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Project Portfolio Dashboard – Official Trailer


Project Portfolio Dashboard Pack is now available.
Click here to get your copy.

Behold, here is the official trailer for our Project Portfolio Dashboard, releasing worldwide on 19th November (Monday), 2012.

[Watch it on our Youtube Channel]

What is Project Portfolio Dashboard?

Few days ago, we learned how to design a project portfolio dashboard. The next part talks about how to create this dashboard using Excel.

Click here to download Project Portfolio Dashboard Template.


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29 Responses to “Project Portfolio Dashboard – Official Trailer”

  1. Subbaraman says:

    First looks, very impressive.  Can't wait to see more details.

  2. Andrew says:

    holy shit that looks good. Very web-based/professional looking. Can't wait for the post.

  3. David says:

    Looks fantastic.  I can't wait to learn more..........

  4. Chandra says:

    Looks very promising. Can't wait.

  5. Sawan says:

    This looks awesome!

  6. Gorgeous George says:

    Very impressive,
    I personally will be looking to modify it using a non gantt chart type of format, as our project management needs more verbiage, but IM sure that will loook great in this format!  A real winner here!


  7. Ganesh says:

    Looks amazing.. Will wait for some more... Thanks for sharing.

  8. Peter says:


  9. Busymanjohn says:

    Now this is why people become a member of Chandoo.org and sign up for Excel School etc. Looking forward to seeing this in full. Well done again Chandoo 🙂

  10. Mike says:

    Really looking forward to trying this out.  Nice work so far.

  11. Bryan W. says:

    You continue to move the needle.  Easily the most anticipated release to date.  Thanks for your contributions to the excel community.

  12. German says:

    Very impressive. Hope to get it soon and that this file could contein lot of proyects with many activities and milestones. Please let me know as soon as you get it ready Chandoo. Greetings!

  13. Alex Habib says:

    Looks amazing Chandoo.

  14. Rob-SA says:

    Looks interesting - looking forward to see more

  15. Patrick Philipse says:

    looks very promising. Finally a projecttool i can use

  16. Fernando says:

    Where did you find the soundtrack Chandoo? Im addicted!

  17. Fernando says:

    btw... stunning!

  18. Crimsonfisted says:

    Looking forward to the release!!

  19. Noah Helenihi says:

    I can't wait until we finally upgrade to Office 2010! (That's right-- still on XP . . .)

  20. Jo says:

    Awesome guys. Can't wait to see it coming Monday! Bet your week-end is gonna be amazing 😉 Looking forward to the release !

  21. Johnny says:

    This is amazing! I can't wait

  22. Fulvio says:

    lol chandoo... thats simply amazing. indeed it is really promissing

  23. anoo says:

    excel-lent, I am awestruck

  24. Kimi says:

    Looks more than Great! I can't wait to see more...

  25. excel_dumbo says:

    @Chandoo ..Got to admit..after I stumbled into this website, I am absolutely hooked on. The dashboard looks nice..but just a quick question..is the WBS imported from MS Project? I'm assuming that the project dashboards have the capability to import tasks n task info directly from MS project.

  26. Red Shirt Ensign says:

    Its Monday lets get that post up!!  🙂

  27. Monique says:

    Can't wait!

  28. Chandoo says:

    Hi all... Thanks for lovely comments and excitement. Finally its here.

    Visit http://chandoo.org/pmt/pmt-index-1.html to purchase your copy.

    To know more, visit http://chandoo.org/wp/2012/11/19/project-portfolio-dashboard-excel-template/

  29. Chandra says:

    I just evaluated the dashboard. It really looks amazing. It may need to be customized to cater to different environments, but the overall structure seems good enough for portfolio reporting purposes. Good work, Chandoo!

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