
Winners of state migration dashboard contest



Finally the wait is over. Here are the winners of our 2014 dashboard contest.

Consolation prize winner – Thiruselvan

Originally, I had planned to give only 3 prizes. But the sheer number of brilliant entries forced me to add one more prize. The 4th prize goes to Thiruselvan. He will get a choice of 3 Excel books from Amazon.

3rd Prize winner – Arnaud Duigou

Arnaud’s dashboard was ranked highly by both our judges & loved by you as well. He will receive a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 (valued at $199) very soon.

Option 4 by Arnaud Duigou

State to state migration dashboard - by Arnaud Duigou - snapshot 1State to state migration dashboard - by 5 - snapshot 2State to state migration dashboard - by 6 - snapshot 3

2nd Prize winner – David Hoppe

David’s smartly designed dashboard is well appreciated by our judges and you. And thus he gets an iPad Mini (16GB), valued at $399.

First prize winner – Roberto Mensa

Well, when you have Roberto Mensa, the Messi of Excel charting world, the Roger Federer of visualization competing in a contest, you know what to expect. Roberto’s clever visualization, expert use of powerful Excel techniques has won our hearts and votes. He gets an iPad Air (16 GB), valued at $499 very soon.

Option 37 by Roberto Mensa

State to state migration dashboard - by Roberto Mensa - snapshot 1State to state migration dashboard - by 3 - snapshot 2State to state migration dashboard - by 4 - snapshot 3

Highly commendable entries

Apart from these 4, 8 more dashboards deserve lots of praise. You can easily learn dozens of Excel tricks, charting techniques and get loads of inspiration by observing the work of,

Jean-MarcVoyer, Matthew Waechter, Jon Schwabish, Michael Bellot, Srinivas Chilukuri, Niyaz Shaffi, Stacey Baker & Mark Weber.

Thank you.

Thank you so much for participating

Everyone who participated in this contest deserves appreciation. It is not an easy task to carve out a dashboard (or set of charts) from raw data like this. You are truly awesome for taking the first step.
Special thanks to our judges Jordan & Hui. Your valuable time & feedback is really appreciated.

Congratulate the winners

If you enjoyed this contest, say congratulations to the winners & other participants. 🙂

PS: Explore all the 49 dashboards & learn something new.
PPS: And just in case you missed the fireworks, you can see them in Excel.


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29 Responses to “Winners of state migration dashboard contest”

  1. permana says:

    guuurrreeeaaatt. as i expected, congratulation for the winners..

  2. Kie says:

    Hi, thank you for this blog, it is very helpful.

    I would like to ask if you have any entry for using UK/England Map, if so, can you share it with me? I am trying to learn how to do the similar thing in excel but using England map.

    Have you got any blog any entry about how to do map in Excel?

    Thank you in advance.


    • Richard says:

      Hi Kie,

      After being inspired by these dashboards I've created my own uk map based on some of these and others on other sites. It isn't as refined as these and only contains random data at the moment to test if everything works.

      It is a map of the UK by postcode town, i.e. the LA of LA13 9PQ. I hope you find it useful.


      • Kie says:

        Thank you Richard, that is very useful, as i am now working on the data for LA at the moment

        Out of you interested, are you working for LA?

        • Richard says:

          I don't understand your question. My reference to LA was the Lancaster postal area (the first 1 or two letters of the postcode) which I chose in my example. If you think of any improvements to my spreadsheet let me know.

          • Kie says:

            Hi Richard,
            Sorry that i didnt make myself clear.

            Thank you for the spreadsheet it is very useful, but I will have any feedback.

            I was wonder if you are working for local council?

            Thank you again for your help tho.


  3. I'm not very good at making speeches ... but now I am so happy that I think I have to write something 🙂
    So, first I want to thank Chandoo who gave me this great opportunity, Hui & Jordan the two judges, my friends and colleagues who have voted for me and thanks to all the people of Chandoo.org.
    I want to thank my friend Kris, because ours is always a team effort, therefore this victory is not my victory but our victory.

