
Stacked Bar/Column Chart with Indicator Arrows – Advanced



Last week I wrote a post on how to develop a Stacked Bar/Column Chart with an indicator arrow which you can read here: http://chandoo.org/wp/2016/09/12/stacked-bar-and-indicator-arrow-chart-tutorial/


This week I have taken that technique and added some high-performance steroids.

I have allowed for three (High, Medium and Low) Indicator arrows, which can be in any order

sba04 sba03 sba02


I am not going to go through how to construct it, as it is exactly the same as last weeks post, except that it needs a few helper cells.


It can be applied to both Column Charts as above or Bar Charts as below:


The other thing to remember is that you can use any Shape as the indicators.


Please download the sample file here, pull it apart and see what you think.





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    13 Responses to “Stacked Bar/Column Chart with Indicator Arrows – Advanced”

    1. PRAVIN BHAISWAR says:

      Amazing Sir! sir still i have problem of that arrow...........that does not work that it works in the sheet you made.

    2. GraH says:

      I'm just wondering if you are not the one on steroids lately, Chandoo (comes close to can do, right?). Is this due to New Zealand's air?
      Anyway this is a very nice alternative to thermo-charts.

      You truly are an inspiration! Thank your that.

      • Chandoo says:

        Thank you. But the credit goes to Hui (who may have dug up some strange steroids during a recent mining expedition) as he is the one who wrote this post (and the FF).

        • GraH says:

          Hui rules! But nevertheless, the creativity on this blog and the contribution of the bloggers are inspiring. And really enabling people to be aweSUM in XL, like you say.
          I followed a training on Excel Dashboards in 2015 and your site was highly recommended by our cool trainer.
          I became aware that XL can-do much more. Ingredients are a little imagination, dare to experiment and knowledge on how to combine techniques/functions.
          In short within 2 weeks I will give a 1 hour XL awareness training in my company during open training week. I just sent a teaser with stuff I found here and on other XL-guru's sites to my HR department. Within the next 5 minutes my proposition was approved. The reply was "Excellent idea!"
          And the funny thing is that I found an XL soul-mate only a few seats away. Now we make each other crazy with challenges and/or things we learn about XL. The very first thing we made for a manager was a biker (representing his team) climbing a mounting (of work) towards the finish (the volume to reach at end of day). Depending on current status, different motivational talk appears in the title. The manager could not believe we just made a simple chart.

          • Chandoo says:

            Very happy to hear that. Congratulations and all the best for your upcoming training. I am going to steal biker vs. mountain chart idea for a future blog post shamelessly 🙂 I am a biker and can't help but appreciating a wonderful idea like this.

    3. indzara says:

      I am sure this will inspire many uses in dashboards everywhere. Thanks for sharing.

    4. juanbriones says:

      excellent post, but I would appreciate if you could explain the horizontal same graph but multiple

      • Hui... says:

        Go through the steps in making a Horizontal one first
        You need to understand this process first

        Then look at the helper cells in the advanced chart, put the value 4 in all the Arrow Value cells which are currently 0
        You will see there are 12 series in Total, some of which are 0 and hence don't display arrows
        Otherwise it is exactly the same as the simple version

        • Imtiyaz Khan says:

          Hello members.how some spacified excel data not fixed whether all along or some break/s into separate each or multi excel personal ledger account files also exist there as an auto out reflection from main master excel sheet without efforts of copy paste posting from main.Kindly go on step by step into excel all Era training.The pattern is good.Thanks. Imtiyaz Khan

    5. Blaz says:

      Thanks Hui,

      I got similar question 2 years ago and you already helped me then!
      Glad to see this tutorial.


    6. Vandan Dave says:

      Please explain this formula

      ="We are "&IF(INT(K21)=INT(K18),"on",TEXT(ABS(K21-K18),"0")&" days "&IF(K21>K18,"behind ","ahead of"))&" plan."

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