Excel Salary Survey Dashboard Contest Winners
Finally the wait is over. Eager to know who won our Excel Salary Survey Dashboard contest? Read on.
3rd Prize winner – Nicholas Mone
Nicholas’ made a dynamic dashboard with simple colors and easy to understand messages.
Nicholas will get a Kindle Touch ($99 option) very soon.
2nd Prize winner – Joey Cherdarchuk
Joey’s dashboard has brilliant colors, nice layout and clear explanations. It was a pleasure to play with it and understand various things about Excel salaries worldwide.
Joey will get a Amazon Kindle Fire worth $199.
1st Prize winner – Richard Stebles
Richard’s work is well laid out, has lots of analysis. He presented the results in an interesting way that attracted lots of votes too.
And he gets XBOX 360 (4GB) + Kinect Sports bundle worth $299.
Highly commendable entries
Apart from these 3, there were certain entries that are truly knock out. Congratulations to John Michaloudis, Peter Damian, Ben Jones, Ekaterina Batranets, Luis Hernandez, Ganesh Madhyastha, Aditya Nanduri, Joerg Decker & Daniel Rosenberg.
Thank you for participating
Thank you so much for taking part in this contest. In my book, you all are winners. The fact that you can take huge pile of data and turn it in to something beautiful & analytical shows that you are awesome. Go ahead and celebrate.
Special thanks to our Judge Hui and all the voters.
Congratulate the winners
If you enjoyed this contest, say congratulations to the winners & other participants. 🙂
PS: Explore Excel Salary Survey Dashboard contest & 66 entries.

Hello Awesome...
My name is Chandoo. Thanks for dropping by. My mission is to make you awesome in Excel & your work. I live in Wellington, New Zealand. When I am not F9ing my formulas, I cycle, cook or play lego with my kids. Know more about me.
I hope you enjoyed this article. Visit Excel for Beginner or Advanced Excel pages to learn more or join my online video class to master Excel.
Thank you and see you around.
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28 Responses to “Excel Salary Survey Dashboard Contest Winners”
I am first
congratulations javhlantugs.. amazing dashboard..
thankh you all
can you please share your mail ID with me, I am Jitendra from New Delhi
Many Congrats. Amazing Work.
Congratulations to all who participated
Judging wasn't quite as simple as which was the best, as a lot of the entries presented different aspects of the data in different ways.
The entries presented in the competition should form a great library of techniques for those wishing to further explore dashboard techniques
Well done all
Congrats to everyone that participated, especially Joey and Richard. Outstanding stuff by everyone. Always good to see a variety of ways of doing things, makes for a really great learning environment!
Congratulations to the winners and all the entries, a really fantastic competition.
Thank you to the judges as well for their input.
Is it possible to publish the judge´s top 3 entries?
Congratulations! Your entries were really impressive. I'm in total awe of all of you.
Congratulations to all the winners, and contestants. Just having a go and putting yourself out there is amazing.
So, Chandoo, now do we get a dashboard of which countries voted most and for which entry? 😉
Congrats to all.
Congrats to all, i realy wanted that xbox but looking at the winners they put some outstanding dashboards so i guess i´ll just have to buy mine. 😉
congratulations to all the participants... some very nice dashboards out there.. 🙂 \m/
Congratulate to all participants
Well done to everyone for some really good ideas. Most of them had me going "Ah why didn't I think of that !"
I discovered this site about a year ago and have been popping in regularly ever since. It's not just the excel info that makes it great but the general attitude and outlook of Chandoo, Hui and co which sets it apart. There were quite a few referrals to this competition from around the web, so hopefully it brought many new visitors.
I'm already looking forward to the next competition.
Congratulations to Winner. Special congratulations to all participants. Warm congratulations to all voters.
This is one of the great contest i ever found in the web, recent days.
Congrats to all winner...
variety of dashboard and idea.....
Thanks chandoo & hui...........
Hi Chandoo,
This was a really good competition and also a new learning experience, I really enjoyed while building this dashboard (63rd entry).
Keep conducting this kind of Competitions (without any prizes also J) and also make it bit complicated so that we can give more work to brain (In this case you could have given raw data without any formatting)
Once again Thanks Chandoo and Hui making this a big event J
Awesomeness at its best!
Thanks to all the participants, Chandoo and Hui for such a feast of excel!
Great work and congratulations to the winners, well done!
Keep on doing excel(lent) boards.
Hey to all
Congratulation to all winners ! brilliantly
You make no mistakes
You learn
Regards Stef@n
Congratulations to all those genius guys who participated.
Its been a great learning source even for new comers of Excel.
Ahsan Saleem
How does one integrate these dashboards into a SharePoint site? Is it possible?
Bring some more contest Chandoo.. It has been a long time. I am eagerly waiting to try my hands on something new.
[...] and will be including screen shots of the three winning tools from Chandoo’s Excel Salary Contest. You can download my submission here. Mr. Lebelle’s book is in French so I can’t speak to [...]
[…] Dashboard Winners for the Salary Survey contest […]