
100+ Excel Formula Examples + List



The first step of getting awesome in Excel is to understand that you can ask Excel do things for you. This is done by speaking a special language called as “Excel Formulas”. When you write a formula or function, you are asking Excel to figure out something from the values you have. Say you want to add up a bunch of values in a range A1:A10, you can ask Excel to do this for you by writing =SUM(A1:A10) and bingo, you get the result immediately. The best part is, if your numbers change, the answer changes too.

If you are a beginner, Excel formula list can feel overwhelming. Why not? There are hundreds of different formulas in Excel. So which formulas should you learn?

Excel Formula list, examples and how-to - Free Guide

This guide gives you the answer. Here is a 100+ Excel formula list for every occasion. Each box describes a problem statement, an example, result, some notes and link to learn more. Use this guide to learn formulas quickly.

Data for Excel formula list in this guide

Most formula examples shown here are self-explanatory. In some places I have used a table of data, called staff. Here is a snapshot of the Staff table. When looking a formula example, refer to this image to understand how the calculation works.

data for Excel Formula examples

If you have never used tables before, check out Excel Tables – What are they and how to use them? to learn more.

Excel Formula List by topic

This page is rather long. So I have broken it in to sections. Click on below links to navigate or use CTRL+F on your browser to search for a function / formula how-to.

Formulas related to numbers, values, summaries and statistics

Excel offers many functions when it comes to working with numeric values. Use below example formulas and functions to work efficiently with numbers. Learn how to calculate count, sum, average and other statistical summaries from your data. Apart from the functions discussed here, you can also use operators like + (to add things), -(to subtract), *(to multiply), /(to divide), %(to convert a value to percentage), ^(to raise the power), ~(to negate a Boolean value) and brackets to create expressions.

Add some values

Result 20

Add values from a range of cells

Result 125

Sum up values from a table reference

Result $ 945,000

Sum of numbers that meet conditions

=SUMIFS(staff[Salary], staff[Department],"Sales")
Result $ 279,000

Sum of numbers greater than (less than etc.) something

=SUMIFS(A1:A6, A1:A6,">25")
Result 100

Sum of numbers that are currently filtered

Result $ 945,000

Count of numbers that are currently filtered

Result 13

Running total in a column, adjacent to original data

Type this formula in first cell and drag down to get running total.
Result 10

Count of numbers in a range

Result 6

Count of all values (including text)

Result 13

Count of blank values in the input (range or table column)

Result 14

Count number of non-blank values

ROWS formula tells how rows are there in a range. You can also use COLUMNS
Result 6

Count how many items have met given conditions

Result 3

Count how many items begin with given text

* is a wild card. You can use it to match any number of letters. If you want to match a single letter, use ?
Result 13

Count how many items end with given pattern

Result 4

Count how many items contain given word

Result 3

Average of given numbers

Result $ 72,692

Average of given numbers satisfying conditions

=AVERAGEIFS(staff[Salary],staff[Department], "HR")
Result $ 77,333

Average of positive numbers

Result 25.83

Average of numbers excluding top & bottom 10% values

Result $ 72,692

7 day moving average from daily data

Type this formula in first cell and drag down to get moving average.
Result 25.83

Weighted average of numbers

A1:A6 contain values and B1:B6 contain weights
Result 2,550

Median of a range of values

Result $ 76,000

Most frequent number in a range (MODE)

If your list has multiple MODEs, use MODE.MULT to return all of them as a new list.
Result 1

Statistical quartiles of given values

Use 1 for first quartile, 2 for median, 3 for third quartile. EXC means 0 & 1 are excluded when calculating quartiles.
Result $ 59,500

90th (or any other) percentile of given values

Result $ 89,000

Minimum value among a list of numbers

Result 10

3rd smallest (or any other) among a list

Result $ 59,000

Rank of a number in a list of values

If two numbers share a rank, then the rank will be averaged. Use RANK.EQ to return same rank for both numbers
=RANK.AVG(76000, staff[Salary])
Result 7

Maximum value from a list of values

Result $ 89,000

2nd largest value in a spreadsheet range

Result 30

Formulas to do operations on numbers

Whenever you have some numbers in a worksheet, you may want to run some operations like rounding them or extracting integer portion etc. on them. In this section, see some of the frequently used number operations.

