
FREE 2022 Calendar & Monthly Planner Printable Template



Do you want a stylish, interactive and useful monthly calendar & planner template? Then please use below link to download it. A new year gift to you from Chandoo.org ?

Features of the Calendar:

  • Works for any month of the year 2022
  • Big cells with enough space to jot down notes when printed
  • Works in any version of Excel

Features of the Planner:

  • A customizable data entry worksheet for activities + events by date
  • A set of icons to tag activities
  • Works for any month
  • Needs Excel 365

Want to know how this is created?

I made a video explaining the calendar + planner logic, formulas and construction. Please watch it here.

Need more templates?


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6 Responses to “FREE 2022 Calendar & Monthly Planner Printable Template”

  1. Neville Divecha says:

    Chandoo ... great idea for a calendar/planner combo.
    If I may suggest, a calendar week numbering system adjacent to the week would help.

    Numerous occassions in our organizatioon people mention completion by calendar week CW6 for example.

    Thought I would share this with you.

    Have a blessed 2022.

  2. Eric Velthoven says:

    Dear Chandoo,

    First of all, also for you and your family the best wishes for 2022.
    I have a question concerning the free 2022 Calendar & Monthly Planner Printable Template. I would like to start the week with Sunday instead of Monday. Can you please make an adjustment and send it to me, because I have not enough Excel knowledge to do this.

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Best regards,
    The Netherlands

  3. Tetonne says:

    Hi Chandoo,
    thanks for your website and all the tips...
    there are great
    it could be great to have this Calendar & Monthly Planner Printable Template with .ics export

    i share with you :
    https://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?674670-utf-8-string-converter and this : https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5545

    Have a blessed 2022
    all the best

  4. B P RAO says:

    How to use Excel fillable Template with WhatsApp?

  5. Naz says:

    Is there a way to add recurring dates to this template? i.e. I have a meeting
    every week on Monday?

  6. Patsy says:

    Thank you & a tardy Happy New Year!

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