
I stink, therefore I exist

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Thanks largely to the marketing presentation due today and the impending winter. I was working till 5:30 on the case and ppt. Weather here is slowly becoming nasty and last night wasnt any better. When i crashed in the odd hour my room is damn cold. The sack felt like a sponge soaked in chilled water. Thus said, i put on 3 schedlued tasks for waking up in the morning (extra cautious since i have something like 2 presentations and 1 case in the classes today and i cant miss a single class :D)

How is the mission control process for launching ANOVAN satellite to the Titli space going????
WTF??? its a dream !

Stuff the brush and paste into the bag

Running to classroom

Waiting outside the class to let the first presentation to finish

Inside the class. Feeling like a stinking omelette stuffed in a rotten socks.

Thanks to the 7 minute break.

Brushing my teeth in the acad block toilets. 😀

A cup of tea. After all we are presenting on Tea industry.

Inside the class. Feeling better.

Finally, managed to get attendence in all classes. Thank god.

The whole idea is simple. Keep a spare brush in the college bag. You dont want your presence to be felt in the class.
Do you?

Chalo. me running for the QT class now. Bye !


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One Response to “I stink, therefore I exist”

  1. Govar says:

    Tell u what, looking from the health perspective, the bad smell is alrite, but unbrushed tooth isn't. You either gotto takke all the baccteria out, or have to swallow them. So, next time, run to mess, take something to eat and eaet on the way. bacteria would be swallowed, and they'd die in stomach's acid. Your teeth'd be safe. 🙂

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