
Form Controls – Adding Interactivity to Your Worksheets



Form Controls

What Are Form Controls?

Form Controls are objects which you can place onto an Excel Worksheet which give you the functionality to interact with your models data.

You can use these controls on worksheets to help select data. For example, drop-down boxes, list boxes, spinners, and scroll bars are useful for selecting items from a list. Option Buttons and Check Boxes allow selection of various options. Buttons allow execution of VBA code.

By adding a control to a worksheet and linking it to a cell, you can return a numeric value for the current position of the control. You can use that numeric value in conjunction with the Offset, Index or other worksheet functions to return values from lists.

Use below links to quickly learn about Form Controls:

Where Are Form Controls?

Form Controls are located on the Developer Tab under Insert Form Control.

PS: If you do not have developer tab, learn how to enable it.

You will notice 2 types of Form Controls, being Form Controls and Active X controls.

This post will only be dealing with Form Controls. The Active X controls, similarities and differences will be discussed towards the end of the post.

How Do I Insert a Form Control

To Insert a Form Control goto the Form Control Menu and click on the Form Control you want to insert.

Now click on the worksheet in the location you want your form control.

Don’t worry about the location or size you can change those later.


What Are The Different Form Controls?

There are several types of Form Controls offering a range of interactivity from a simple display through to interactive controls which allow multiple selection or interactive selection of values.

Control Name Description Function
Button Push Button Executes a macro
Check Box Allow selection of non-exclusive options Multiple On/Off options
Combo Box Drop Down selection Box Select items from a Drop down list
Group Box Layout element which groups common elements Nil
Label A Text label Can be static or linked to a cell
List Box Fixed selection box Select items from a list
Option Button Allow selection of exclusive options Exclusive Single On/Off option
Scroll bar Allow Horizontal or Vertical scrolling Increases or decreases a cells value by a fixed amount
Spin Button Increment/decrement a value by a fixed amount Increases or decreases a cells in steps by a fixed amount

These are discussed individually below

Form Control Types


Button (Form Control)


The Button Form Control is as its name suggests simply a Button.

Pressing the Button allows execution of a macro.

The Button has no other controls.

Button Text

You can right click on the button and change the buttons Text (Edit Text) and enter the text you want displayed on the button.

The Button’s text can be linked to a cell, select the Button, In the formula Bar enter a link to a cell. eg: =$C$3 and accept. The Button’s text will now change as the contents of the cell C3 change.

You can change the Text Style including Font, Color and Text Direction using the Format Control  (Ctrl 1) option.

Assign Macro

Right click on the Button and select Assign Macro

The Assign Macro dialog will pop up.

Select the macro you want to assign to the button.

Label (Form Control)

The Label Form Control is also as its name suggests simply a Label.

The Label will display text either fixed or from a linked cell

You can right click on the button and change the buttons text (Edit Text).

The Button’s text can be linked to a cell, select the Button, In the formula Bar enter a link to a cell

eg: =$C$3 and accept. The Button’s text will now change as the contents of the cell C3 change.

Unlike the Button you cannot change the Text Style, Font, Color or Text Direction.

Typically a label is put in front of another Control to explain or add a title to the control.

Labels would rarely be used on a Worksheet as a label as they have limited text format properties.

Users would be better served using either cell text or a Text Box where full text formatting is allowed.

Labels come into use when setting up custom Dialog Forms which are used by VBA applications for custom data entry or other uses.


Check Box (Form Control)

The Check Box form Control allows selection of a number of non-exclusive options.

That is any number of Check Box controls may be implemented and they independently be on or off and have no relationship to each other.

The Check Box Form Control returns the value indicating its status, either True (selected) or False (not selected),  to a linked cell.

To link a Format Control to a cell, Right Click the Format Control and select Format Control…

Option Button (Form Control)

The Option Button form Control allows the selection of an exclusive option from a number of alternatives.

That is only one Option Button Form Control may be selected at a time, the remainder are automatically turned off.

