We are going to big apple on this weekend, its going to be a really long drive, almost 1000 miles both ways put together, I will see if I can post something while resting, but don’t hope to see anything here for the next 3 days. You have an excellent weekend, drive carefully – more so if you are going anywhere east, stop your car and run towards the closest rest area if you see a compact car (goddamn you rental car company for not telling what car I will be driving) that looks like its chased by grawp. If you are not the kind who uses their right leg and left hand during the weekends, then I am happy for you, do something fun (oh, I am sure you will, afterall you are reading Pointy Haired Dilbert 😉 ), be merry, just watch out if your house is anywhere east. Tada!
How to calculate WEEKNUMBER in Month / Quarter / Year with Excel?
Let’s say you have daily data and your boss wants to see the trends by week in month or week in quarter? How do you calculate the week number in a month or quarter? In this article, let me explain the logic and formulas we can use Excel for this.