
First time and How!

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For all technical reasons this was my first time with a digi cam. I am mighty excited and was checking the cam every now and then. Feeling like a kid with new toy… 🙂

Some of the initial snaps I have taken with the cam along with little captions.

The first pic with the cam | Sunrise from tekri

Me after a strategic nightout | The mega cake

Ganesa blesses you | Some of us inside mess after the mega b’day party

Apparently loomba hasnt got enuf bumps | Bhayya venting out some of his grudge

Other than the new camera life has encountered several things oflate. To cut the long story short I,

– have completed the Fin exam with marginal scores. Fin may not be contributing to my CGPA positively but who cares. I had my learnings. I had my earnings. I am not complaining about the 2 questions I left. 😛
– have been to city 2 times in 2 days. Thanks largely to my stupidity. Bought a charger hoping that it will go with my digi cam only to find that the camera needs a different tech altogether. :((
– couldnt sleep last night. Was up all night making the strategic planning project presentation. 😀 Later today i have a presentaion in which i am planning to say, “Marketing strategies of <company> are based on its core competencies, vision, mission and core values which have built its long standing image of quality and service.”
– We have celebrated a mega-b’day party last night. All those unlucky a$$es with a birthday falling in the summer break were politely dragged to melting pot and thoroughly kicked on thier butts for their unplanned initial visit to mother earth. Lots of eggs, soups, cds, lassis flowed in and the dogs had a feast savoring them :D. Ofcourse, we had a mega cake compensating our unplanned workout in the midst of strategy night.

that is all for now. More updates after the 4 hours nonstop SPF.


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