The Option Button Form Control returns the value of the Option Button indicating its status to a linked cell.

In the Example above the Option Buttons are linked to cell E2.

You only need link one Option Button to cell E2, Excel automatically links the remaining option buttons to teh same cell.

Selecting a Different Option Button automatically deselelects the other Option Buttons and changes the linked cells value

List Box (Form Control)

The List box allows the selection of one or more items from a list.

The list is sourced from a Range of cells in the above case it was F2:F17.

The List Form Control returns an Index Number or position of the selected item to the Cell Link, 5 in the example above.

The Input Range and Cell Link are setup by Right Clicking the control and select Format Control…

The Number of items visible in the list box is determined by the size of the list box

If there are more items than will fit in the list box then a scroll bar is automatically added to the list box to enable there selection.

Combo Box (Form Control)

The Combo Box allows the selection of one or more items from a drop down list.

The Combo Box use is similar to the list box except that it has a drop down selection list instead of a fixed length selection list.

The list is sourced from a Range of cells in the example below it was F2:F17.

The List Form Control returns an Index Number or position of the selected item to the Cell Link B10, 9 in the example below.

The Input Range, Cell Link and size of the Drtop Down Box are setup by Right Clicking the control and select Format Control…

Spin Button (Form Control)

The Spin Button is a simple toggle button that allows the increase or decrease of a linked cells value by a certain pre-defined amount.

The Cell Link and Lower, Upper Limits and Step Size parameters are setup by Right Clicking the control and select Format Control…

The Lower, Upper Limits and Step Size must be Integers. If you want to increase a cell by fractional amounts you will need to for example set the range from 0 to 1000 in steps of 1 and then devide the linked cell by 10 which will give a Range of 0 to 100 in steps of 0.1

Scroll Bar (Form Control)

The Scroll Bar Form Control often referred to as a Slider is a simple linear slider that allows the increase or decrease of a linked cells value by sliding a bar either left/right or up/down.

Scroll Bars can be placed either Horizontally or Vertically by dragging the corner.

Scroll bars are incremented by the Step Size by clicking the ends of the bars or dragging the slider or by a Page Jump Size by using Page up[/down or clicking either side of the slider bar.

The Cell Link, Lower, Upper Limits, Incremental Change and Page Change parameters are setup by Right Clicking the control and select Format Control…

The Lower, Upper Limits, Incremental Change and Page Change must be Integers. If you want to increase a cell by fractional amounts you will need to for example set the range from 0 to 1000 in steps of 1 and then devide the linked cell by 10 which will give a Range of 0 to 100 in steps of 0.1

Group Box (Form Control)

The Group Box Form Control isn’t really a Form Control at all, as it allows no interactivity.

What it is used for is grouping similar controls so that functional groups of controls can be maintained and the users flow is directed around a form.

Using the Form Controls

General Use

The use of the information from a form control is limited by your imagination.

Typical uses are

  • Selecting items for a chart
  • Selecting data sets
  • Moving data sets
  • Adjusting values in a model

As described in each of the above Form Controls is that the Form Controls do not return a value directly from a list, they all return either a number or an index number relative to the position of the item in a list.

Examples of all the Form Controls and examples of their use can be found in the attached file:

Excel 2003 Examples or Excel 2007+ Examples


Have a browse through the dashboards presented during Dashboard Week


For some Extreme Examples of Spreadsheet Interactivity using Form Controls and a little bit of VBA code:


Running Macros

Apart from the Button Form Control whose only purpose is to Run Macro’s, all Form Controls can be linked to a Macro.

This is done by Right Clicking on the Form Control and selecting Assign Macro.

It is worth noting that the macro is only executed after the control is released.

EG: If you have a macro linked to a Spin Button, If the Spin Button is held down and hence repeatedly increments its value, the macro will only be executed after the control is released.


Moving and Resizing Form Controls

You can move and resize form controls as with all other worksheet Objects.

