Latest @ PHD
well… I have been luring my visitors about the happenings here. let me acutally put them down.
like a condom advertisement which exaggerates the excitement to exorbitant levels,you might find this a dud of a post. lets try.
Well, come january its election time at I. yours truly contested for Secretary, Media & public relations committee. After some worthless campaigning and slogan shouting the final round of manifesto presentation came. It all started at 10:20 pm on one fine night. with the enthusiasm of a school kid seeing the elephant safari for the first time, Govar dragged me to the mess where the presentations are going. well, for the first 2 presentations or so we are all ears to listen the promises. then all of a sudden when we lifted our heads to check the survivor count the number present is worse than Strategic Planning attendence levels. Only those contesting and waiting for their round of Man-I-Fuss-Too presentation are there. may be an odd insomniac or fun lover trying to mock the presenter is also there. all in all not more than 80 legs are present in the room.
After sitting tight for almost 2 hours my turn for the manifestation came. Well, 5 mins of rant and promises and its all over. Election started at around 3:30 am. Results came at 4 am. and yours truly lost.
The student body of the IIM Indore is called as SWAC. Earlier i was trying to become a secretary of one of the parts of SWAC. After the election failure I thought several times before filing the nomination for the member post. (apart from secy, there will be 2 members in Media Com.) this time it was dumb luck. From the entire batch, Media com recieved only 2 nominations, one from me and another from anoop (my project groupmate). Thus I became a member of SWAC 2005-2006.
Summer Project
I got my summer project details in the last week. When the company asked for preference sometime in december I said marketing. Finally I got a project in the same area. I will be in Mumbai during those 2 months with a possibility of travel.
Right Now
We have a big party tonight. First party of the term3. people are already tired with routine for the last 10 or sodays. so expecting a lot of noice and movement on the dance floor tonight
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