
Weighted Average in Excel [Formulas]



Today we will learn how to calculate weighted average in Excel with percentages.

What is weighted average ?

Weighted average or weighted mean is defined as [from wikipedia],

The weighted mean is similar to an arithmetic mean …, where instead of each of the data points contributing equally to the final average, some data points contribute more than others.

If all the weights are equal, then the weighted mean is the same as the arithmetic mean.

Why should you calculate weighted average?

Well, it is because, in some situations normal averages give in-correct picture. For eg. assume you are the CEO of ACME Widgets co.. Now you are looking annual salary report and being the numbers-gal you are, you wanted to find-out the average salary of your employees. You asked each department head to give you the average salary of that department to you. Here are the numbers,

Weighted Average Formula for Excel - why you need it

Now, the average salary seems to be $ 330,000 [total all of all salaries by 5, (55000+65000+75000+120000+1200000)/5 ].

You are a happy boss to find that your employees are making $330k per year.

Except, you are wrong. You have not considered the number of employees in each department before calculating the average. So, the correct average would be $76k as shown above.

How to Calculate Weighted Average in Excel with Percentages

Weighted average formula in Excel with percentage weights

There is no built-in formula in Excel to calculate weighted averages. However, there is an easy fix to that. You can use SUMPRODUCT formula. By definition, SUMPRODUCT formula takes 2 or more lists of numbers and returns the sum of product of corresponding values. [related: Excel SUMPRODUCT Formula – what is it and how to use it?]

So, if you have values in B4:B8 and the corresponding weights in C4:C8, you can use SUMPRODUCT like this to get weighted average.

Caution: However, the above method works only if C4:C8 contains weights in percentages(%) totaling to 100%.

WAvg Formula Pattern (use this with your data)

=SUMPRODUCT(<your values>, <your weights>)

What if my percentage weights don’t add up to 100%?

When weights don't add up to 100 percent

May be your weights are more than 100 percent. Or may be they are less than 100 percent. In both cases, you can use the below formula variation.

The idea is to divide the total of weights with the SUMPRODUCT result so that we can adjust Weighted Average as the weights don’t add up to 100 percent.

WAvg Formula Pattern when weights don’t add up to 100 percent

=SUMPRODUCT(<your values>, <your weights>) / SUM(<your weights>)

Weighted Average when you have counts instead of weights:

WA when you have counts instead of percent weights

If you have count of observations instead of weights, you can still use the SUMPRODUCT formula to calculate weighted average in Excel.

Here is the formula for above example:

Notice that this formula is same as the formula for weighted average with weights not adding up to 100 percent.

WAvg Formula Pattern when you have counts instead of weights

=SUMPRODUCT(<your values>, <your counts>) / SUM(<your counts>)

Weighted Average with Extra Conditions

Weighted average with criteria or special conditions

Let’s say you have city wise observations and weights. And you want to calculate the weighted average, only for Boston values. In this case, you can use a variation of the formula like below:

How does this formula work?

  1. SUMPRODUCT calculates the total value for BOSTON by summing up C5:C16 (value column) where B5:B16 is Boston (highlighted portion of the formula) and multiplies that with the counts.
  2. So in the above example, this will just give us the total of Boston – ie 218,600
  3. We then divide this with the total count of Boston (using the SUMIFS formula) – ie 400
  4. This results in the weighted average for Boston values alone – ie 546.50

For more information on how the conditions work inside SUMPRODUCT formula, please read this article.

Download Weighted Average Calculation Example Workbook:

In this workbook, you can find 4 examples on how to to calculate weighted average in excel. Go ahead and download it to understand the formulas better.

Weighted Average in Excel – Formula Explained

Here is a video with Weighted Average formula explained. Please watch it below to learn more. Alternatively, head to my YouTube page to see the weighted averages in Excel video.

In Conclusion

Weighted averages are a great way to explain data and every data analyst should know how and when to use them with their data. Apart from Weighted Average, I suggest learning how to use moving average and average of top n values. These will help you explain the data and trends to your audience better.

Do you use Weighted Mean / Weighted Average?

What do you use it for? What kind of challenges you face? Do you apply any tweaks to weighted average calculations? Please share your ideas / tips using comments.

