If excel school were to be a bar, this post is your last call. Come one, come all and order the course now.
Click here to sign-up for excel school
(on a lighter note, if excel school were to be a pie, we wouldn’t be having this conversation :P)
How many students have joined the school?
At the time of writing this post (Around 11pm on Feb 16) we have 94 students signed up. That is quite a bit more than what I expected. While I am a tiny bit scared, I am very keen to help as many more people as possible. So, go ahead and join the program, because I don’t know when I will re-open it.
Clarification about PayPal:
Few people have e-mailed me and asked, “I don’t have PayPal account, how do I sign-up?”.
Well, you don’t need a PayPal account if you use the one-time payment option. All you have to do is click on the link that says “Continue without creating a paypal account”. See this screenshot.
(You must create a PayPal account if you choose monthly payment option. This will give you ability to review your payment every month.)
When is it closing exactly?
I will be closing new registrations by 11:59 PM (Pacific Time) on today. Pacific time is GMT-8:00. See the below list to know when exactly the registration closes at your time zone.
Will the school re-open later this year?
That is my plan. But I don’t know if my kids permit me to fool around too much. You see, by then they would be talking.
So, Sign-up already!
Click here to sign-up for excel school
Bonus Excel Tip: How to convert times from one time zone to another?
Just because 100 people are joining excel school doesn’t mean that rest 7,900 of you should read a sales pitch. So here is a bonus tip.
If you want to convert times from one time zone to another (like above), you can use simple date arithmetic.
- Enter the date and time you want to convert in a cell (say in A1)
- Now, let us say you want to convert this to time zone 6 hours ahead of it.
- Simply write the formula
=A1 + 6/24
to get the time in new time zone. - Hint: change
if you want time in a zone that is 7 hours behind.
That is all. Happy time traveling.
PS: You would need a real time machine if you miss the dead line for excel school sign-up. You know what to do.
6 Responses to “Excel School Last Call, Closing in Few Hours – Join Now!”
Chandoo, Lucky you don't have class size restrictions!
Good luck, I'm sure it will be great for those involved.
Hi Chandoo, I have a sugestion.
I already subscribed (and paid) to Excel School, but when I go to chandoo.org/wp, I cant find the login button, I had to look up on my email.
Could you make a simple button or link that takes us to http://excelschool.in/classroom/wp-login.php
Chandoo - I am so excited to be a part of this (I am one of the 92-93 people)
Your work inspires me - all the best and hoping for 3 intensive months of excel learning.
bummed i can't do it this time - hope you do another round later in the year. Your site is wonderful, and best of luck with the school!
@Hui... Thanks
@Victor: I will provide a link to the classroom login pages on Excel School Page - http://chandoo.org/wp/excel-school/ once the registrations are closed.
@Ubique72: Thank you. I am looking forward to this.
@MS: Lets hope that we meet in the next round of excel school.
[...] I calculated the closing times in various timezones using simple data formulas (here is a how-to – scroll to [...]