Remainder after dividing two numbers

Result 3

Round a number to nearest whole number or fraction

Result 3.1416

Round a number to nearest multiple of x

Result 28

Integer portion of a number

Result 2

Percentage change (variance) from one value to another

H4 is 35000, H5 is 38000
Result 8.57%

Decimal portion of a number

Result 0.141592654

Absolute value of a number

Result 13

Calculate power of one number to another

Result 343

Formulas related to check things, apply business rules and logic control

Microsoft Excel has several powerful functions to check things and set up control or business logic in your workbooks. You can use IF function to write simple logic expressions or nest multiple IF functions for more complex scenarios. You can also use newly introduced IFS function to write long multi-step if function. This only works in Office 365 or Excel online. See below examples to learn more about formulas and functions to check things and apply business rules.

Check a condition and output one of the two possible values

=IF(A9>20,"Too high", "Too low")
Result Too low

Check if multiple conditions are true (AND)

Result FALSE

Check if any condition is true (OR)

=OR(E10="Sales", F10>90000, D10=A9)
Result FALSE

Logical NOT check

Result TRUE

Check if either this or that (Exclusive OR)

Will be TRUE only if either A1>10 or B1>10 but not both or neither.
=XOR(A9>10, B9>10)
Result FALSE

Select one among multiple values

Picks a value from a list of values, in this case, picks A2 as it is the 3rd value.
Result 0

Multiple IF conditions as IFS

A9 has 7. Works only in Office 365, Office online (and may be in Excel 2019)
=ifs(A9>10, "This is too high", A9>5, "This is ok", A9>2,"Almost low", A9<=2,"Really low")
Result This is ok

Check if a value is present in a list

=IF(COUNTIFS(staff[Name],"Jan")>0,"Yes, Jan is in there","No, no such person")
Result Yes, Jan is in there

Check multiple conditions as nested IF

=IF(A9>10, "This is too high",IF( A9>5, "This is ok", IF(A9>2,"Almost low", "Really low")))
Result Really low

Check if a value is between two other values

=IF(AND(A9>=10,A9<=20),"Between 10 and  20","Nope, not between 10 and 20")
Result Nope, not between 10 and 20

Is a cell blank?

Result TRUE

Is a value even?

Result FALSE

Is a value odd?

Result TRUE

Is a cell contains number?

Result FALSE

Is a cell contains formula?

Result FALSE

Is a cell (or formula) ends up in error?

Result TRUE

Formulas to work with text values, strings, words and phrases

While Excel is predominantly a number driven tool, we still have lots of text values in spreadsheets. Excel has many powerful and elegant text processing functions to help you extract, analyze or understand your text / string values. You can use the special operator & to combine text values or even work with newly introduced TEXTJOIN() function to combine a range of values to one. Keep in mind, this TEXTJOIN only works in Office 365 or Excel Online at the moment. In the below examples, know how to work with string / text values in your workbooks using formulas.

Convert text to lower case

Result hello

Convert text to upper case

Result JAMES

Convert text to proper case (each word's first letter capitalized)

=PROPER("this is a long sentence")
Result This Is A Long Sentence

Combine different text values to one text

=CONCATENATE(A3, " and ", A4)
Result 30 and 25

Combine different text values to one text

=A3&" and "&A4
Result 30 and 25

Extract first few letters from a text

Result Ind

Extract last few letters from a text

=RIGHT("New Zealand",4)
Result land

Extract middle portion from given text

=MID("United States",4,5)
Result ted S

What is the length of given text value

Result 11

Substitute one word with another

=SUBSTITUTE("Microsoft Excel","cel","cellent")
Result Microsoft Excellent

Replace some letters with other

Result abc@gmail.com

Find if a text has another text

=FIND("soft","Microsoft Excel")
Result 6

Extract initials from a name

H1 contains Bill Jelen
=LEFT(H1,1)&MID(H1,FIND(" ",H1)+1,1)
Result BJ

Find out how many words are in a sentence

H2 contains "This is a very long sentence with lots of words"
=LEN(H2)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(H2," ",""))+1
Result 10

Remove unnecessary spaces from a cell

=TRIM("  chandoo.  org   ")
Result chandoo. org

Remove anything after a symbol or word

H3 contains someone@something.com
Result someone

Formulas to work with date, time and calendar

Date and time values are very important when working with business data. That is why, Excel has many functions in this space. You can use TODAY() to figure out what is the current date or use DATE() to generate a date that you want. In the below examples, learn how to calculate some of the most common date and time related stuff using Excel.