More examples on Averages and Formulas:


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    110 Responses to “Weighted Average in Excel [Formulas]”

    1. Amit says:

      Thanks Chandoo

    2. Cyril Z. says:

      Hello Chandoo,

      I use weighted average almost every day, when I want to compute the progress of my projects in terms of functional coverage :

      1. I have a list of tasks during from 1 day to 20 days.
      2. It is obvious that each task must be weighted regarding its duration.
      3. My functional coverage is calculated with :
      sumproduct ( total_duration_array * ( todo_array = 0 ) ) / Sum ( total_duration_array )

      and all subsequent grouping you can think (group by steps...)


      Cyril Z.

    3. Krok says:

      I use it to calculate the Avg Mkt Price Vs our Products.

      Main difficultie: to place the calculation on a Pivot Table 😀

      The use of array formulas does the trick for this calculation but, since I keep feeding new info to the file, it is getting way to "heavy" so I've started changing this calculation to a pivot table.

    4. Martin says:

      If I was the CEO of ACME.... Coyote would be armored like Iron Man !!!

    5. Yair says:

      Hello Chandoo
      First - your site is excellent and very enlightning
      Second - I find it easir to use an array formula

    6. Daniel Ferry says:

      @Yair -

      You can write your version of the formula with the SUMPROUDCT instead of the CSE SUM:
      Why bother? SUMPRODUCT is about 10% faster than the equivalent array formula. I write about this on my blog:



      Daniel Ferry

    7. Gregor Erbach says:

      And how would you calculate the MEDIAN of a data set that is presented as values and frequencies?

      I have tried a couple of approaches, but could not come up with a solution that was elegant and scalable to data sets with an abritrary number of rows.

    8. Steve-O says:

      If I'm the CEO, I'd want to see how much money total is spent on payroll for each department. In which case, I'd just total payroll spending and divide by total # employees.

    9. Ouiski7 says:

      Thanks Chandoo, elegant solutions and helpful web site!

      Small typo: both instances of $330,000 should be $303,000. You got it right in the image with the red circle around it, but the text is wrong.

      "Now, the average salary seems to be $ 330,000 [total all of all salaries by 5, (55000+65000+75000+120000+1200000)/5 ].
      You are a happy boss to find that your employees are making $330k per year."

    10. ramu says:

      superb For weighted avg

    11. Joel says:

      What if my weights are decline equally. Example Data to be measured with WMA A10:A20, weights 10,9,8,7, etc, starting with A20*10, A19*9, A18*8 etc.

      Do I need to create a separate column with the numbers 10,9,8,7,6 etc?


    12. Hui... says:

      You don't need to use a seperate column for the weights, but it can be useful for clarity
      If the weights are based as you say on a series you could use a formula like
      say your in B20
      so as you copy this between B10 and 20 it will adjust automatically as you specified

    13. Joel says:

      That works nicely. Thank you!

    14. Krunal Patel says:

      Hi Chandoo,

      Can you please guide me on How to calculate weighted average on the basis of Date...?

      I wanna find out two things (1) Weighted average amount (2) Weighted average Date


      Date Amount
      01-Jan-11 1200
      08-Mar-11 1000
      05-Jun-11 1200
      17-Mar-11 1500
      30-Jun-11 1600

      Kind Regards,
      Krunal Patel

    15. Hui... says:

      The average is (1200+1000+1200+1500+1600)/5 = 1300
      When you say weighted average what other measure are you measuring against?
      Typically you will have say a Weight, Mass,Volume or Time which your measure applies to
      If I sort your data by date
      `1-Jan-11 1,200 66.0
      8-Mar-11 1,000 9.0
      17-Mar-11 1,500 80.0
      5-Jun-11 1,200 25.0
      30-Jun-11 1,600

      Total 238,200 180.0
      W.Ave 1,323.3 `

      In the above the 1200 units has lasted 66 days
      the 1000 units 9 days
      If I sumproduct the Qty and the days
      I get 238,200
      This doesn't include the 1600 units
      I then divide the 238,200 units
      by total days =180 to get 1,323 units per day

      Hope that helps

    16. Krunal Patel says:

      Hi Hui,

      Thanks for your reply.

      I understand the concept but I dont understand why last date is not included. Instead it should have more weighted as compared to other.


