My Olympic medals by country year visualization in excel is received well by readers. I got few interesting emails on it.
Robert from Germany shares an interesting approach at doing this, by doing a heat map of the medal counts on an outline world map. This is very impressive and involves flood filling countries with a shade of gray based on the medals they got. Download and play with it
Jon from PTS Blog shares a simple technique to color the chart by continent to add more context to it. He does that by creating various named ranges and manually adjusting the color based on the range. Read more on how to this. Download and play with his version.
Thanks to both of you, I have learned new tricks in charting. Enjoy
6 Responses to “The Olympic Medals by Country Chart – Improved now”
A short clarification:
I have taken the heat map idea (including the VBA code) directly from Tushar Mehta’s Website:
So heap all praise on Tushar, not on me. I just adopted his solution to a world map.
@Robert, thanks for sharing that link with our readers. You still deserve the praise for taking time to put together the map, of course most of the techniques are already out there, what matters most is how you put them to use...
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this is great! i have a much simpler requirement though! how do i embed a world map (as an image) on a spreadsheet but display data in the background cells? so no clever stuff really!