd"
Good luck!!
to exclude the "" for the count but count other texts, you could use:
doesn't count numbers though.
Very useful and interesting. Thanks.