
Car gets PHD, nobody is hurt



Well folks, we have finally purchased a car, a toyota camry that is, ah! typical dvd (Desi in ViDesh) choice you may say, well, I have nothing to respond for that. I dont have permanent license yet, so you can roam around freely on columbus roads for few more days, walk all you want.

PHD Gets a car
[click on it for a bigger readable version]


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10 Responses to “Car gets PHD, nobody is hurt”

  1. You bought a car and you are on the TOI?? That is what I call making the headlines 🙂

    Tarun Chandel

  2. jedi says:

    hi there-

    i really like your blog. i was wondering how i can import this theme - dilectio into the free wordpress blogs available. i'm not very tech savvy and wonder if you can direct me to the way too do this and if it costs anything and how long it takes. thanks very much in advance.

  3. Chandoo says:

    @tarun .. hehe...
    @jedi .. thankoo thankoo.. welcome to PHD, I got this theme from SmashingMagazine site and customized it to suit my content. You can browse through these urls to get the theme (its free... 🙂 )

    Enjoy 🙂

  4. jedi says:

    thanks much. so after i get the theme, is there a way to easily incorporate into wordpress? i don't know much about this stuff at all and i haven't been able to figure it out by google searching. thanks in advance.

  5. Kapil says:

    A simple post but with such an interesting image makes it so much more fun to look at.

  6. Chandoo says:

    @jedi.. you are welcome, that was a fast reply 🙂
    if you are hosting your blog on your server:
    - download and unzip theme files
    - locate the wp-content / themes folder on your wp installation on the server
    - upload the unzipped folder there (you may want to go through the readme files if any)
    - go to admin panel in wp and change the theme from there, the newly uploaded one should be visible there

    if the blog is hosted on a free server like wordpress.com, then you may have to make do with whatever themes they provide, not sure though.
    read through wordpress famous 5 minute install here, its easy, fun and sexy .. believe me.

  7. Chandoo says:

    @kapil.. thankoo... 🙂

  8. Tarun says:

    Congrats. I can imagine your excitement. Getting your own set of wheels is an extremely desirable thing in US.

  9. Chandoo says:

    @Tarun.. thanks, you are right...

  10. [...] having the engine die. PS: People who have been reading me since 2008 would point that this is indeed not my first car. Well, it is sort of, the camry was bought in US and sold. [...]

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