LWD, 360, 4Ps, 5Ms, 3Cs and other not-so boring stuff…
Dont be scared by the title of the post. It was meant to be like that. So lets get it started
LWD: Ah, the sweet sound of LWD – the Last Working Day. The first year classes are over yesterday. We had a really wonderful MHR class to close the year. The prof is really passionate about the course and has a very effective communication style. I was worried for loaded with another HR course in the beginning of the term but looking back now the course did add value to me personally. We have a couple of submissions and some endterms left. After that I will be going to Bombay for sweet summers.
360: Got the invite for Yahoo! 360 from a friend. The idea is really cool. Its a mixture of Orkut, Blogger and FlickR. Right now in beta stage and has lots of improvements to be done, but overall one can enjoy there. If you want an invite you know whom you have to send your email id.
4Ps, 5Ms, 3Cs: Done with marketing end-term exam today. Not so disastrous as I expected it to be. Infact I managed to pull off a decent performance in the test. More than the grades I personally enjoyed the course alot and am more convinced that marketing will keep me excited for rest of my life.
Other stuff: I am facing some problems with getting accommodation in Bombay. Hope I will get that before boarding the train. If you can help me in finding acco in south bombay (preferably near Breach Candy) please post a comment and i will try to get in touch with you.
One more exciting thing that will be happening is, I will be getting a digital camera [here, here] in the next couple of days. Thanks to my sweetheart, I have enough funding to buy the toy. Thanks to my friend Praveen who bought the cam when he is caming back from US recently. Will post more on this sometime after the exams are over. Right now I am little pressed for time. So expect not more than one post per day.

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