Select the form control by right clicking on it

Use the handles to resize or drag the edges to move the controls

Hint: You can use Alt while dragging or resizing to snap the control to cell boundaries.

3D, Printing & Locking Form Controls

You can lock Form Controls as well as enable them to be printed or not

Right Clicking the control and select Format Control…

Use the Size, Protection and Properties Tabs as required.

The 3D option enables a 3D version of the Control instead of a flat control, which can add a bit of sparkle in some instances.

Limitations of Form Controls

Form controls offer a limited set of functions but do those functions very well.

Limitations are Form Controls:

  • Form Controls can only increase or decrease by integer numbers
  • Form Controls only return the index of an item in a list
  • Form Controls have limited format properties (Font, Color etc)

What are the Active X Controls

Active X controls are like Form Controls on Steroids in that they have a much wider range of properties than Form Controls.

They also have much better ties to VBA in terms of programmability and have a number of events that can be accessed programmatically.

The main limitation of Active X controls are that they use a Microsft Active X component. This means that if you are sharing your workbook with an Apple Mac user using Excel for Mac  these functions wont be available as Active X isn’t avilable on that Platform.

Workbooks with Form Controls will happily work on a an Apple Mac.

Other Controls Available in Excel

A number of other Excel objects can be used to add interactivity to your worksheets.


These include:

  • Shapes
  • Charts
  • Text Boxes
  • Word Art

All these can have macro’s linked to them which effectively act the same as a Button Form Control without the moving button effect.

A stunning example of using Text Boxes was recently posted at: The Grammy Bump Chart

Where the Artists Stats Box (Top Left of Chart) is using several Text Boxes linked to cells to show the Selected Artsists Statistics.


Inserting Hyperlinks at stratgic locations throughout worksheets provides a great way to simplify navigation around pages and between pages

Other Links


Where have you used Form Controls ?

Where have you used Form Controls?

Let us know in the comments below:


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    104 Responses to “Form Controls – Adding Interactivity to Your Worksheets”

    1. kyrel says:

      how to change the font and font size in list box or combo box?

    2. Hui... says:

      You cannot change the font size/type in a List or Combo Box Form Control
      The Active X versions do give you that functionaility.

    3. kyrel says:

      tq so much...

    4. Luke M says:

      Just curious, has anyone been able to get a valid cell link from a list box when multiple selections are made? With both the combo and list boxes, I can get them to work okay when selecting 1 entry, but as soon as I try to get multiple selections, the list box seems to simply stop working.
      FYI, I'm using XL 2003.

    5. dan l says:

      Great post.

    6. Hui... says:

      You can only access the Multi Select options through VBA programming and is beyond the scope of the post.

    7. Luke M says:

      Thanks for the response. I was thinking that was the case, but figured it didn't hurt to hope this was somehow available. Great post on explaining all the different forms.

    8. Robert says:


      I discussed different techniques of implementing a multi-select input feature in Excel. A combobox / listbox and some other. As Hui already pointed out, there is some VBA needed. However it is not too complicated and the post provides all example workbooks for free download:


    9. Fred says:

      Great Post. I use form control whenever I can. The only thing I don't quite understand when to use form control or active x control. Most often I'd do a trial and error and see which fits my needs. If one doesn't then most often than not it's the other control that I'll need.

      I like form control very much as it makes things cleaner to look at, and limit how others interract with my spreadsheet.

    10. Fred says:

      question on list box: what if I pick "Multi" under control on List box format control? I have never use that one. How would chosen 1st, 4th and 7th and 9th on the list would make an impact on follow up formula/equation??

    11. bill says:

      @Fred -VBA code need to be used to untangle choices with a box that allows multi selection. i have not found any example code.

    12. Roji says:

      Why not have just one (Form Controls or ActiveX Controls) and make it work on all platforms? Wouldn't it be a lot simpler?

      Also, it would have been good if we're able to format Form controls.

      Something for Microsoft to think about.

    13. Hui... says:

      Form Controls have been around for a long time in Excel.
      Active X is the relatively new boy in town.

