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Visualizations of the Week [Oct 10]



Every Friday PHD celebrates the art of chart making by showcasing some of the best visualizations around the web. See some of the awesome visualizations featured earlier.

World Map Cartogram – Country Area by Population

World Map Cartogram - Country Area by Population

How would the world look like if each country had area proportionate to its population? The above seen cartogram is the answer. Obviously India and China took up a huge lump of land while counties in Europe are reduced to tiny dots. [via Information Aesthetics]

Interactive Political Debate Time Lines – See what they discussed

Interactive Political Debate Time Lines - See what they discussed

This interactive debate time line provides another way to look at how the recent US presidential election debates has progressed. With one look you can see on what issues candidates debated most. Also see these 35 different visualizations on 2008 US Elections [via Information Aesthetics]

Kickass News Paper Infographics

Kickass News Paper Infographics

News papers are in the story-telling business, and what is a better way to tell a story than a neat infographic? Click on the title to see some of the best news paper infographics.

Wear your view : fun infographic T-shirt

Wear your view : fun infographic T-shirt

Is the glass half-full or half-empty? Well, now you can wear the responses to this philosophical question on your t-shirt. [via Cool Infographics]

Commercial Air Traffic – See where flights are going

Commercial Air Traffic - See where flights are going

If each commercial flight is an yellow dot, then what would you see if you plot 24 hours worth of commercial flight travel data on a world map? This cool infographic movie answers the question. Very impressive stuff.

Air Traffic Worldwide 24HR from kouko a on Vimeo.

Click here to view the video

[via Flowing Data]

How do you like this week’s edition? Do you know any super awesome info-graphics that can be featured here, drop a comment and let me know 🙂


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