The problem with B-schools
The problem with (B) Schools is that, they grade you. You are A-pos or A or A Neg or B Pos or so on. The grading starts right from the first day first presentation, quiz, assigment, case study, cp and goes on till you leave the campus with all your bags.
So much that RG (relative grading) is ingrained into every MBA who leaves the school. After a month or so of roaming around, we hit the corporate world, the ideas of RG vigorously flowing in our veins. And what do we see?
- The world outside is boolean. There are no 10 grades for every idea, word, slide, chart, suggestion or thing. There are only 2 stages for them, whether people like it or they dont. Its that simple.
- You often dont have much choice to say, “ok, if it sucks so much, I am ready to take a C or even D!” Well, All you get is a pass or fail.
I think, this is something B-schools need to impart to (or is it in) students.
Related: game theory and b-school placements B-school jargon

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