What is today's date?

Result 6/27/2018

What is the current date & time?

Result 6/27/2018 12:00

Create a date value from year, month and day

Result 10/20/2018

Create a time value from hour, minute and second

Result 9:45 AM

Get day of month from given date

Result 27

What month is a given date on?

Result 7

Extract year from a date

Result 2018

Find out day of week (number) from a date

Result 4

Find out day of week (name of the day) from a date

Use DDD to see short form of day name, such as SUN, MON etc.
Result Wednesday

What is the name of a month from a date?

Use MMM to see short form of month name, such as Jan, Feb etc.
Result June

Hour from time

Result 12

Minute from time

Result 0

Second from time

Result 2

What is the date after / before x months

Result 9/27/2018

What is the last date of a month?

Result 8/31/2018

Calculate number of days between two dates

Result 153

Calculate number of years between two dates

You can also use (date1-date2)/365 to calculate number of years between 2 dates
Result 8.76

Number of weeks between two dates

Result 21

What is the date after / before x working days (excluding weekends etc.)

This assumes Saturday & Sunday are weekends. If you have some other workweek pattern, use the 3rd parameter of WORKDAY.INTL to specify that. Likewise, you can also specify a list of special holidays (New Years Day, Diwali, Ramadan or Christmas etc.) to exclude them too
Result 7/13/2018

How many working days are between two dates?

This assumes Saturday & Sunday are weekends. If you have some other workweek pattern, use the 3rd parameter of NETWORKDAYS.INTL to specify that. Likewise, you can also specify a list of special holidays (New Years Day, Diwali, Ramadan or Christmas etc.) to exclude them too
Result 134

Formulas to lookup items

Lookup functions help us answer specific questions from business data, like which customer placed the order number PQ1234? You can use them to ask simple questions or combine lookup functions with other formulas in Excel to find more complex things. In these examples, learn how to write some of the most common lookup functions in Excel.

Lookup a value in a table and find corresponding items (example, salary of an employee)

Finds John in the staff table's first column and returns value from 3rd column (salary)
=VLOOKUP("John", staff, 3, FALSE)
Result $ 77,000

Lookup a pattern in a table and find corresponding items (example, salary of an employee)

=VLOOKUP("Jon*", staff,2,FALSE)
Result Production

What is the position of a value in a list?

Result 10

Formulas to convert one data to another type of data

Often, we end up having data that is not in the right format to do our job. You can use conversion formulas to change data from one type to another.

Convert a cell to number

Here . Is the thousand's separator and , is decimal point (i.e. European notation)
Result 123,456.78

Convert a value to date

Result 7/1/2018

Convert a cell to number (another technique)

You can also +0 to a text value to convert it to number.
Result 12,456.78

Formulas to check and prevent errors

We can't escape bad coffee, occasionally annoying bosses and errors. Of course, Excel can't help you with first two, but it does a fine job of handling errors for us. Learn how to use the important error handling and checking functions in Excel.

Show a different value if a formula has an error

=IFERROR(VLOOKUP("Sam",staff,3,FALSE),"Employee not found")
Result Employee not found

Show a different value if a formula has an NA error

=IFNA(7/0,"This will appear if the error is #N/A")
Result #DIV/0!

Is a cell (or formula) ends up in error?

Result TRUE

Safely divide one number with another

Result 0.5

Formulas to generate randomized data

Once in a while you need to generate or create random data in Excel. You can use either RAND() or RANDBETWEEN() to complete the job. In these examples, learn how to create most common types of random data using Excel.

Generate a random number

The output changes every time you make a change in your spreadsheet.
Result 0.948708709

Generate a random phone number

The output changes every time you make a change in your spreadsheet.
Result (535) 050-1262

Generate a random letter from alphabet

The output changes every time you make a change in your spreadsheet.
Result Z

Create a random option from a list of values

The output changes every time you make a change in your spreadsheet.
=INDEX(staff[Name], RANDBETWEEN(1,COUNTA(staff[Name])))
Result June

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    Excel formula list - 100+ examples and howto guide for you

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    69 Responses to “100+ Excel Formula Examples + List”

    1. This is a very good compilation. well thought through. thanks guys for this knowledge sharing tips

    2. fethi ben yahia says:

      your always on top

    3. Sandeep Kothari says:


    4. Ravi says:

      These details were very useful. Excellent for beginners.

