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Details about upcoming Power Pivot course (and a bonus tip on dashboards)



Details about our upcoming Power Pivot course - Chandoo.org & PowerPivotPro.com

Hello friends..,

I have 2 things for you:

  • Details about our upcoming Power Pivot courses
  • A short video about designing better dashboards.

Details about the Power Pivot course:

What is this course?

Power Pivot, an Excel add-in makes it easy to connect, analyze & visualize massive amounts of data.

Since this is a vast ocean of features and possibilities, I have created 3 different courses.

Excel School: teaches you how to analyze data, create pivot tables, make charts, design interactive dashboards using Excel.

Power Pivot Course: teaches you how to use Power Pivot to analyze data, create advanced reports & prepare dashboards all from familiar interface of Excel.

Advanced Power Pivot Course: Deep dives you in to the world of measures, formulas, analysis techniques and re-usable patterns. You will also learn about performance optimization, custom calendars and other such potent data magic. (this will be taught by Rob Collie).

Who should go for these courses?

This course is ideal for data analysts, reporting & MIS professionals, business analysts, managers & dashboard makers.

For Excel School, you can be a beginner or intermediate level Excel user with Excel 2007 or above.

For Power Pivot courses: you should be familiar with Excel & Pivot Tables and running at least Excel 2010 to enjoy this course.

NOTE: Go for bundled courses to save $s and become 2x (or 3x) awesome in your work.

Course brochure & Lesson Plans

Download course brochure

Detailed Lesson Plans

Use these to,

  • Ask your company / boss to sponsor your for this course
  • Understand topics & benefits of the course
  • Learn how our course works
  • Know about your teachers – Chandoo & Rob
  • Find out how to get in touch with me if you have doubts or questions
  • See what our earlier students think about us

Know your Teachers

Rob Collie: The PowerPivotPro, author, blogger, Microsoft MVP, Ex. Microsoft Program Manager (for Power Pivot) and my good friend, Rob Collie will be teaching the Advanced Power Pivot class. I could not think of any one else better qualified in this world to teach these advanced concepts and techniques to us.

Chandoo: Well, you know me. I will be teaching the Excel School, Power Pivot & Dashboard portions of the class.


  • Enrollment for course begins on: 1 August 2013 (Thursday)
  • Enrollment closes on: 16 August 2013 (Friday)
  • Classes begin on: 19 August 2013 (Monday)

How much is it?

Each of the 3 courses are $247 per participant.

You can bundle any two courses for $447 (save $47).

You can bundle all 3 courses for $647 (save $94)

For detailed pricing, see the course brochure.

Demo lessons

For free demo lessons on Power Pivot, click here.

Questions or doubts?

If you have any questions or doubts about our course, please email me at chandoo.d@gmail.com or call me at +1 216 527 8597.

Bonus Video: A tip for designing better dashboards

Do you know that there is a simple way to break your dashboards in to manageable chunks so that you can work faster, create better looking dashboards and manage changes with ease?

It is simple. Divide your dashboard in to 3 buckets. – Data, Calculations & Output.

Watch below video to understand this technique and how it can help you.

[See it on our Youtube channel or our website]

Bonus: A 4 part tutorial on the dashboard shown in video

Thank you

Thank you for taking time to learn from us. We (Rob, I and rest of us at Chandoo.org) really grateful to you for making us your partners in your journey for awesomeness. We hope to see you in our upcoming Power Pivot & Excel class.


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– Jason

From simple to complex, there is a formula for every occasion. Check out the list now.

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Still on fence about Power BI? In this getting started guide, learn what is Power BI, how to get it and how to create your first report from scratch.

2 Responses to “Details about upcoming Power Pivot course (and a bonus tip on dashboards)”

  1. Linda Ely says:

    I am teaching Excel to 8th graders this year. I am having to get my material off the Internet, because the book wasn't ordered until 9/16/2013. I have used some of your material before with your permission. May I use some of your material again if I find any that I can use?

  2. Mikel Moscovic says:

    I'm an employer counselor and provide quick computer trainings to elderly people, such as reading email, browse the internet and make a home budget... I often have a hard time teaching them about excel... was wondering if i could use your material on my presentations. Thanks a lot in advance.

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