
The funnest way to learn excel formulas



Excel Formulas E-book
I wrote an excel formulas e-book that makes learning 75 most frequently used excel formulas as simple as eating pie. If you are wondering the book is worth your investment, read these wonderful reviews the book has received from fellow excel bloggers in the community.

Jimmy on Code for Outlook and Excel:

I really like the way the e-book sticks to only the most common formulas, since those are the ones I use most often and therefore am more likely to need help with. It’s also great if you don’t know many formulas, to use as a tutorial to help you understand each function. …
Overall a very good value and should prove useful when you are stuck trying to get a simple formula to work (which is more often than you might think).

Read the rest of his review here.

Tony on Support Analytics:

This workbook contains 75 of the most frequently used formulas that are explained in plain wording. If you are new to Excel, want to brush up on some rusty formulas or want to learn some new ways to look at data, buy this ebook today. For just $10, you can be using formulas that will save you hours worth of manual work in Excel.

Read the rest of his review here.

Go ahead and read the reviews and follow the purchase links from there if like what you hear.


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4 Responses to “The funnest way to learn excel formulas”

  1. steve says:

    Where do I buy this E book? I have some underlings who need to do some learnin'.

    I'm surrounded by a bunch of mid-40's people. When asked whether they "knew excel" during interviews, most of them responded with "oh yes, I have been using it for many years". By "using it", they mean they can enter data, and if you give them 3 hours after lunch, they may just be able to hack out a perfect sum function (assuming it's not a sumif).

    These are the same kind of people who add sounds to powerpoint presentations. Please help, PHD.

  2. jt kaufmann says:

    How can I buy the book "The Funnest Way to Learn
    Excel Formulas"? It is $10? How can I buy it?

  3. Tim Hook says:

    If Excel is a superhero then where is it's cape?

  4. Chandoo says:

    @Steve and JK, you can buy the e-book here: http://chandoo.org/wp/excel-formula-helper-e-book/

    The e-book advertisement is on the sidebar too...

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