    I feel sorry for the guys who were left off the podium ... they deserve to celebrate as much as me. I think we were lucky. If among all those amazing works we won is because we have had more luck than others, I have no other explanations.

    Now we come to Messi ... I am embarrassed, after this incredible comparison I should cheer for Argentina ... but I would like to continue to cheer for the European teams, Germany and Netherlands ... and about Roger Federer ... I'm sorry but in my "tennis heart" there is only John McEnroe 🙂
    Again a big thanks to everyone!

  4. David Hoppe says:

    Congratulations Robert, you were lucky indeed 😉

    I am so happy to see my work was so much appreciated by you guys and the judges - I still can't believe I won the second price. The other entries were so good, I thought I didn't stand a chance. I guess I was lucky too.

    Thanks Chandoo for offering this opportunity!

    And mad props for all other contestants - we showed the world some beautiful examples of what you can accomplish in Excel when you apply yourselve... and I know you all do.


  5. Congratulation all winners 🙂

  6. Hearty Congratulations to all the winners!! Kudos to all the participants for their excellent work!!

    Keep up the spirits Chandoo 🙂 You rock!!!!

  7. Krishna Teja says:

    Congrats to the winners and huge thanks to Chandoo for coming up with this dashboard contest. I am happy to grab a lot form this contest.

  8. Sumit Bansal says:

    Congratulations Roberto Mensa and other winners.. All of the dashboards are amazing and well crafted.. Enough food for the excel soul 🙂

  9. JP Paulino says:

    Congrats to all! I learned alot from all the charting techniques and awesome designs displayed in this contest. 🙂

  10. Roberto Mensa is BOSS of Charting.
    Great job panita ! and Chandoo of course for you as well for putting this contest ! voila you are a master!

    Greetings from Peru !

  11. Jaeson says:

    Superb!!! Good job guys! and congratulation to Roberto

  12. rajinikanth says:

    Congratulation!! to the winners and Good work by other participants too.

  13. Hui... says:

    Congratulations to all the Entrants and especially the Winners.
    The skills displayed here were fantastic and the judging was a lot more difficult than I expected.

    The entries here are a great source for people wanting to learn Dashboard Techniques to use as a source of information. So download and pull them apart to see what makes them tick.
    Please also note the layout and styling (use of colors and fonts) in maintaining and telling a consistent story on the winning dashboards.

    Well Done All.


  14. Bhavesh says:

    I am waiting for next challenge....!

  15. Dennis Del Villar says:

    CONGRATULATIONS to all!!! Joining the contest was already a feat for the participants and they truly deserve the invaluable praise.

    Also, in sharing their talents to chandoo.org is really worthy of commendation because it serves as a learning experience for excel novices like me.

    More power to all...Mabuhay!!!

  16. […] announced the winners of his state migration dashboard contest. He said the winner, Roberto Mensa, was Messi, but apparently that's a compliment. […]

  17. SOLOVE says:

    You guys are great, all of you. A hearty congratulations to the winners.

    And to Chandoo, you are a great blessing to all the community of excel users. Thank you.

  18. NIIBOO says:

    Wow. Herzlichen Glückwunsch aus der Hamburger Innenstadt. War echt gute Arbeit dabei!
    (Google Translation: Wow. Congratulations from Hamburg city center. Was really good job there!)

  19. Prateek Bhardwaj says:

    Thank you for having this blog chandoo.org! Great ideas at work here!

  20. Abi says:

    These are excellent - there are some clever people about! I'm in the UK and trying to replicate something like this using travel to work data, but coming unstuck on the map, can anyone help me puzzle it out? Richard I am in a local authority, are you a Council bod too?!

  21. TonyRC says:

    Hi Excel's lovers,

    Well, I have a query. How do you draw these map into excel? I am very keen to learn how to make such a map. Or is there is already some existing I can try to develop something nice and awesome too.

    Chandoo do you plan any subject on the matter?


  22. Coming soon! – exc?lusive says:

    […] Check out my entry to Chandoo’s data visualization contest back in 2014 (David Hoppe); […]

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