The AHA Effect!
There are fairs. And then there are fairs. Then there is UtsAHA. to beat all of them hands down.
UtsAHA is the reason for the inactivity in my blog. For the last 3-4 days half of IIM Indore are working like dogs to make this marketing fair happen. The concept of UtsAHA is simple. It is a marketing fair for outside people visiting us. It is a disguised marketing survey for those of us who are conducting it. We do projects for very big clients to find out more about their customers by letting them play games and speak their heart out.
This year UtsAHA happened on Jan 15th and 16th. 2 days. I had a very good time these 2 days. A welcome break from otherwise hectic schedule of term3. Atleast that is what I thought on 15th at 12:10. But the work was so much that many people didn’t get decent 2 hours of sleep before rushing to the venue. I was lucky to get a 5 hour sleep.
Entire Day1 I was busy with my team mates conducting a disguised customer survey for a telecom giant. All in all interacted with 80 odd people and spent atleast 5 mins with each of them. Managed to create a stinking smell from my feet. stayed alive till I came back to my room. The only relief came in the form of dinner at Nafees from 10:20 to 11:20. 🙂
Day2 started little late since we have our stalls ready and all we need to do is to go there and start the laptops. After a gruelling 40 mins bike ride I reached the stalls. Crowd has started coming by then. After 1.5 hours time I left to get some lunch. This time it was Rambabu Ke Parathe. Awesome place for getting all types of parathas. Then back in the venue the games were going full swing. Sometime around 7 we got the required number of responses and we closed the registration for the games. Then started the entertainment programmes and events. All in all day2 has seen far more and far better(interms of fair sex :P) crowd.
To say the least UtsAHA is a memorable experience. definitely I came to know about hell lot of things. But again that is another blog, another day.
To wrap up. I am alive and kicking. It is just that I am enjoying my busy work schedule little too much to take time out to blog. Will definitely write the GD/PI thing I promised in a couple of days time. tillde then Tada!

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