And the proverbial Nail in the coffin…
Somedays, life seems highly miserable and hopeless. Well, not for cribbing but for the fun part of the life under thousand tonnes of pressure read on.
Start the day at 12:00 by reading some come-dicks accounting case and trying to learn and appreciate their taxation policies and lease mechanisms, not to mention about the amortization methods. (well, for uninitiated, amortization is originated from the combination of ass and mortal. Ok, I am kidding, seriously, it is nothing but vanishing of money into thin air. Can’t understand???, its simple!!! It is the same thing that happens in one of those A/C saloons. You loose your hair and money to add misery, the bugger will crack your skull with his handiwork.)
So since the amortization is a divine concept which cannot be consumed by mortals without the moral support of mechanical movements of mouth (i.e. eating) I went to canteen to have some ‘cha’ and ‘Mashalla Meigi’.
After the tea and some conceptual masturbations in the Melting Pot, I came back, intellectually exhausted. Thus started the game of Mario. After some worlds and coins……
Knock, Knock !!!
The partner with whom, I agreed to do QT problems for today’s exam has come. Thus QT has began. And what followed is nothing less than intense brain storming as to how to manufacture the electric toasters at the production plants located at Timbuktu and Maharani Pet. Finally when the tray said 3:00 am, the partner got tired. So did my puny brain. He went to his room to get some what do you normally call sleep.
Being the ass that I am, I still not am convinced about the limitations of my brain. I wanted to push some more into it. I Thought some tea would do the magic and I would feel rejuvenated.
Again a cuppa. Some more chat at the mess. This time about the possibility of sleeping on bhopal platform in another 48 hours has stimulated us like anything and we had an animated discussion about how much we would love to sleep on the platform. (well, the train will be coming to Bhopal 5 good hours after we reach there.)
Just like the project manager in software companies who would drop by the employees desk exactly when his childhood friend pinged him on Y!, the accounting case pack lying carelessly on the dining table destroyed our dreams and we had to finally give in.
Back in room I thought may be a change of strategy would help. So I started reading QT. This time the topic is Goal Programming. One more round of electric toasters and underwear manufacturing. But no use. The mind is rejecting to take any more of information flow. The maximum flow has been maximized :D. Somehow managed to fit the GP inside the crammed mind.
Hightime I went back to comedicks said my inner self. Hightime you considered that divine thing called sleep said my higher self. I have chosen the first one. Another round of accounting policies and ASS 99s. (Agian for the uninitiated, ASS 99 is the extention of Accounting Standard 9 by AIEEE). Finally my eyes protested and letters started blurring at 2:35 am. Well, that is not my fault, the time actually was 5:23 but due to blurring I slept at 2:35. :p
Then what????, you might ask. Seriously, I appreciate your patience in reading this far. I have nothing more say. Actually I have. But it is not very much different from what I have said till now. So, it really doesnot matter.
So, if you are not a fellow Bskooler, my sincere wishes that you get into one of those hells as soon as possible.
If you are already a bskooler, hell, you must be crazy. Otherwise, how will you read this???
Current Y! status says: And that means MAC1 is not the ONLY scary subject 🙁

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One Response to “And the proverbial Nail in the coffin…”
Hey a$$!! 🙂 wish u happy hols! Wish me the same!