
Excel School is Open – Join Today



Hello reader, my friend & supporter,

I am happy to announce that Excel School is open and ready for registrations.

Visit Excel School page to learn more and sign-up.

In this post, you can find some information about the program and links to sign-up.

What is Excel School?

Excel School is an online Excel Training Program. It is a structured & comprehensive program to help beginners & intermediate-level users become awesome in Excel in a few weeks of time.

It contains, over 20 hours of clear, detailed video instructions, 45 downloadable workbooks and an online classroom area to help you learn any Excel topic you want at any time.

How does it work?

Once you join Excel School,

  1. You will be given a userid and password to access excel school classroom
  2. Once you login to excel school, you will find links to all the material
  3. You can view lessons in any order or follow the order recommended by me
  4. You can download example excel files, home work and videos (if you sign up for download option) for further learning
  5. You can ask questions or discuss topics with other classmates thru comments
  6. Once 2 weeks, I will send you a news-letter with information, links and discuss course progress

See the video aside to understand how Excel School works.
Learn more about Excel School from this guide [PDF].

Who should Join?

Excel School is for you if you use excel everyday and looking for ways to improve your productivity, skills and mojo. If you struggle writing or mixing formulas, compose beautiful & insightful charts or tables, understand & use various features like conditional formatting, validations, pivot tables, macros etc. then Excel School is the right program for you.

That said, the program will not help you much if you are a genius in Excel and can bake a cake with VBA. As Debra says, “if you are John Walkenbach, … Excel School is not for you“.

What topics are covered?

In Excel School, we cover these 12 topics in very detail.

Excel School Topics:
Formulas Formatting Conditional Formatting Basic Charting
Advanced Charting Excel Tables Pivot Tables Data Validation, Filters
Advanced. Formulas Importing External Data Shortcuts, Productivity Basic Form Controls, Macros

Sign-up for Excel School Today:

Excel School comes in 2 flavors.

You can sign-up for ONLINE Option for $67 and access all the lessons online. You will be able to download example files, some bonus material. But you cannot download the videos.

For that, you need ONLINE+DOWNLOAD Option which costs $97. This way, You can view lessons offline or even after Excel School is closed.

To sign up click these links
Online Option @ $67
Online + Download Option @ $97

[If you are from India, Click here to Pricing in INR]

Any Questions?

If you still have questions,
Write to me at chandoo.d @ gmail.com or post a comment here. I will be very glad to answer your questions.

See you in Excel School.

PS: I am done with Excel School 3 launch work now. Regular broadcast should begin tomorrow.
PPS: Go ahead and join Excel School. You know its going to be awesome. Go now.


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