      Microsoft has always tried to maintain backward compatibility with file formats and I would suggest that is why it is maintained.

    14. Ken M says:

      A general observation - if you put too many of these controls on any one sheet ie Checkboxes then that sheet takes for ever to take focus so I am reluctant to overdo it

    15. MarkyB says:

      Chandoo - Just downloaded your excellent "Excel 2007+ Examples" file. Most useful !

      What I can't quite figure out is on the Check Box tab how the TRUE/FALSE indicators show or hide the data line / chart element ? A brief explanation would be gratefully received.

      Many Thanks

    16. Pedro Wave says:

      I just design an example of how to add interactivity to worksheets.

      I've been playing with the pictures of shapes to create a solitaire where cards are generated in VBA from scratch. You can view and download from my blog.

    17. Chandoo says:

      @MarkyB: Thank you so much for your purchase. See http://chandoo.org/wp/2010/08/31/dynamic-chart-with-check-boxes/ for an example on what you are asking.

    18. Hui... says:

      The Check Boxes and other Form Controls don't show or hide the data line.
      That is they don't control the chart.
      They can be used to control the data that feeds the chart
      I don't plot the data directly but via an intermediate range where I can use formulas to control the data
      There are 2 techniques I use to do this
      When a Check box is ticked a linked cell will be true
      a) So use a formula for your data to make it say 200 when the Y Axis is set to a Maximum of 100
      eg: =if(b1=TRUE,a10,200)
      b) set the cells value to na()
      eg: =if(b1=TRUE,a10,na())
      Either way the point wont be plotted on your chart.
      An Example of This is on the Check Box page of the example file above

    19. Gregory says:

      I didn't realize ActiveX controls didn't work in Excel for Mac so I tested it out and you're absolutely correct. In fact, any VBA code that references an ActiveX control will fail when run by the compiler.

    20. RichG says:

      With form controls you can really look like a spreadsheet master. It also make it really easy for other users to enter data and ensure the integrity of the formats. Great information, thanks!

    21. pibfer says:

      Hi there,
      I have a question, It's very simple for you, I guess!!!
      How can I get a vertical scroll bar (I get it yet) and an horizontal scroll bar (the challenge) in the same table?
      The main idea is to show a 10x10 table, wich contains more than 100 rows and 100 columns?
      I appreciate your advise a lot!!!
      Kind regards,


    22. Hui... says:

      You can use scroll bars linked to a cell and then use an Offset in your table to do what you want
      Refer an example at: https://rapidshare.com/files/4271493887/Table_Scroll.xlsx

    23. bkourtni says:

      Is there a way to wrap text in a form control list box? I do not want to increase the horizontal size of my box to fit my list choices. Thanks!

    24. Pooja says:

      How do we get the vale of a dropdown box in excel ?

    25. Hui... says:

      Right click on the Drop Down box and Look at the Cell Link cell Reference
      That cell has a number which can be used to lookup using Vlookup or Index the value from the source range
      Lets say your source Range was AA1:AA10 and cell link was AB1
      You can put =INDEX(AA1:AA10,AB1,1)
      anywhere to return the value displayed in the DropDown

    26. JR says:

      Verging on off-topic, but an important consideration! The Selected property of the listbox on the Mac appears to be broken, so it seems useless cross platform. If you looking to iterate through to work out which items are selected using (for example):

      For i = 1 To .ListCount - 1
      If .Selected(i) Then
      Action here
      End If
      Next i

      The method works on Excel 2010 but seems not be supported in Excel 2011.

      Anyone got a work around?

    27. Eric says:

      I'd like to use the radio-select buttons on one sheet, for multiple things. Example... Question 1... Select Yes or No. "Yes" performs a function, "No" performs another. Works great on the first question. However, when I get to question 2.... My Yes / No button's cell reference defaults to the cell references in question 1. If I change it, question 1 defaults to question 2. Can you only use these form controls once-per sheet? ugh!