    17. Hui... says:

      I have assumed that the 1200 units on 1 Jan applies from 1 Jan until the next period 8 Mar
      If it is the other way around where data applies retrospectively, then your right except that we would leave out the Jan 1 result, see below
      1-Jan-11 1,200 -
      8-Mar-11 1,000 66
      17-Mar-11 1,500 9
      5-Jun-11 1,200 80
      30-Jun-11 1,600 25
      Total 1,197 180

      As I originally said weighting requires a second variable
      Look at the fat content of Milk
      it is expressed as %
      So if you have 1000 litres at 5% and 4000 litres at 10%
      in total you have 5000 litres at a weighted average of 9% (1000x5 + 4000*10)/5000
      So in your case I have made assumptions about the usage of your product as you haven't supplied much data
      If my assumptions are wrong let me know

    18. RAJU says:

      Run hr Produ prod/hr
      1425.5 431380 302.61
      873 290894 333.21
      604 232249 384.51

      If I take average of individual row, I find a prod/hr figure which is given in last column above. And while taking average of prod/hr, means (302.61+333.21+384.51/3), I find an average value 340.11.

      And if I take sum of run hour (1425.5+873+604) and sum of produ (431380+290894+232249) and divide produ sum by run hour sum then I find a different average that is 328.8

      Why this difference in average value though in totality it looks same?

      May some one help me, pls.



    19. Hui... says:

      You cannot simply average the averages, because as you see each input has a different weighting. Your 604 hrs they worked very hard and in the 1425 hrs they slowed down.
      What you've done by summing the Production and dividing by the sum of the hrs is correct

    20. Brad says:

      Hi. I have a series of prices, and I'm trying to develop a formula which gives me a projected price... So for example:
      Prices (Earliest to Most Recent)

      I want to see what the price is likely to be in the cell ?.??, and I want the most recent price to be more relevant than the earlier prices... so in this example, I imagine the value would be something around $6.30... the difference between the prices being .40, .60, .80, 1.00...

      I really only need the results in one cell, taking into account something like a 5 day moving weighted average (if such a thing exists). I'm essentially trying to see if the price is trending upwards, estimating the price based on more recent sales data and working out if the difference between most recent price ($5.00) and projected price (?.??) is more than 5%.

    21. James Calvo says:

      Hi, i need some help creating a weight average for some account under me. we have 3 product lines (growing to 5 soon). I need to create a formula that shows a weight average to rank the account 1-50.
      so product 1 goal is 50 product 2 goal is 3 and product 3 goal is 3. i would weight these based on importance at 80% product 1, 15% product 2 and 5% product 3. so how would i write this formula since averaging the 3 is not the correct way.
      so here is a small example
      Acct Name prdt 1 actual prdt 1 goal prdt1 % to goal
      acct 1 25 50 50%
      prdt 2 actual prdt 2 goal prdt2 % to goal
      acct 1 1 3 33%
      prdt 3 actual prdt 3 goal prdt3 % to goal
      acct 1 1 3 33%

      so the average % of the products is 38% thats not what i need i need the weighted average by acct on all three products using the weights 80, 15 and 5. Please help.


    22. Hui... says:

      =25*0.80 + 1*0.15 + 1*0.05
      =50*0.80 + 3*0.15 + 3*0.05

    23. Ryan says:

      Hi there, I'm trying to calculate a weighted average in Excel of products that are not in adjacent cells but cannot figure it out. For cells adjacent to each other I use sumproduct but can't find info on how to do it if the cells I need a weighted avg for are not next to each other.

      100,000(cell A1) units at $5 (cell B1)
      150,000 (cell A5) units at $6 (cell B5)


    24. Hui... says:

      You can use



      =SUMPRODUCT((MOD(ROW(A1:A5),4)=1)*(A1:A5)*(B1:B5))/SUM((MOD(ROW(A1:A5),4)=1)*(A1:A5)) Ctrl Shift Enter
      (I've been waiting a while to use those techniques again)

      refer: http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/i-need-idea-on-a-simpler-formula

    25. Help Please says:

      I am trying to find teh weighted average score for a particular student name Dennis, Gina. How can I obtain this using the sumproduct formula if it's on 3 separate rows?

