
5 Visualizations for your Inspiration [Nov 07]

Every week Pointy Haired Dilbert features 5 beautiful & creative info-graphic visualizations for your inspiration. I like building, reading and sharing charts and info-graphics and it is a pleasure sharing these with you all. Happy weekend 🙂
Who donated to Obama and how much?

Who donated to Obama and how much?

This beautiful arc chart shows how much people have donated to Obama’s campaign and what their professions are. The left side shows the profession and right end of the arc shows how much they donated. Arcs are colored based on the profession of donors (red for retired). I really loved this chart. [via Visual Complexity]

County-wise results of 2008 US elections – maps & catrograms

County-wise results of 2008 US elections - maps & catrograms

This map and cartograms show the 2008 US presidential election results by county. If a county’s majaority is republicans then the color is red and for democrats it is blue. Looking at the map you might get a feeling that republicans won a large area. But it is misleading as number of people in each county is different (and more people live in cities). That is why you should also look at cartogram to see how much democrats and republicans won. [via Strange Maps]
Where Obama Built his Advantage?

Where Obama Built his Advantage?

Where Obama built his advantage? Literally. This Chicago Tribune info-graphic shows buildings whose height is adjusted based on Obama’s advantage across US states. [via Infographic News]
Just Roads, nothing else

Just Roads, nothing else

What happens when you remove all geographic features from a map and plot only roads? The above image is a result of that experiemnt. You can see where the road density is more (and hence more people are living) [via Visual Complexity]
So Many Mobile Phones per Second

So Many Mobile Phones a Second

So many per second is a simple interactive visualization that shows us how many times a particular event is happening in the world. The one shown above tells us that there are 27 mobile phones sold every second. [via Flowing Data]

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One Response to “5 Visualizations for your Inspiration [Nov 07]”

  1. [...] Visualizations for your inspiration [Nov 04] Must see info-graphics [Oct 31] 5 Beautiful Visualizations [Oct 24] Visualizations of the week [Oct 17] [...]

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