    28. Hui... says:

      Insert 2 radio buttons
      Set their properties, cell links, text
      Then add a group box
      Group the 3 items

    29. Tim M says:

      Is there a way to completely lock an option button or check box so when it is selected and you have protected the workbook/sheet, no one else can change it. Currently anyone can click on a checkbox and remove the check.

    30. Carrie says:

      Is there a way to lock the checkbox so it can not be unchecked by the user? I would like the checkbox to "default" to checked and not let the user change it.

      • Kevin says:

        My suggestion would be to right click the check box, click form control, then under control and then value, click checked then ok. Then protect the worksheet.

    31. Phil says:

      Anyone know if there's a way around the fact that the Extend option for Forms listboxes no longer works?
      In 2003, if you checked Extend in a listbox, you could select multiple entries by keeping the CTRL button pressed while clicking each entry. In 2010, when you press the CTRL button and click on an entry in the listbox, the whole listbox gets selected.
      I'd prefer not to use the Mutli option.

    32. infinitedrifter says:

      Is there a way to make the vertical scroll bar on an active x drop down list wider? The one I'm working with is super tiny & I haven't found in the properties how to change it.

    33. Hui... says:

      Not that I am aware of

    34. clif says:

      hi there! tanks for the post. 🙂 im starting familiarizing those control.. i want to have an idea of making an option form as reference to any formula..and how it works when it is included in the equation.. Tnx..

    35. MES says:

      is this possible to assign a value to each button and it will appear to the linked cell?

    36. Kaloyan says:

      Hi! Thanks for the tips! All I need are scroll bars to increase/decrease cell values, for which I use excel mixer pro (convexdna.com, I think). It makes amazing charts, on top of providing sliders. Has anyone tried it on excel 2011 for Mac? Do you know of any other similar tool?

    37. AB says:


      I am trying to add insert tick box. I have thousands of documents that i am recieving and would like to tick the box when i have recieved this information so i need to have alot of tick boxes over a wide cell range, how can i insert tick boxes over a wide range without individually adding them? I also would like to lock this box once i have selected it so that i cant mistakenly click it, is this possible?


    38. silva says:


      i wonder if there is a way to ajuste a range size controling a spinbutton.

      when spinbottun says 1, the range became (a10:a10)
      when spinbottun says 2, the range became (a10:a12)
      when spinbottun says 3, the range became (a10:a13)
      and so on

      and i wonder if ther is a way to establice a range size with a formula inspired in this thing: =(a1:a"(=COUNTA(b1:b10000)")


      • Hui... says:

        Q1- Maybe
        Do you mean like
        Q2 - Yes, Use Indirect
        or as a range

    39. Mozzy says:

      is there a way that you can show like an order form with check boxes on a facebook page then once submitted it will be compiled in another workbook or page where it cannot be accesed by visitors or viewers anymore? I am trying to prevent pranksters from vandalizing clients orders on an order form I am trying to create using excel. thanks.

    40. Ashwin says:

      I have spread sheet with Name of player in Row and his career highlights in column. I wanted to fetch particular details of player in one click so I created the combo box from form control. Combo box will give list of player and respective position in input range. Using if statement the data will be fetched to show particular details of player. I got what I wanted using simple "if" statement.

      In my actual spread sheet the column and rows are more than 15. Is there any better alternate formula or neat formula for this?

    41. raymond says:

      how to use button (form control) to function like spin button, to increase value to an existing cell?

      eg. value 10 in cell A1, and with a click of the button, it increases to 11


    42. Chad says:

      I saw a question here earlier and wondering if anyone knows the answer. Tim asked above in September. I think I have same question. I'm working on a form where we complete some data and customer completes the rest - we use the protect sheet featuer. I have used the locked cell option to lock down cells from customer changes. It doesn't seem to work for drop down lists though. If I click format control on the drop down list and select "locked" on the protection tab it doesn't work. When I protect the sheet, the user can still change the value slected in the drop down. Looking to lock that down. Thanks in advance for any help.

