
Epic Introduction to Power BI



Yay, finally our first ever full length Power BI tutorial is up. In this 30 minute video tutorial, learn how to get some data in to Power BI and make a quick report to understand it. We will be creating this.

Note: Here is an updated version of this introduction to Power BI page.


And in v2.0 of this report (which is available for Power BI Play Date students), you will learn how to make the below dashboard.


Let’s get started then.

What is Power BI?

Oh yeah, before we jump in to the video, let’s define what Power BI really is. Power BI is a business intelligence software to collect, clean, combine data, model it, analyze, visualize it and finally publish it to your team (or wider world). It combines the awesome capabilities of Power Query (for cleaning, mixing and mashing up data), Power Pivot (for modeling and analyzing data) and slick interactive visualizations.

How to get it?

Here is the tricky part though, You must be born on a Friday between 6 and 7 AM during the 1980s to download it.

I am messing with you, I think the download works for Wednesday kids as well.

Just head over to Power BI website and download Power BI desktop for free. You can learn and create awesome visualizations in minutes. If you want to publish or share your reports with others, you should sign up with Power BI online service. This costs some fee per month depending on the plan you (your organization) buy. All details are on Power BI website.

Once you have Power BI desktop installed and ready to roll, watch the introduction tutorial.

Introduction to Power BI – Video Tutorial

This is the lesson 0 of our Power BI Play Date. If you like this, sign up for the Power BI Play Date so you can get full 8 hours training. We are opening for enrollments soon.

Download Example Workbook

Click here to download the PBI Workbook. Play with the visualization, try customizing it and adding things.

If you want to recreate this from scratch, use this dataset.

Want more? Really, really more? Check out the play date

I am enjoying learning and using Power BI as part of my work and couldn’t wait to share some of these awesome insights with you in the upcoming Play Date. It is my online class about Power BI. You will learn how to make amazing dashboards and reports with Power BI in this.

We are inviting play mates for this play date on 20th of November, 2019 (Wednesday). If you want in, sign up using below form or this link, for our waiting list. I will email me once the class is ready for you.

See you in the play date.

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Thank you so much for visiting. My aim is to make you awesome in Excel & Power BI. I do this by sharing videos, tips, examples and downloads on this website. There are more than 1,000 pages with all things Excel, Power BI, Dashboards & VBA here. Go ahead and spend few minutes to be AWESOME.

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8 Responses to “Epic Introduction to Power BI ”

  1. Matt says:

    Hi Chandoo

    Great to see that you are starting to take people on the Power BI journey. It is certainly an exciting product and is an easy jump from Excel to Power BI. Powerful and easy to use.

    If any of your previous courses/training is anything to go on. I'm sure the Power BI course will be great.

  2. Sneha says:

    Hello Chandoo,

    It's my first video in Power BI. Great stuff, the explanation was so easy to grasp. I specially loved the feature related with forecasting.
    Would love to learn more about how to play along with various types data and analyze those.
    This course is really helpful, looking forward to it.


  3. Anne says:

    Just wondering - what version of Office 365 are you using with this? Thanks Anne

  4. A Rajan Pradeep says:

    Hi Chandoo,

    I downloaded powerbi today and was trying to load data from excel. It would not load, saying the data is too large and is getting truncated. The load button was disabled. I deleted quite a bit of the data, and it still would not load. I tried saving the same data as csv, and then it loaded. Why cant it load large data? Is it that I am using a free version? I got help from microsoft, but they could not solve it after shunting me between 2 experts. Now they want me to call another number.


    Hi Mr Chandoo,
    I need your help to solve my problem, Target Vs Actual
    If Target is set for 12 month, and Actual is different, It may be lower or higher, If it is lower , how it will update in next upcoming months.

    Pls suggest the solution,

  6. Shalu Shukla says:

    We need to pay to learn excel, power BI, python etc.

  7. Sumit Guha says:

    Dear Sir,
    I am interested to join your online course of Power BI.
    How to get started for power bi course.
    Pls let me know the details for joining power bi course.

    Looking for your response.
    Thanking you.
    Sumit Guha.

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