
Excel Links of the Week – PHD’s new tag line [Nov 24]

blogging , excel links - 3 comments

This is probably the 100th time I have changed this site’s tag line. So, it may not be a great news to you. But again, I need to say out this loud so that you, my dear reader, will know what this blog is going to stand for: Excel Tips, Charting Ideas and Visualization Oomph. What do you think?

Off to this week’s excel links:

Christmas Planner in Excel

Christmas is one of the beautiful times of the year. But unfortunately for me last two years were spent in two different countries away from loved ones. This time I am going home for sure. While I don’t certainly need a huge excel sheet to plan my Christmas, you might need one if you have lots of family / friends whom you may want to send a card / gift.

2×2 Panel Charts

Panel charts a great way to communicate few messages in a quick way. They are a great addition to dashboards. Peltier provides this extensive tutorial on how to create a 2×2 panel chart in excel.

Finding Prime Numbers using Excel

Any one with some computer science / math background would know the beauty and intrigue of prime numbers. Now their charm has inspired Douglas to come up with an array formula to find whether a number is prime or not.

Share a link with me through comments

Have a fantastic week ahead everyone 🙂


Hello Awesome...

My name is Chandoo. Thanks for dropping by. My mission is to make you awesome in Excel & your work. I live in Wellington, New Zealand. When I am not F9ing my formulas, I cycle, cook or play lego with my kids. Know more about me.

I hope you enjoyed this article. Visit Excel for Beginner or Advanced Excel pages to learn more or join my online video class to master Excel.

Thank you and see you around.

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Written by Chandoo
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3 Responses to “Excel Links of the Week – PHD’s new tag line [Nov 24]”

  1. Doug Jenkins says:

    Hi Chandoo

    Thanks for another link to my prime numbers post. We should also acknowledge Chip Pearson who originally came up with the array formula.


  2. JP says:

    You might like this one:


    If only for the awful JPG used for one of the screenshots! Otherwise an excellent PPT tip.

  3. Chandoo says:

    @Doug: Welcome. As you might have guessed by now, I like linking to good excel articles so that everyone can learn something. 🙂

    @JP: thank you so much for the link. 🙂

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