      • Ken M says:

        If you are working within a sheet using data validation it is possible to enter a 'new' value if there is a blank cell within the drop down list range and 'Ignore blank' is checked - may be a clue to your data entry form problem - Good luck

    43. Ryan says:

      Check Box

      ? Under Format Object, move and size with cells is grayed out, why is this not available?

      I want to format the checked box to a specific cell.


    44. Abdul wahed says:

      Namaste chandoo garu,

      I am abdul wahed. How are you ?

      I have a small query regarding ms excel .
      In the institute I am working that is NIIT,THANE 1 of mumbai. I have accidently deleted one excel sheet tab called poonam tab and saved the file.That tab conatined data of 6 years students details.The cashier si screaming at me and crying like anything .
      I said that She should have put the backup of file ? Big problem has happened here ?
      Now how can I recover the lost data ?
      How to create an excel backup file ?
      Help me.
      Waiting eagerly for your reply

      Abdul wahed

      • Hui... says:

        @Abdul wahed

        1. Look for backups!, Official Backups, Has anybody taken a copy or emailed it recently etc

        2. Using Windows Explorer Look in the directory where the file was, are there any odd named files? If so copy them and put them aside somewhere. On the copies rename them to *.xlsx and then try and open them in excel

        3. Start typing!

    45. [...] Check boxes – to mark each activity as done (or not done) [...]

    46. Brett says:

      Spin Button Challenge
      I successfully linked a spin button form control to a cell, and have the spin button update the value shown in the cell. Great!
      Now I want to take this further. I want to have the spin button cell link to a formula such as indirect or offset so that I might update another cell, which in turn easily changes the cell to which a particular Cell Link, the spin button refers. The Cell Link doesn't seem to be able to accept a formula such as OFFSET or INDIRECT. Can anyone help me with this please?
      Ultimately what I want to achieve is to set up a template with spin buttons that update a summary page value which in turn change the displayed value on the template.
      I want to have many templates, so I need many rows on summary page, and I want to have a cell on each template such as  1, 2, 3 etc. that is used to refer to the row number offset, which in turn is used in the spin button Cell Link to update the correct row in the summary worksheet based on the template number.
      I would appreciate any help, even to solving this problem via a completely different method.
      Many thanks in advance

      • Hui... says:

        Hi from West Perth

        You cannot link controls to formulas as you are suggesting
        As you have already done, you link a control to a Cell
        You can then use that cell in a Offset or Indirect formula as you have suggested

        The Spin control changes the cell link cell
        The cell link value is then used in the Offset/Indirect to adjust the range/sheet that is being sought

        If that doesn't help you can email me, click on Hui... above, email address at bottom of the page

    47. Brett says:

      Thanks Hui
      Happy Greetings to another Perthian.
      Your help is much appreciated.
      I need to digest what you have said. I can use offset or indirect functions but I can't see how I can get them to work in this instance. I will likely write to you.
      Take care,

    48. [...] Specify input range as lstChartTypes and cell link as a blank cell in your output sheet (or data sheet). [Related: Detailed tutorial on Excel Combo box & other form controls] [...]

    49. Aniket Reddy says:

      How to add list name in Combo-box ??

    50. Jacques Deseure says:

      How do you refer to a worksheet form control (e.g. button) in VBA code?
      Something like:
      Dim btnHelp As Shape
      Set btnHelp = ActiveSheet.Shapes("button 1793")
      Is this correct? Or should one do it differently?

      • Hui... says:


        It really depends on what you want to do with the buttons with VBA?

        As most controls have a cell link, it is generally easier to reference that address to collect the status/value of the button

    51. Chelsea says:


      Is it possible to have a Check Box (Form Control) appear/disappear in a cell by selecting a value from a dropdown menu? For example: I have my dropdown menu in cell b2. Based on certain dropdown values, I would like different Check Boxes to appear in B4-B6.

