‘sleeper’ class-apart
There are boozers, then there are movie buffs. There are food freaks too. There are dance maniacs also. There are surfing addicts. There are gamers. Above all there are sporting stars. But there is one sect of the prisoners living here. Their eye shutters drop at the drop of hat. Literally. I am proud to be a part of this cult worshippers of the god of hypons.
Ideal setting of the life here doesnot permit a participant to go snoozing for more than 5 hours a day. Well, i am exaggerating as there are always exceptions to this rule. But, seriously i have not slept more than 6 hours during working days. Again, the definition of working day is very much flexible. Just like the definition of ‘welldone’ comment made by managers in IT companies. Based on the current timetables we can safely say that, all PGP 1 participants in iim indore gets 2 days of holidays under normal conditions. But.. But the normal conditions are theory. Practice is much more different and thus we end up getting somethig like 30 holiday hours for a week.
So what does a not so crazy person do on these 30 hours. Well, there are several avenues for getting fun and entertained.
– TV and movies on your box
– reading books (i have yet to meet a person doing this :D)
– party
– booze and become unconscious (for obvious reasons we the sleeper class dont call the unconscious part as sleeping)
– play computer/human games
– Go to city and get some nice food and watch central Indian chicks :p
– and finally sleep, sleep something like night 10 to evening 6. 😀
This brings us to the question of what crazy people do on those 30 hours???, well, according to some observations, they do
– prepare for the next day classes/cases/assignments
– goto library
– other CV building stuff. :(((
Coming back me, obviously i sleep in the holidays. I dont even bother to wake up for breakfast and sometimes lunch. I somehow had the belief that sleeping gives more energy and i can spend that energy in the later part of the day. This is the reason why i take afternoon nap very religiously. But for some strange reason, i never sleep in the class. May be because i dont want to miss the class. Here missing the class has other parts apart from the lecture. The other significant parts include some of the orbitest and funniest CP done by classmates and enjoying the sleeping techniques of the same bunch.
Infact, my sleeping is so overwhelming that, i dont do anything else in the holidays. Not even bathing. But i am not the only one to share the blame for my sleep. It is the atmosphere in indore that makes you goto bed earlier. It is always raining and chilly. The breeze rushing to my room takes away my consciousness along with it. and there i am dreaming about working (ie sleeping) as a manager in an MNC.
That is all about sleeping. Chalo me going to D block to discuss a case.
Goodnight -)
Y! Status: In the land of blind, one-eyed man is the king

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