      Agent Name ACD Calls Avg ACD Avg ACW Avg Hold AHT

      Francis, Luis 951 139 29 13 180
      Malave, Luz 910 143 28 86 256
      Dennis, Gina 920 550 290 750 1590
      Dennis, Gina 920 165 33 62 260
      Sawyer, Curvin 1,536 236 4 60 299
      Dennis, Gina 1,267 198 32 77 306

    26. Hui... says:

      @Help Please
      Assuming your data is in A1:G7
      Try this for Column B:
      =SUMPRODUCT((A2:A7="Dennis, Gina")*(B2:B7))/COUNTIFS(A2:A7,"Dennis, Gina")

      Adjust for other columns

    27. ann says:

      need help...i have a table that shows attach rates of each segment by quarter. i need to find the weighted avg of the last 4 qtrs

      for example: segment 1 in qtr 1 is 60%, qtr 2 at 63%, qtr 3 at 48% and qtr 4 at 43%

    28. Hui... says:

      =Sum(range of the last 4 qtrs)/4

    29. Needing help! says:

      Hi. I'm having trouble finding the weighted average for the % of influence (which is related to the rated level). I need to find out what the weighted average % inluence is (the % column) and then to use that % to calculate the $ of the influenced spend overall. HELP

      Spend A Level % Spend B Level % Total$(M)
      $99,660,078.50 0 0% $3,886,439.82 1 15% $300
      $393,235.39 3 100% $465,897.47 2 50% $ 4

    30. jess says:

      In the First Semester Scores worksheet, in cell F17, enter a formula to calculate the weighted average of the first student’s four exams. The formula in cell F17 should use absolute references to the weights found in the range C8:C11, matching each weight with the corresponding exam score. Use Auto Fill to copy the formula in cell F17 into the range F18:F52.

      Student Score Top Ten Overall Scores
      Student ID Exam 1 Exam 2 Exam 3 Final Exam Overall
      390-120-2 100.0 83.0 79.0 72.0
      390-267-4 84.0 91.0 94.0 80.0
      390-299-8 55.0 56.0 47.0 65.0
      390-354-3 95.0 91.0 93.0 94.0
      390-423-5 83.0 82.0 76.0 77.0
      390-433-8 52.0 66.0 61.0 53.0
      390-452-0 85.0 94.0 94.0 91.0
      390-485-7 89.0 78.0 80.0 87.0
      390-648-6 92.0 87.0 89.0 97.0
      390-699-6 74.0 75.0 47.0 64.0
      391-260-8 96.0 82.0 91.0 96.0
      391-273-8 69.0 74.0 81.0 74.0
      391-315-1 87.0 89.0 70.0 82.0
      391-373-1 100.0 94.0 86.0 93.0
      391-383-6 93.0 90.0 95.0 80.0
      391-500-8 78.0 89.0 81.0 88.0
      391-642-7 74.0 81.0 83.0 86.0
      391-865-0 88.0 71.0 84.0 81.0
      391-926-7 94.0 90.0 97.0 97.0
      391-928-5 83.0 71.0 62.0 87.0
      392-248-7 72.0 70.0 88.0 77.0
      392-302-1 83.0 76.0 81.0 80.0
      392-363-7 89.0 72.0 77.0 73.0
      392-475-2 100.0 96.0 90.0 99.0
      392-539-3 95.0 96.0 91.0 85.0
      392-709-8 72.0 49.0 60.0 51.0
      392-798-4 82.0 61.0 70.0 61.0
      392-834-1 82.0 71.0 64.0 70.0
      393-181-6 76.0 69.0 58.0 70.0
      393-254-4 90.0 76.0 91.0 71.0
      393-287-6 84.0 85.0 66.0 74.0
      393-332-3 96.0 88.0 94.0 93.0
      393-411-8 80.0 74.0 75.0 82.0
      393-440-4 86.0 85.0 85.0 82.0
      393-552-0 100.0 96.0 87.0 94.0
      393-792-5 78.0 60.0 87.0 70.0
      py the formula in cell F17 into the range F18:F52.

    31. Amy says:

      You rock! Thanks so much for this weighted average calcuation/formulas. They are dead on.

