
IRIS 2005

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IRIS 2005 is over. I know I haven’t spoken much about it. For one, it’s been a part of my life for the last 8-9 months. Barring the 2 months of summer, I have spent at least a couple of hours every day on it, fearlessly dreaming about the event, carefully shaping up the themes and processes, painfully skipping the sleep figuring the intricacies and delightfully enjoying every moment of it.

How does it feel like? Well, Its been one hell of an experience, right from raw coding to marketing of the fest, managed to learn a lot. Found several new friends and realized several things about myself as well as others. One thing that kept coming back to me all the while is my career choice. The work we did IRIS is pretty much comparable to the launch of a product or service. This type of challenge gave me a natural high and kept me occupied for really long time. Yesterday night, when I sat alone after the party, I was telling myself… “Even if I do one thing like IRIS every year I will be more satisfied than solving hazaar cases or doing some dumb strategies”

What am I going to do now? Hmm… really no idea. For a while I would like to sit back and bask in to the glory. Enjoy the slow pace of events and silence of my phone. Wait for my term exams to get over so that I can spend really good time with my sweetheart.  May be I will work on my CV and final placements, even though I know what I would like to do for rest of my life there are several little things that need to finalized.

In the end, I sincerely hope that my juniors and the rest of the batches to come will break all the records IRIS 2005 has set.


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