Charts of the Week [Sep 19]
Thankfully power is back in Ohio, almost 2 days ago to my house. There is another personal update: We are moving to Seattle. My consulting work in Columbus was over 2 weeks back and since then I have been waiting for the next assignment. Finally this week it became clear that we have to move to Seattle. Most of my time is spent packing, selling stuff and finalizing the travel formalities. Next week PHD will hello you all from Seattle 🙂
Back to charts of the week.
Democratic or Republic – Which books are Popular?
Amazon has put together the above graph to show last 60 day sales / favorites of red vs. blue books across various states in US. Provides good insights in to what people are reading. Apparently most states are reading RED books. [via DSA Insights]
Mess on Wall Street – Market Capitalization Erosion from Oct 2007 to Sept 2008
This is a square pie of 29 financial companies’ market capitalization. The left side is as of October 2007. You can see how much value is eroded in mere 11 months.
Per-capita Spending on Recreation for Each Country
Another awesome graphic by NYT, this one shows how much each country spends on various purchase categories. The one you see above is for recreation. I am not sure if the figures are adjusted based on purchasing power parity. [via Flowing Data]
More on US Elections – Article References by Obama and McCain
Another election visualization. EveryMomentNow is a project to capture number of news article references by presidential candidates – McCain & Obama. This pyramid like chart is updated everyday. [via Information Aesthetics]
Your life in bubbles – All important moments in life
What would you get when you create one bubble for every month of your life and then color them based on important events in your life ? The one you are seeing above is cartoon like visualization of 931 months of life and colors mark achievements made in that month by famous people. So in a way it is a visualization of life data of several famous people like Ayn Rand, Einstein etc. [via Information Aesthetics]
That is all. Browse archives for more eye candy.

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