    32. R.Williams says:

      Hi, I am not sure if this falls under weighted average or how to figure this..
      I have different payment terms for different vendors and am trying to figure out how to figure my average payment terms on a montly basis.
      25 days = 5% of spend
      30 days = 60% of spend
      45 days = 20% of spend
      60 days = 15% of spend.
      Can you advise? Thanks!!

    33. Danielle says:

      I have to compute weighted average for students exam scores. Let's say there are 5 exams.
      But some of the students have only 3 or 4 exam scores... How can I do that?

    34. Hi,

      I was looking for a payroll dashboard.

      Do you have one?

    35. Khalid says:

      useful, but please change the $330k to $303k in the text


    36. Great article! Very helpful example of weighted averages. Now to apply this to my ranking formula...

    37. Manu says:

      Hi, i have a typical problem where i have around 15 transactions which have different AHT's for each of the transaction. I would like to know what will be the weighted average of all these AHT & Transactions, can u pls help me out

      Transaction Type AHT Per Day Tran
      120 Sec Trans 120 3
      180 Sec Trans 180 87
      208 Sec Trans 208 2954
      240 Sec Trans 240 354
      293 Sec Trans 293 4
      300 Sec Trans 300 79
      120 Sec Trans 322 2464
      380 Sec Trans 380 19
      381 Sec Trans 381 229
      120 Sec Trans 396 182
      401 Sec Trans 401 655
      480 Sec Trans 480 49
      540 Sec Trans 540 33
      987 Sec Trans 987 251
      1080 Sec Trans 1080 47

      • Hui... says:


        Assuming your data is in Columns A1:D16
        try the following:

        Weighted Ave. AHT per Day

        Weighted Ave. Tran

        • Manu says:

          Thanks Mr. Huitson, however need one clarity as to what should be the values in cells D2 to D16 ?
          As in my earlier query, i have given the Transaction AHT in Column 'B' and daily average volume in Column 'C'

          Please help

    38. Himanshu says:

      COLOR DIFF :
      CUT DIFF:
      SYM DIFF:


      1 BETTER
      1 BETTER
      1 BETTER
      1 BETTER
      1 BETTER

      1 WEAK
      1 WAEK
      1 WEAK
      1 WEAK
      1 WEAK

      2 BETTER
      2 BETTER

      2 WEAK
      2 WEAK
      hie how can i get overall average formula ols reply me as soon as possible

      • Hui... says:


        Can you please post the file as this is difficult to understand

        • Manu says:

          below is the snapshot as am unable to upload the excel
          AHT is the time consumed for each of the transaction and the next figure is the daily count of transactions

          (120 seconds, 3 transactions per day
          180 seconds, 87 transactions per day    
          208 seconds, 2954 transactions per day)

          AHT Per_Day_Tran
          120 3
          180 87
          208 2954
          240 354
          293 4
          300 79
          322 2464
          380 19
          381 229
          396 182
          401 655
          480 49
          540 33
          987 251
          1080 47  


    39. Mahesh says:

      HI Chandoo,

      I am wondering if I can use any function in excel to help me make a better purchase decision.....

      for example, if I am looking for a product (say, a laptop computer) and I go on a shopping website and I find out following information.
      1. Model number
      2. number of reviews
      3. actual review rating (out of 10)

      Now, there may a case when one person rated product A 10 our of 10 Vs 100 people rated another product B 9 out of 10. Obviously, I am safer with going for Product B, but how can excel be of help? 

      To make it more complex, if there were attributes of user ratings(like ease of use, durable, design etc), how to see this complex picture as top ranking of 1 , 2 and 3?

      Just was wondering.....................

      thanks in advance.............. 

      • Hui... says:


        Typically you will setup a number of criteria and then rank each criteria from say 1 to 10

        Add up the criteria

        and then examine the results

        You may want to give some criteria differing importance and this can be done by giving such criteria a score of between 1 and 20 etc

        You need to be careful about weighting scores on the number of responses


    40. ouz says:

      hello. i would like to know how can i use weighted average for statistical data analysis. i`ve collected data by using a likert scale type. number from 0 to 5

    41. ouz says:







      • Hui... says:


        Can you maybe post a sample file with some field headers

        I assume the 1st 1-5 are the question No's

        But why are there values > 5?


