
Create a number sequence for each change in a column in excel [Quick Tip]



Create sequence numbers based on change in a column valuesHere is a quick formula trick you can use to generate sequence numbers that only increment when there is a change.

Assuming the sequence of values are in column C from C3,

  • you can write the following formula in B4 onwards (B3 will be 1, wake up…)
  • Now just copy paste the formula over the entire range B2:Bxxx to generate sequence numbers.

How it works?

  • That is for your home work for the day 😛

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    20 Responses to “Create a number sequence for each change in a column in excel [Quick Tip]”

    1. Peter H says:

      I have used a similar technique using conditional formatting to identify when lists change. Our Production Scheduling Program gives a readout like this:-
      Dept M/c Tool Job No
      A A1 T1 J1
      A A1 T1 J2
      A A1 T2 J3
      A A2 T2 J4
      A A2 T3 J5
      A A2 T3 J6
      A A2 T4 J7
      A A2 T5 J8
      A A2 T6 J9
      B B1 T7 J10
      B B1 T7 J11
      B B1 T7 J12
      B B1 T8 J13
      B B2 T9 J14
      B B2 T10 J15
      B B2 T10 J16
      B B2 T10 J17
      B B2 T10 J18

      If you add 2 conditional formats to each cell:-
      =A2=A1 - font colour equals white &
      =A2A1 - add a line to the top of the cell it comes out like this:-

      Dept M/c Tool Job No
      A A1 T1 J1
      T2 J3
      A2 T3 J5
      T4 J7
      T5 J8
      T6 J9
      B B1 T7 J10
      T8 J13
      B2 T9 J14
      T10 J15
      With the proper spread sheet with the horizontal lines drawn this is much easier to read

    2. Peter H says:

      Hi Chandoo

      Sorry about the formatting of the above post.
      I am new at this commenting game & dont know how to make the formatting come out correct

    3. Chandoo says:

      @Peter H: Welcome to PHD and commenting. 🙂 I like your idea. When I get sometime I will create a screenshot of this and post it here so that other readers will know how it would look.

      Also, you dont need 2 conditional formats. You can set the cell font color to white for all in one stroke and then use conditional formatting to turn the color to black when a2 not equal to a1.

    4. ronnie lack says:

      dilbert hello, my name is roni have 62 anos.vamos interesa what I'm learning to move in excel, as do combinations of 1.2.3 up to 25, using 15 numbers

    5. Cammy says:

      I'm trying to create a formula that generate sequence number for employees who have multiple lines. Example...
      ID Name Seq. #
      11 Smith, John 1
      11 Smith, John 2
      55 Perez, A

    6. Cammy says:

      ID Name Seq. #
      65 Matthews, Joe 1
      65 Matthews, Joe 2
      65 Matthews, Joe 3
      65 Matthews, Joe 4

    7. Maharaskal says:

      Hi guys,
      I need help on sequence number for sheets.
      could anyone guide me the correct formula for that?

    8. Chris says:

      I have a massive list of Data this needs to have sequence be numbers in sequence in the colum beside the data is raandom in cells, PLease see the example underneath it will be easier to explain


      Anyone know how to write a sequence formula so the final product in the column beside will have a sequence numbering please see below

      Data237828 1
      Data237828 2
      Data237828 3
      Data237828 4
      Data237828 5
      Data237828 6
      Data237828 7
      Data237828 8
      Data876378 1
      Data876378 2
      Data876378 3
      Data876378 4
      Data876378 5
      Data876378 6
      Data876378 7
      Data7868 1
      Data7868 2
      Data7868 3
      Data893798389 1
      Data893798389 2
      Data893798389 3
      Data893798389 4
      Data893798389 5
      Data893798389 6
      Data234352 1
      Data234352 2
      Data234352 3
      Data234352 4

      Any help is appreciated, thank you.

    9. Charan says:

      Hi Chris,

      I had a similar requirement and I have achieved this using a simple formula...

      and apply this formula for all rows in B column... hope this solves your issue.

      • Vijay says:

        Thanks Charan!! I was looking for the similar for formula. Even though very simple, in crunch time, nothing will work. Thanks Charan for great help

      • M.G. says:


      • Sara says:

        Hello! I would like more help with this formula, please. I know it is exactly what I am looking for but I am having trouble on how to apply it. I have a list of schools (Column A) that have corresponding project numbers (Column B), and get a different phase number (Column C) each time a project comes in. It looks just like the data above but I can't get it to sequence correctly.

    10. Brandon says:


      How can I have Excel auto number data in row B to match data in row D?

      Column B Column D
      Invoice Number Nurse Name
      170111 Nurse 1
      170111 Nurse 1
      170112 Nurse 2
      170112 Nurse 2
      170113 Nurse 3
      170113 Nurse 3
      170113 Nurse 3

      right now Excel does this:

      Column B Column D
      Invoice Number Nurse Name
      170111 Nurse 1
      170112 Nurse 1
      170113 Nurse 2
      170114 Nurse 2
      170115 Nurse 3
      170116 Nurse 3
      170117 Nurse 3

    11. Vitumalah says:


      How can i have auto refill sequence number for 4 digit at the end.


    12. LENDL says:

      help pls




    13. Ahsan says:

      5858 Bill 1
      5858 Bill 1
      5858 Bill 1
      5859 Randy 2
      5859 Randy 2
      5860 James 3
      5861 Jonas 4
      5862 Ah med 5
      5862 Ah med 5
      5863 Mohan 6
      5863 Mohan 6
      5863 Mohan 6
      5864 Sheryl 7
      5864 Sheryl 7
      5865 Ch ristv 8

    14. Ahsan says:

      In C column.
      Its worked for me as mentioned below.

      I will be happy if anyone can get help from this.

      A B C
      5858 Bill 1
      5858 Bill 1
      5858 Bill 1
      5859 Randy 2
      5859 Randy 2
      5860 James 3
      5861 Jonas 4
      5862 Ah med 5
      5862 Ah med 5
      5863 Mohan 6
      5863 Mohan 6
      5863 Mohan 6
      5864 Sheryl 7
      5864 Sheryl 7
      5865 Ch ristv 8

    15. affan says:

      I want to generate a sequence like; A-0001, A-0002..... but when change in Alpha happen it should be reset with like B-0001, B-0002....C-0001, C-0002.....could anyone help me out ???

    16. Gokul says:

      How to generate sequential invoice number for multiple sheets. It will be a continuation number based on the input in different sheets.
      for example:
      Sheet1: 001,002
      Sheet2: 003,004
      whenever the sheet gets updated then the next number should appear in the both sheets. Please help.

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