    5. Purva says:

      Awesome Chandoo...Keep up the great work!!

    6. Derek says:

      And I thought I know Excel. Thank you

    7. Arun Khanal says:

      You are great.

    8. Billy says:

      Awesome list! A handy bookmark reference for formulas I don't use very often. Thanks!

    9. K.V.RAGHUNATHA RAO says:

      Excellent and very much useful, thank you very much

    10. Didier ESSONO ONDO says:

      Very useful

    11. Tapan Fouzder says:

      I am always fan of you. Tell me how can I learn more from you. You are awesome teacher of excel.

    12. Great Post about excel formulas, and after seeing your blog you are one point solution for Excel.

    13. Pine says:

      Well worth thank you for sharing

    14. Jesse N says:

      This is a great list and reference. I did notice something that threw me off as I was deconstructing a formula.

      The results for the 'Find out how many words are in a sentence' section have a result of 1 instead of 10. Also, the example references H2 while the formula references H4.

      Keep up the great work and always looking forward to more great content.

      A Fan

    15. microuser says:

      I know your real name is 'Can Do !! '

    16. Dennis S. Del Villar says:

      Greatly AWESOME!

    17. Chanaka says:

      Good Job and thank you for the improve our knowledge.

    18. Sandeep Kothari says:

      CHANDOO, U R unbeatable!
      U R 2 far from me!
      (Pun intended, obviously!)

    19. Thilakaratne says:

      Very good and very useful
      Thank you very much

    20. SEEMA says:

      i want to know more

    21. Charles says:

      Great works Mr Awesome
      The world will never be the same again.

    22. SANKAR says:

      thanks for sharing such valuable formulas

    23. Anjali Arora says:

      Thanks sir. I vil definitely try all these.

      Awesome !!!

    24. Vipan says:

      Sir, can we make search able drop down list like google search in excel

    25. Anagh Pathak says:

      Thanks for all that you share. It is all very valuable stuff though as an old man, I like your podcasts most. Please keep creating and posting your podcasts more frequently.

    26. David Hodge says:

      My new favorite bookmark - thanks Chandoo!

    27. Siddharth says:

      You are wonderful excel guru, and I appreciate your love, kindness, support and generosity. Thank you.


    28. Tom says:

      What an absolute star!

    29. Raj Mengi says:

      Awesome. Been your fan for a long time now.

    30. MJ says:

      Plz help.. I am still not sure of the difference between MODE & MODE.SNGL

      • Chandoo says:

        @MJ... here we go
        1) MODE.SNGL gives you the most frequent item in a list of values. If there are multiple items that are most frequent, then this will give the first such number. For ex. {1,1,2,2,3} , MODE.SNGL gives 1
        2) MODE.MULT gives you a list of all most frequent items. In the example {1,1,2,2,3}, MODE.MULT gives {1,2} as an array. If you select two cells and press CTRL+Shift+Enter on MODE.MULT({1,1,2,2,3}) then you will get both numbers, one per cell.
        3) MODE is the original excel function for this kind of thing. The result will be same as MODE.SNGL. It is there for backwards compatibility.

        For your work, either use MODE.SNGL or MODE.MULT. If you have a colleague or client still using older versions of Excel, then switch to MODE.

        Hope that helps.

    31. Mark Nordhaus says:

      Thanks Chandoo. Good reference.

      • Sandeep Kothari says:

        Dear Chandoo
        How to select two cells and then press CTRL+Shift+Enter on MODE.MULT({1,1,2,2,3}) at the same time as I select the 2 cells?
        I tried but failed miserably. Pl enlighten.

    32. Meni Porat says:

      This is fabulous, no doubt.

      One minor comment, though.
      In the "Remove anything after a symbol or word" tip, I'd wrap the original formula with IFERROR in case the desired character "@" was not found.
      Something like:
      =IFERROR(LEFT(H3,FIND("@",H3)-1),"Error. Character not found in string")

      Best Regards

    33. Agil says:

      Chandoo, you are as great as shah rukh khan.