        I thought you would layout the data as:


        1 3 0 2 0 0
        2 1 0 0 0 4
        3 0 9 8 0 4
        4 10 7 5 11 8
        5 7 0 2 9 5

        Also what is the weighting factor in your data ?

    42. Victoria says:

      Thank you so much for this. It was extremely helpful and just what I needed today to calculate the weighted average of some data.

    43. Jeff says:

      I am trying to create a weighted average for a series of tests with some testing readministered on a second date. Not all tests are administered on each testing. The workaround I have been using is to use a second matrix with an if function, but I am curious if there is a more elegant solution. Sample data is below:

      Weight    Test 1      Test 2
      10           90             105
      25                            85
      20          100            100
      avg          95             96.7
      weighted   96.7          94

      Using the SUMPRODUCT/SUM described without the matrix incorrectly yields a weighted average of 52.7 since the second test counts as a zero. Is there an easy way to get Excel to ignore particular cells if they are left blank (i.e. test was not administered rather than score was 0) while using the weighted average function described here? Thanks for your help.

    44. 4th grade teacher says:

      I am working on a spreadsheet that I input scores from a test.  Some questions are 1 point and others are .5 points.  My problem is that when I go to average these cells the percentage is off.  I get 68.2% when the scores needs to be 81.25%.  So the test is out of 8 points total and there is 6 problems that are 1 point and 6 problems worth 0.5 points.  How do I get it to give me a correct average?
      Desperate Teacher 

    45. Fred says:

      OK, so I have to come up with an average. I have 35 surveys with a 92% satisfaction and 9 with a 100% satisfaction. How do I write a formula to show me the average of all 44 surveys?

    46. Frustrated Analyst!! says:

      Hello - I am trying to find the average number of days it takes to complete a task. An example of my data is:
      Column one=
      0 days
      Column 2 =
      So I need the zero to be counted to represent the tasks that were done on the same day they were started... I cannot figure it out!! Please help!

      • Hui... says:

        Frustrated Analyst!!
        Isn't it simply
        =441 things per day
        So it really depends on the speed at what your doing things
        If you have to make 2205 things
        it will take 2 days at 1088 per day
        but several weeks at 9 per day

    47. Head Scratcher says:

      Hi--I think my problem could be solved by a combination of lookup and sumproduct but I cannot figure it out.  I have a group of different omelettes and a few of those omelettes roll up to a more general group (i.e., NY, PA, and NC Omelettes roll into East Coast).  I need to do a weighted average of NY/PA/NC Omelettes for East Coast.  I need the formula to first look into the Level column.  If 1, find the price in the data sheet.  If 2, go to column A and find OMEL in this case, find all the rows that have OMEL (however many rows) in the Code column, and do a sumproduct with the Category Mix % and Avg Price for those rows and put the weighted average in the cell.  Thanks so much!


      Item #
      Category Mix
      Avg Price

      Colorado Omelette

      LA Omelette

      East Coast Omelettes

         NY Omelette

         PA Omelette

         NC Omelette

      Texas Omelette

      Arizona Omelette

      Ohio Omelette

      • Head Scratcher says:

        Hope this table is more understandable:
        Item #   Omelettes           Level   Code   Category Mix  Avg Price
        256        CO Omel              1                    25%             $6.80
        378        LA Omel               1                    15%             $6.20
        OMEL      East Coast Omel    2                    30%             $X.XX
        123           NY Omel             1       OMEL      60%            $4.50
        124           PA Omel             1       OMEL      15%            $6.70
        125           NC Omel             1       OMEL      25%            $3.90
        657       TX Omel                 1                     10%            $8.60
        864       AZ Omel                 1                     5%              $7.30
        395       OH Omel                1                      15%            $5.50

    48. Not Your Average Analyst says:

      Hello - I am trying to figure out how to  create an average line on a graph. When I try to create it, the line always ends at the correct average but begins at zero. How do I make an automated average line that is completely vertical | ?
      Thank you!

    49. Happy Healer says:

      HUI: Hello, I use wtd grades for student grading. I was wonndering if there is a way to determine a students grade at a certain date along the program. For example, say Alex is mid way through the course and at this point, 60% of the total points for the course could be achieved. Using the template I have created, it gives me a skewed result for grades up until the final score is entered at the end of the course. For example, if Alex has recieved 90% on test A, 87% on test B, 94% on test C, but test D and E have yet to be administered. The 5 tests are worth a total of 100% of the overall grade, but since 2 tests have no scores available, the weighted grade percent will not reflect his actual grade at this moment. How do I use excel to calculate that? Thanks!