      Meaning, if B2="Apple", I need B4 to have a check box to enable "Granny Smith", B5 to have a check box to enable "Pink Lady", and B6 to have a check box to enable "Fuji". But if B2="Grape", I need B4 to have a check box to enable "Green" and B5 to have a check box to enable "Purple".

      I am open to using other types of form controls or coding to make this happen--it's just that my knowledge in that area is slim.

      Appreciate the assistance!

    52. Zachary Bass says:

      How do you change change the index value of form control spin button with vba? The spin butoon contains two items. Something like Worksheets("Sheet2").Shapes("ListBox_TASKS").


    53. Zachary Bass says:

      Thanks very much!

    54. […] you know, there is a form control in Excel that behaves like on/off switch. It is called check box. Although they are easy to use, check boxes are not very slick. So I though, why not make an on/off […]

    55. JC says:

      I like this template. I may modify how the checkboxes work though for a couple reasons:

      1) It's a pain to add more rows. If I want to add 10 more rows, it appears that I have to re-point each new object to the appropriate link-cell. Otherwise, they all point back to the copied row - checking one causes all of them to check.

      2) I can't group and collapse rows in the checklist without all the objects stacking together and remaining visible in the lowest non-collapsed row. With a simple "x", this would be ok.

      One solution would be to have a simple "x" instead of a checkbox object. I could just use an "x" to mark complete, and make the TRUE/FALSE based on an If formula (If "x" then TRUE; otherwise FALSE).

    56. You actually make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this matter to be actually something that I think I
      would never understand. It seems too complicated and
      very broad for me. I am looking forward for your next post, I'll try to get the hang
      of it!

    57. Chris Vyhnal says:

      So I've got a spreadsheet with some scrollbars, and when I quit the sheet, it doesn't save my format controls for the page change. Minimum and maximum values and incremental change are stored, but my page change is not--upon opening it always defaults to 0 page change.

      What the heck? Suggestions?


      • Hui... says:

        I've never seen Excel do that

        A few ideas:

        1. Are you using Form Controls or Active X Controls?
        Changing to Active X Controls has fixed up a few odd things for me in the past

        2. Try resetting the internal links in the file
        Close Excel if open
        Start Excel
        Open your File
        Save your file
        Close Excel
        Start Excel
        Open Your file

    58. Paul says:

      "They also have much better ties to VBA in terms of programmability and have a number of events that can be accessed programmatically."

      I don't understand how you can say this if you can't even acess them programatically in any reasonable way. Sorry to come off so negatively but, I wasted days on trying to find a solution that should be as fundamental as incrementing a counter.

      And BTW, Google searches for an answer that doesn't exist is great at producing thousands of dead ends.

      You cannot put them in an array such as ShapeRange, you cannot identify the control name in an expression and requires some kind of awkward workaround like finding a unique property I guess?

      Only solution seems to be hard coding the control name So if I have a 25x25 array of buttons, to change one I need to select from 625 cases? And once I give up I need to completely change my strategy and now 2 weeks work is trash.

      But to work with a shape it's just a matter of:
      ShapeName = "SomeName" & i

      Or create a ShapeRange array and reset a large group with a single statement

      Am I offbase here? I really hope I'm wrong but I can't seem to find the answer other than one trick that required a new class but that treats all controls like they are clones which might work for some unique cases.

      If you think this in just non constructive criticism, I wish I'd found one statement like this in my searches weeks ago.

    59. Sasi Rekha says:

      Hi.. I am using combobox for one report. My need is i want to link 3 to 4 combo boxes to show the report understandably. Eg. If i am selecting "Zone 1" from combobox1, the combobox2 should show all the "Regions" under region 1 and combobox3 should all the "Branches". ie-Combobox1 for "Zone", Combobox2 for "Region" and Combobox3 for "Branch".. Please help me out sir... Thanks...

