moc(k) shocks and research rags
MOC Shocks
Whoever said managers do nothing but presentations can move ahead and prove that i am going to become a worst manager. well, atlease my grades in managerial oral communication says so. i got a measly 2.2 out of 4.33 and recieved a ‘C’ grade. Baaah !!! MOC was one of few soft courses we have in first year. If one can’t get good grades in these soft courses then one is doomed to get a lousy CGPA at the end of first year. Since i dont have a 20 month workex under my ass, if i dont get cgpa above 3 i might be in a trouble later at the time of placements.
well, right now the botherance is not about the final placements though. Afterall, I for one am here to experiment and not to mug. but, when you put in sincere efforts to improve your oral or overall communication skills and at the end you recieve a ‘C’ for your ppt, somehow i wasnt recepetive to the whole idea. May be my OC really sucks (pun not intended !), may be not.
on a more lighter note, going by “Dilbert’s principle” i should be reaching higher levels of organization ladder than any of my OC GOD friends here. hehe :))
Research Rags
For a discerning reader with a vocabulary of straw mat, the above title may not be confusing. Otherwise, you might as well take the Rags as noun while what i mean here is a verb as in ‘Ragging’
Ok, enough of introduction. Let me get to the point. We had this course called ‘Research Methods’ in this term. The aim of the course is to prepare us to make Research proposals, researches (marketing or otherwise). Now the curriculam for this course is something out of world for most of us. May be that is because Researchers think differently from managers.
The 3rd session of RM was about naming the research. For once i felt that this session is of no use. The prof. started by naming a project with 5 words. then he modified it to 10 words. then he added a couple more. finally we have a research title as long as a small paragraph. The justification he gave for this crap is that ‘upon reading the title you should be in a position to say what it is all about’ :-o. I always thought there are somethings called as abstract and keywords.
So the next time when you a title like this, comparision of level of oral communication skills in premature managers located in central India before and after Managerial Oral Communication Training using leptokuritc curves and rBeta dont shy away from the report. Who knows, the report might as well explain why your pant has zip instead of buttons…
Y! Status says: adRmon samples are seldom predictable.

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