
What buttons you have in the excel quick access bar ? [weekend poll]



This week’s poll is quite simple. Tell us what buttons/ icons you have added to the quick access bar in excel 2007 (or toolbar in excel 2003)?

As for me, I have these in my home laptop’s excel:

Excel 2007 - What is on your Quick Launch Bar?

Just use the comments and tell me about your settings.

Bonus Tip: You can quickly access the functionality in Quick Access Bar by pressing ALT+ button number. For eg. pressing ALT+9 would strike-through cell’s contents in my case.

PS: Have a fun weekend.

PPS: If you are struggling with ribbon, you should check out ribbon learning guide.


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    31 Responses to “What buttons you have in the excel quick access bar ? [weekend poll]”

    1. moatasem says:

      my buttons in QAT are
      » Paste values
      » Paste formatting
      » all borders

    2. Finnur says:

      I had a very hard time getting used to the new system in Excel 2007 so I created the Excel 2003 ribbons as seen here:


      To that I just added conditional formatting and remove duplicates.

      Thanks for a great site.

    3. govi says:

      Mine are:
      -Pivottable wizard

    4. govi says:

      Oh yes, I just added Freeze panes 😉

    5. Jakob says:

      My QAT holds: Print Preview, E-mail, Quick print, New, Open, Select Visible Cells (my favorite), Camera, Autofilter and Bottom 10% (don't think I've ever used that one).
      I like Finnur's solution, He is obviously as brilliant in Excel as he is in playing Squash.,.

    6. kaliman says:

      My QAT is loaded with frequently used macros (mainyl for formatting and text-converting exports)p plus:
      Select Visible Cells
      Print Preview

    7. @curtisincalgary says:

      Add-ins, Open, Save As, Print Preview, Redo, Reset Page Breaks, Show Page Breaks, Normal View, Arrange All, Switch Windows, New Window, Name Manager, Evaluate Formula, Freeze Panes, Manage Rules, Data Validation, Align, Select All, Crop, Move Forward, Move Backward, Calculate Now, Refresh All, Change Shape

      Last section contain macros for: Toggle R1C1, AddDynamicNamedRanges, Toggle EditInCell

    8. Gregory says:

      I have added: Print, Paste Values, Freeze Panes, View Macros, and Visual Basic.

    9. Ken Puls says:

      I've added:
      -Quick Print
      -Print Preview
      -Recent Files List (from an addin I built)
      -Open From Specific Folder (from an addin I built)

    10. Jorge says:


      You can use CTRL+5 to strikethrough the cell.

    11. Jorge says:

      By the way

      1 Paste Values
      2 Paste Formulas
      3 Paste Format
      4 Left Align
      5 Center Align
      6 Right Align
      7 Copy Format (similar to paste format but works in a different way)
      8 Preview
      09 Fill Color
      08 Evaluate Formulas
      07 View Formulas
      06 Precedent
      05 Dependent
      04 Clear
      03 Inspection Window
      02 Camera
      01 Freeze Panels

      ... and continues!

    12. Olu D. says:

      Only the print preview for now ...
      I'm sure it'll keep on growing after I have fully migrated

    13. I use Excel 2003 and have the foll buttons on my custom toolbar.

      Freeze Panes, Auto Filter, Strike through, Page Break View, Normal View, 3 for Vertical allignment - top center bottom, Merge Across, Merge Cells, Unmerge Cells, Dark Shading, Light Shading, Clear All, Show/Hide Outline Symbols, Toggle Grid, Pattern

      And some for my macros - Find Duplicates, Remove duplicates, Formatting and few work related

      And I like the feature of having all this customization in one file .xlb file
      Do we have similar thing in 2007?

      Finnur - Nice Idea for those who hate ribbons 🙂

    14. Carlos says:

      The icons i have are:
      - New file
      - Print Preview
      - Freeze Panes
      - Auto Filter

      Hey Finnur how did you do that? I woul like to create the Excel 2003 ribbons as you did!

    15. Pat says:

      New workbook, Open, Save, Save As, Undo, QuickPrint, Set print area, page orientation, preview, email, freeze panes, left align, center, merge & center, Page #, # of Pages, pivot table, subtotals, sum, accounting number format, decrease decimal, fill series, wrap text, bottom align, top align, sort, filter, paste values, clear filter, and paste special!!

    16. Murray says:

      Before I received your email I only had the basic buttons that are standard to Excel. Now that I know I can add and change them, I'll be sure to put some regularly used ones there. Thanks for the tip.

    17. Jorge says:

      Where are mi comments?

    18. Andy Holaday says:

      Buttons I've added and actually use... New Database Query, Evaluate Formula, Trace Precedents, Pivot Table and PivotChart Report, Show Field List, Group, Ungroup, Camera, Source Data (for charts). Plus, a few that call my own macros... Format Accounting, Auto-Size Columns and Bold Header, Remove That Irritating Adobe Toolbar, 1-Click Pivot Table, Refresh Everything, Load Palette Chooser.

    19. Dan Murray says:

      Very similiar to yours however I add the quick column/row insert and delete buttons and the data validation button which allows you to prevent invalid data inputs into a cell(s).

    20. Yukikomi says:

      In my excel, I have
      - Paste values
      - Print Preview
      - Freeze Panes
      - Auto Filter
      - Pivot Table
      - Group
      I see many of you add the camera in QAT, how to use camera in Excel 2007? Is lt a good function in excel 2007?

    21. Jeff Weir says:

      I just have a button that has a macro turnson 'Speak on Enter', and then tell me that Excel loves me. I use this one a lot.

    22. Jeff Weir says:

      No, because whenever I trigger it I've got headphones on. She thinks I'm just listening to a Mr Excel podcast.

    23. Finnur says:

      @Carlos: It was made manually. Took me 1-2 hours. Totally worth it.

      @Jakob: Thank you, I guess. I hope I'm better at Excel than playing squash. I haven't played for at least 2 years.

    24. Jeff Weir says:

      @Finnur: Great idea...I don't know why I havent done this with the commands I use daily, so I can do away with the ribbon altogether.

      @Chandoo: You should do a follow up post:"Wanna do away with the space-hogging ribbon? Here's how"

    25. m-b says:

      I'm using a similar approach as Finnur:


      I've left out the buttons I don't use frequently though and added a lot of others which used to be on my custom toolbars in 2003. The Ribbon now rarely gets 'maximized' so that saves a lot of screen space.

      So overall I don't mind the Ribbon as much as others, I do wish you would be able to have multiple QATs though or a QAT with two lines of buttons. I could use a bit more space 🙂

    26. invisionz says:


      Thanks my man! I just made the switch to 2007 because work is now using it. I really HATE the Ribbon and now I am going to setup all those lovely buttons that I am used to in 2003.

    27. campingshadow says:

      I am amazed that some that I cannot live without are not on anyones list. I have on my QAT the following: Save, Print, Format Painter, Print Preview, Auto sum, Set print area, Merge and center, Merge, Unmerge, Borders, Clear contents, Clear formatting, Text Box, Word Art, Fill color, Font color,Bullets, Freeze Panes, Insert Sparklines, Insert Slicers, Straight Arrow connector, Cell Styles, Macros.

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