      • Hui... says:

        @Happy Healer
        As you aren't weighting the individual tests,
        Wouldn't it simply be the average of his scores to date?
        =Average(90, 87, 94)

        ps: Sorry for the delay, I was traveling in April and obviously missed the post

    50. Saw-Fro says:

      Hi all,

      Quick question.

      What if some of the values are negative values, does the formula still work?



      • Hui... says:


        Yes, Negatives don't affect the answer except that they reduce the average

        100 0.1
        200 0.2
        300 0.3
        400 0.2
        500 0.2
        Ave (weighted) 320

        100 0.1
        200 0.2
        -300 0.3
        400 0.2
        500 0.2
        Ave (weighted) 140

    51. Saw-Fro says:

      thanks for your prompt reply - I figured out what was wrong about it. The negative values were not negative initially - I made them using a custom number formula hence why I thought the formula was not working. After making each value negative manually it worked.


    52. Paycheck Easy says:

      It's really a great and helpful piece of info. I am satisfied that you shared this helpful info with us. Please stay us up to date like this. Thanks for sharing.

    53. NM says:

      SEPT '12 SEPT '13
      A 102 85
      B 970 1,004
      C 380 307
      D 33 27
      Grand Total 1,452 1,396

      can you help me calculate the weighted average between these two time period

    54. NM says:

      2013 2012 Delta Weighted Change
      Site A 1003 966 +3.8% 2.6%
      Site B 307 380 -19.2% -5.0%
      Site C 85 102 -16.7% 1.2%
      Total 1,395 1,448 -3.7% -3.7%

      Here is an example: with the weighted change previously calculated. Now I am trying to determine how to calculate the weighted change with these new figures below. My guess is Sept 13 should be the weighted field..

      SEPT ’12 SEPT ’13
      A 102 85
      B 970 1,004
      C 380 307
      D 33 27
      Total 1,452 1,396

      • Hui... says:


        I understand the Delta
        But have no idea how Weighted was calculated

        Typically when doing weighted averages, you have a second or more fields which are the weighting fields

    55. bageshri says:


      I intend to design a excel based rating system . How do i dervie a rating based on a) Target % b) Goal weightage.
      Note- rating 1 ( best) , rating 5 (worst)
      Goal weightage on scale of 1 to 5.

    56. Sameerah Drinkard says:

      Weighted grade
      68.94 what grade is that?

    57. J Scott says:


      Once again you have guided me along the path of correctness. Thanks for the help!

    58. Tarun says:

      Hi Chandoo, in your example you have average salary of a department and you are trying to calculate average salary of an employee. for that you need to know "actual total salary" of each department and then use that in the weighted average formula, you have used avg. salary of the department instead. isn't this wrong ?

    59. JB says:

      Very cool site.

      Need help calculating weighted average yield on assets.

      I have a spreadsheet with over 200,000 rows with assets totaling over $2.5 billion. Each row has about 120 columns with different stats for each loan. One of the columns is "asset amount" ($) and the other is "yield" (%).

      I am using SUMIFS to filter the assets based on certain criteria (about 20 unique items), which generates a total dollar amount of assets out of the $2.5 billion that are in the entire spreadsheet.

      I need to calculate the weighted average yield only on the filtered assets (which total well below the $2.5 billion). How can I create the weights for the resulting assets since the denominator changes every time I change the filters?


    60. Claudia says:

      Thanks for this, i found it very useful.

      I'm having problems finding a weighted average when dealing with time spent in a task, because each entry has its own time...
      I don't know if I'm being clear on this, english is not my mother language, sorry.

      For exemple:
      I have 500 tasks, divided in 5 categories. But the time spent is always diferent (5m, 4m59, 5m05, 4m48, etc.), so I'm not able to group them in quantities for each category.

      Can anyone help me?

    61. Osama Masood Khan says:

      Hello Chandoo,

      I have company attendance data of employees in the following form which extract it from MS SharePoint 2010. I need to know that extract data is in the form of decimal value for e.g. clock in time is like 9.34 so do I consider it 9:31 AM, if not how to convert it in a time value.

