We Want Your Ideas – Results
Two weeks ago we asked you what you wanted to see at Chandoo.org and you responded.
We have had 71 responses giving us 101 ideas to date.
Here are the results…
It is very clear that the respondents to the survey want to see more VBA, both at basic and advanced levels.
The other theme to emerge was that people are interested in Dashboards and the Integration of Excel into other Office applications and ERP/BI systems.
A few respondents also wanted more Competitions and Challenges. If your business would like to sponsor these please contact Chandoo.
A Number of posts are already planned covering some of your ideas.
As always this data can be presented as a simple dashboard.
Whats Next
A number of posts are already planned and well underway covering some of the ideas presented.
These will be published in due course.
What’s Already Available at Chandoo.org
A number of ideas requested in the above list are already covered to some extent at Chandoo.org or elsewhere and you are encouraged to visit these links
Advanced Statistics
Data Tables
Dynamic Charts
LOESS Modelling
Learn VBA
Don’t Fret
If you contributed to the survey and don’t see your idea covered above, don’t fret, it may just pop up and surprise you one day!
Your Contribution
If you have expertise in any of the unmarked ideas and would like to try your hand at a guest post or two contact Chandoo or Hui.

Hello Awesome...
My name is Chandoo. Thanks for dropping by. My mission is to make you awesome in Excel & your work. I live in Wellington, New Zealand. When I am not F9ing my formulas, I cycle, cook or play lego with my kids. Know more about me.
I hope you enjoyed this article. Visit Excel for Beginner or Advanced Excel pages to learn more or join my online video class to master Excel.
Thank you and see you around.
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8 Responses to “We Want Your Ideas – Results”
Psst. Chandoo... While your link's text for http://chandoo.org/wp/2011/01/24/trendlines-and-forecasting-in-excel/ is correct, the actual link is missing the "/wp/ directory on the three forecasting articles 😉
Link on dynamic charts: http://chandoo.org/wp/tag/dynamic-charts/ is not working.
@Rich & Fred, All links fixed. Thanx.
Hey Chandoo,
That's awesome way of managing the things..market oriented. Give them what *they* want.
My best wishes
I view with interest that there is a strong request for More VBA.
Understandably, the people who have been following this site for a long time have probably progressed to this level and VBA is of great interest.
BUT, The valus of this site to me is that it shows people of all ecxperience types how to improve their skills, not only by geeky technical knowledge, but skills in visualisation, presentation and analystics - without the need to be a coder.
You run a great risk of alienating new members who are not at this level when they view your site for the first time.
I've mentioned this before, and I speak from my own experience having used this site since 2008.
The problem with advanced skills is, if you leave your role you run the risk of all your work being redundant because the person taking over the role (or general business users) do not have the same technical knowledge to run and maintain the s/sheets as you have done.
You also run the risk of widening the gap between the business and it's data (and you), something which most analysts/ excel users work to avoid.
Not to appear negative, perhaps the answer is to segment you site, or create a new and separate technical stream.
And remember, just because something is done simlpy and basically (without VBA or macro's), doesn't mean it is not done well. This is the ethos That I gained from being a member of this great site.
I have been an analyst for 12 years, across Retail Banking, Adverting/ Media and Government and the skills I have learnt here have assisted me greatly in not only achieving this, but loving the work that I do.
Please don't lose sight of the orginal aim of the site.
Having created dashboards, models, achieved forecasting goals etc, I now class myself above most of my peers in visualisation and analysis of data as a result of this site. Without ever using VBA.
Many Thanks
Just wanderful to be asked what we wanted to see, thank you.
But being me, I wouldn't let it lie. There are a number of items that could be consolidated above: e.g. cloud computing, web stuff, and web/cloud excel.... then there is less of a list of work.
I have plagiarised some notes (for people at work) on INDEX, INDIRECT and fuzzy LOOKUP if you would like me to write an artical on any of them? I also have some skill with large data analysis and Google Spreadsheets but suggest that you contact a guy called ahab for any articles on Google!
[...] This functionality was also one of the more requested issues from our poll of 3 months ago We Want Your Ideas! [...]
I have been tasked with teaching Excel and Access to the very beginning beginners; I was told today (23 Aug 2013) and start Monday ( (26 Aug 2013)! Wow! Any help would be appreciated! I know I use your site for things that I have problems with, but I know (or I think I know) that they will not have the same problems. This is going to drive me crazy until I actually can sit down with the students and figure out what they know and what they don't, so I have a starting place and can plan an ending place with a well-defined "road" to "travel" between the two points! Thanks for listening...