    34. bharathram.cn says:

      Thanks Chandoo. Good reference.

    35. Prashanta Hegde says:

      Super. thanks a lot for sharing very useful Formula in Excel

    36. Tesfaye Bekele says:

      Hi Chandoo
      thanks a lot for sharing Excel Formula, I appreciate your kindness and support
      thank you

    37. Rasheed says:

      It's really helpful, Thanks for sharing

    38. JimH says:

      Good Morning Chandoo,
      I am trying to figure out an easy way just to count call volume; In & out by use of a button. One button called "In" and another "Out". Just click the "In" or "Out" button and it tallies the # of calls. any ideas?

    39. PRAVEEN KUMAR says:

      I have students list with Marks & Rank and i want to find 1-10 marks how many students and their ranks in Brackets
      For Example
      1-10 marks
      10 students(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)Ranks

    40. Deepak Gour says:

      Thank you for this collection. It was very helpful for me today.

    41. James says:

      If I enter a word (new) in a cell I want it to automatically place that word in the three cells below it. How do I do that!

    42. Shrikant Patil says:

      Thanks Chandoo.org

    43. Anand says:

      Sir i want to ask
      I making sheet for our self.
      In which i have 6 types of services which i am providing to my clients.
      services have different names and rates.
      is there any formula if i write services names in cell the amount of that reflect in next to that cell.
      below that next name rate will reflect.

    44. jenylence says:

      What's New in Excel 2019.

    45. Adil says:

      Thank youh!!!

    46. Marck says:

      Dear, i think thath you know very well Excel. I am not a beginner in Excel, i am the owner of a Italian Website about Excel. Thank you for you resources.
      Best regards.

    47. laxman kulkarni says:

      need total excel formula in excel sheet request to send as soon as

    48. yogaho says:

      SUPER USEFUL!!!Thanks Chandoo!!!

    49. mary says:

      I want to take the state out of one cell and put in cell before it like
      1200 SW PARK AVE, PORTLAND, OR 97205-2441
      I want OR in the cell before. HOW??

    50. Ashish Bhandari says:

      Amazing work Chandoo. You are awesome. This compilation is super useful. Thank you so much.

    51. venkat says:

      if i type an amount in figures (2500) in excel , it should come in words for the same amount

      i need formula

    52. dava says:

      above excel formula, what function of "Control!" in the formula.
      Please clarify.
      Dava Sangpo

    53. Kevin D'Ambrosco says:

      If I copy a lengthy list of
      Company's names
      Addresses and phone numbers

      Then paste them in excel, is there a method that can extract and divide the pasted information to specific columns and rows?

      An example of what the pasted info is as follows

      [ABC123 Retail store LLC.] [123 hyper avenue. ]
      [ ] [Westerly, Ri 02893. ]
      [ ] [United states401-555-5555]

      Its a task that has 2500 stores to reconfigure the formats

      Also as you may have noticed, the words " United states and phone numbers " are not spaced or separated in cells

      Thanks for your time and any consideration given to this matter

      Kevin D'Ambrosco

    54. Marian says:

      I’ve been working with Excel all day but after seeing this blog I think I can easily submit the report after few hours which usually takes me the whole shift and sometimes, it takes me days to finish it off.

    55. Murali says:

      Dear Chandoo

      Have a query and not able to find a proper answer.The below Eg. which has date and time together in 1 Cell , how to i separate it ie Date in 1 Cell and Time in another cell without loosing the format.
      7/27/2021 16:36

    56. Susan says:

      I am looking for a custom number format that shows (02 45 67) or (02 45 67.13) just by typing in the number without spaces but including the period between the last set of two numbers. (024567) I want to show up as (02 45 67) and if I type in (024567.13) I want it to show up as (02 45 67.13).
      I have tried everything I could find using the custom format for numbers but could not get it to work.
      Thanks for your consideration in replying

      • Chandoo says:

        You can try the format code 00 00 00.00 but it will show 24567 as 02 45 67.00
        I am not sure if we can suppress decimal point values when there is none.

    57. Musa Banda says:

      Amazing Chandoo.

    58. Vishwanath says:

      Need a format formula which can show number and percentage as per the selection on same cell ,

      [>=1] #,##0;[>0] 0%;0 when i use this format , if the cell value is zero than the percentage is not working

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