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CP026: All about Excel !@#$%^+/*(}][<



In the 26th session of Chandoo.org podcast, let’s learn all about Excel !@#$%^+/*(}][<.

I am talking about Excel operators, you silly.

All about Excel Operators - Chandoo.org Podcast - Session 26

What is in this session?

Do you know Excel has more than 25 operators? That is right. There are a variety of operators beyond the simple + – * and /.

In this podcast, let’s understand all about these operators and how to use them. You will learn,

  • Why there is a gap between last & this podcast session
  • About Excel operators
  • Arithmetic operators
  • Text operators
  • Reference operators
  • Comparison operators
  • Closing thoughts

Listen to this session

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Links & Resources on Excel operators & Formulas

Excel Dashboard Templates

Create awesome Excel dashboards from your raw data in few minutes - Introducing Chandoo.org Dashboard Templates

Transcript of this session:

Download this podcast transcript [PDF].

What are your favorite Excel operators?

My favorites are % ? * and []

What about you? What are your favorite operators and why? Please share your thoughts in comments.

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6 Responses to “CP026: All about Excel !@#$%^+/*(}][<”

  1. Amol Pandey says:

    Hi Chandoo,

    The topic is very interesting, and I liked your podcast. But it would be it be really great if you can look forward to post a video on it. Video would be much easier to follow through along for complex topics.


  2. Sanjib says:

    Hi Chandoo,

    Is there a way to select the named range (say javed) directly with any formulae.
    For eg I want to know Javed's Sale in month of Apr.
    I put two data validated input cell ( with list inputs), and then in an output cell refer:-
    "named range javed auto selected as per input cell" "space operator" "named range apr auto selected as per input cell" to get the final result.
    Can it be done?


  3. Mayank says:

    Thanks for nice topic. Covered very well.

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