      Name Clock In Clock Out Status Time Spent
      XYZ 9.16 20.30 Present 11.14

      I need to calculate team attendance averages but some employees come late or even late which I think disturbs my average.

    62. Kian says:

      I have 60k+ of Sumproduct and it really slow in my recalculation. I read from your website too, 75-excel-speeding-up-tips. That I need to change my formula from Sumproduct to Sumif.

      Do you mind show some light? Having trouble to find in the criteria.

    63. Charmaine says:

      How would you calculate the WEIGHTED MEDIAN of a data set that is presented as values and frequencies. The values are 1 to 5 of a likert scale.

    64. Kevin says:

      How would I use this formula in a whole column, while keeping the same row of numbers for the sum? Here's an example:


      So I'd want to use this formula for different data in each row I have, but keep the weighted data "AC1:AO1" the same for each row. So the next row would have the formula:


      and so on. When I click and drag the formula to apply it to the whole column, I instead get this for the next row:


      Is there a way to keep the AC1:AO1 part of the formula the same.

      Thank you so much for looking into this!

    65. […] Weighted Average in Excel – Formulas to Calculate Weighted … – Learn how to calculate weighted averages in excel using formulas. In this article we will learn what a weighted average is and how to Excel’s SUMPRODUCT formula […]

    66. sb says:

      Looking for a running total in Excel with weights.

      Assigned and Completed [weight*score]: .4*100 + .2*80 + .1*90
      Not Assigned Yet [weight]: .3

      How to get Excel to ignore Not Assigned Yet ?

    67. Aveek Bose says:

      I have a question. I am trying to calculate in a weighted average method where the value for corresponding weights is both in figure and percentage. How do i calculate the same if I do not have the total value from which i can convert the percentage into integers.

    68. Malyne says:

      I have Scores, Weight, Goal in my excel but I was wondering how to get the actual percentage. Can someone help me?

      • Hui... says:


        When you talk Percentage are you refering to percentage of the start weight, target weight or Percentage of the weight to be lost?

        Can you post your question at the Chandoo.org Forums?

        Please attach a sample file to receive a more targeted response

    69. Sherrie says:


      I have multiple tasks that I am measuring. I have the # of tasks that can be completed in 1 hour. I want to weight the tasks so that all are measured fairly.

      Currently employees working the fast/easier tasks can process more per hour than those working slow/easier tasks and are achieving a higher tasks/hour rating.

      How do I determined be the weights?

      How do I apply the weights to the actual tasks each employee completes?

    70. KVM says:

      I am trying to calculate the variance between budget to actual for various departments so I can get a per unit. I was trying to use weighted average. At the end, I need to end up with a variance per unit$. How do I do it? here's the sample data:
      Division Actual $ Actual Units Budget $ Budget Units
      Division Actual $ Actual Units Budget $ Budget Units
      1 $319,652 52,880 $294,416 57,124
      2 $2,207,091 166,255 $2,267,253 173,708
      3 $944,691 16,827 $881,216 17,321
      $73,388 2,115 $87,738 2,512
      $3,544,823 238,078 $3,530,623 250,665

      Total variance per unit FOR ALL DIVISIONS

    71. Tacticlight 360 Review says:

      It's going to be end of mine day, but before finish I am reading this
      enormous article to increase my experience.

    72. Carlos says:

      I use sumproduct to analyze training evaluations. Participants submit their evaluation of training content, process, and trainer(s) via Qualtrics. The downloaded CSV file needs a lot of manipulation to get question averages, overall average for the training, and overall average for the trainer. Sumproducts makes the calculation SO MUCH EASIER!

    73. Al says:

      Thank you for sharing the formula for "Weighted Average with Extra Conditions."
      Please give examples of the following:
      1. Weighted Average with 2 Conditions from the same column
      2. Weighted Average with 2 Conditions from different columns

      Thank you for sharing your expertise.

    74. Wasim Mahmud says:

      This is a great explanation of weighted averages in Excel! The step-by-step breakdown makes it easy to follow, and the formula examples are helpful. I appreciate the practical approach—a time-saver for complex calculations. Thanks for sharing this valuable insight!

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