    60. Sasi Rekha says:

      Hi.. I am using combobox for one report. My need is i want to link 3 to 4 combo boxes to show the report understandably. Eg. If i am selecting “Zone 1? from combobox1, the combobox2 should show all the “Regions” under Zone 1 and combobox3 should all the “Branches”under region 1. ie-Combobox1 for “Zone”, Combobox2 for “Region” and Combobox3 for “Branch”.. Please help me out sir… Thanks…

    61. Chris says:

      Not sure this is still monitored, but hoping you can help. I've created a worksheet that is sortable by checkboxes. This is probably outside the scope of this page, but . . . The macro code is as follows:
      Sub Front_Door_click()
      ' Front_Door_click Macro
      ' When clicked, opens all FR DR options


      If Check_Box_28 = True Then
      Check_Box_30.Value = False
      Check_Box_32.Value = False
      Check_Box_34.Value = False
      End If

      If Sheets("Master List").CheckBoxes("Check Box 28").Value = 1 Then
      ActiveSheet.Range("$A$8:$X$206").AutoFilter Field:=3, Criteria1:=Array( _
      "FR-LH", "FR-RH", "FR-RH FR-LH", "FR-RH FR-LH RR-RH RR-LH", _
      "FR-RH FR-LH RR-RH RR-LH SD-RH SD-LH", "FR-RH FR-LH SD-RD SD-LH"), Operator:= _

      ActiveSheet.Range("$A$8:$X$206").AutoFilter Field:=3, Criteria1:=Array( _
      "FR-LH", "FR-RH", "FR-RH FR-LH", "RR-LH", "RR-RH", "RR-RH RR-LH", "SD-RH", "SD-LH", "SD-RH SD-LH", "FR-RH FR-LH RR-RH RR-LH", _
      End If
      End Sub

      That's the code for one button, the other buttons list Rear Door options or Sideliners. The code works perfectly, but when a checkbox is chosen it jumps you down the page, sometimes below the list completely. How can I force it to stay at the top of the page?

    62. Adil says:

      hi Chandu,

      I am facing problem in adding ALL option in combo box and then sum upon selection.

      Like Sales of Region
      All region
      Can you help me ? How Can I do that?

    63. Prajakta says:


      I have created a dashboard using "Option/ Radio Button" and received a lot of appreciation.

      Thank you for that!!!

      Moving ahead, I have a query in the same.
      Now I want to put those option button/check boxes in a way that whenever I'll select both of them, there will be two charts appearing at the same time so that I can compare.

      I hope you got it what I am trying to say.

      Awaiting your reply.


    64. amir says:

      i am iranian
      i like to leaning excel industrial

    65. Mahantesh says:


      I want to learn sumproduct() function.. can anyone discuss with proper example as i found it very tough to understand.

      Where it is used and how?


    66. irul says:

      its very interactive form in excel.. how to create form by calling value from one column..? How to create pop up entry data form in excel, by clicking a member

    67. Ramesh says:

      Hi Chandoo,

      Is there any chance to select multiple radio buttons at a time in excel 2013.
      please help me on this.


      • Hui... says:

        If your talking about Form Control Option Buttons
        No, They are either on or off and when grouped only a single one can be active

        If you want to select multiple items use a Check Box Form Control instead

        You can use separate Radio Control Buttons
        Each must belong to its own group
        Each group will have different cell links
        Then you will need to apply the logic to control them yourself

    68. Andrew says:

      I have added the SEP date control to a spreadsheet to provide a date picker.

      Does anyone know if it is possible to link the output (the picked date) to a text box or cell elsewhere in a workbook?

      I have a form where I'd like to be able to pick the date, and then show this date on an output worksheet somewhere else.



    69. donna dennis says:

      Regarding the cell link in the Form Control. Can the cell link value be dragged from cell to cell vertically without having to input individually as a time saver? I would like to have c3, c4, c5, c6, etc. but when I try dragging it just populates c3 all the way down.

    70. Sandeep Kothari says:

      Comprehensive guide on excel form controls.

    71. Sandeep Kothari says:

      What are problems with using Active X controls?

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