The PHD Blogmela
Welcome to PHD Blogmela. Just now completed reading all the posts nominated and boy!, this is going to be a real Indian blogmela. Majority of the nominations centered around India as in they spoke about India rather than about some Indian. Ok, I am not wasting anymore time. Lets jump in to the PHD Blogmela.
>> Begin < <
“Things dont change, You change your way of looking. Thats all” says Carlos Castaneda. But Sriram argues that nothing is changing. Especially when you look at the world from moon, for him it seems that nothing is changing in corporate world. Incidentally there seems to be some change in the online world. This post reveals links on Yahoo!’s 10th anniversary, how Yahoo! has transformed and how interenet has changed in the last 10 years.
Talk about annual affairs, we cant forget the hue and cry that some of the orange clad pseudo Indians raise over certain day in February. But for some people the problems of the certain day are not with the lunatics, but with finding the right women to gift their roses. Saket suggests that we can actually celebrate V day with men too.
As we all know love is not the end of it all. There is more to it. The next logical step to love is relationship and may be physical closeness. But not all of us get the later part. Some of us try relentlessly to get closer. Read what a teacher did to its students to satiate her needs from patrix. He also talks about what is the situation in India.
Any talk on India is incomplete if we dont discuss our political system. Each one of us have our opinion on efficiency or lack of it in Indian politics and government. For some people government is taking away thier freedom. Nilu argues that govt. taking away land from someone is indeed wrong. Nilu also laments the press and govt. for wasting so much time and resources on railway budget. Talk about politics and the first thing that comes to our mind is elections. Gaurav describes his experience with elections at micro level.
Once the elections are over the next big circus on Indian political theatre is the budget exercise. this year is no exception. MadMan criticizes PC for his move to tax the transactions. Neelakantan argues that there are better ways to curb the black money movements than taxing transactions. There is more to budget than the transaction tax which has become most popular in press as well as in blogworld. Read Prateek Agarwal’s views on budget to find out how a bschooler feels about it. He is also unhappy because of the change in education loan taxation. Looks like even I have to shell out extra money after passing out. Huh! not a good way to begin my career with.
Ok, I understood that we are talking too much on elections and budgets. So how about communism for a change? Varnam laments our communists who visited Pakistan recently and asked Musharraf to release some of our prisoners. He says our communists lacked spines. While we are on lamenting lets see what Saurav has to say about David Kirkpatrick’s comments in Fortune. Saurav is vociferous in arguing India’s case. That brings us to the domestic issues of India. One of the symbols of India is a bumpy auto rickshaw ride. Nikhil recalls some of his experiences with ricks. On the otherhand Jairam (who is one of my classmates here) argues that the claim that India is a country of snakes and cows is not entirely unfounded. Atleast his mathematics say so.
Ok, too much of India? Lets talk about Indians then. Kurlekaar describes the tale of a tsunami victim [only first part is posted]. Anurag from Pune tells about his passion for long distance running. Govar, who is also my classmate talks about his plight of being an engineer and his inability to master finance. Balachander who is not in a bschool on the other hand cribs about getting rejecting from some bschool. Lets wish him goodluck with next school. Vagabond is thinking about an MBA program while he is on a train to Bhopal. Amit lists down his experiences of being a vegetarian.
Venky somewhere else feels that the legacy of Dhirubhai is ruined after his passage. Talk about challenges in organizations. Deena lists out the problems of managing an NGO and how to tackle them.
Ok enough of serious stuff, lets talk about movies. Cecilia talks about first South African movie tobe nominated for Oscars. Elsewhere Avinash talks about Cinderalla story.
And to end the mela here is the first Hindi Blogazine.
The Prize Winner: Saurav Sarkar‘s post on Note To Retiring Fortune Magazine Writers. Congratulations Dude. I will contact you soon.
Next Blogmela: Nilesh is hosting the next mela. Go drop nominations on his site.
>> End < <
That is all folks. I hope you have enjoyed the mela as much as I did in hosting it. See you sometime later. May be in my second year.
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