Excel Links – Learn Excel Online Edition
Recently I have conducted a survey on my blog to find out your pulse on PHD. Quite a few survey respondents have told me that PHD needs a topic-wise archive so that you can learn excel easily. So over the weekend I have prepared a webpage where you can find topic-wise posts on excel and charting. Go check out the Learn Excel Online page. It has links to posts on 100+ excel topics. The topics are sorted alphabetically. Take a look and tell me what you think.
Coming to this week’s excel links, we have quite a collection on VBA.
Highly Recommended: Watch Hans Rosling’s Chart Magic in TED India
Watching TED talks is like having a hot cup of coffee, only without side-effects, but all the energy boost. In this memorable talk, Hans Rosling shows us the future of Asia using Charts. There is so much to learn from Hans, in this presentation alone, you can pick up a handful tips on presentation styles, usage of color, usage of charts and being passionate.
Getting Started with VBA? – Free online lessons
Peter Leclerc’s excel-vba.com has tons of resources on learning VBA. There are 33 free online lessons on VBA, starting with using the VBE (that is visual basic editor) to working with form controls. Give it a try
Introduction to VBA – How to get started?
Debra at Contextures gives us this useful article on “introduction to VBA”. She shows us how to use the macro recorder facility to automate a task.
Datapig Mike teaches us a nifty VBA hack that can be used to show a zoom box (a bigger text box so that you can write multi-line text in excel cells) when user presses a short-cut. Pretty innovative, Mike.
How to chart when one data point is too large
Alex’s Data Driven Consulting blog shows us few charting techniques to use when one of the data points is too large. I like the one where the column is piercing through the chart’s roof.
Do you want to share a link with our community?
Please drop me an e-mail or tip me on twitter @r1c1 to share your links. I will include them in next edition of “excel links” if the links are interesting.

Hello Awesome...
My name is Chandoo. Thanks for dropping by. My mission is to make you awesome in Excel & your work. I live in Wellington, New Zealand. When I am not F9ing my formulas, I cycle, cook or play lego with my kids. Know more about me.
I hope you enjoyed this article. Visit Excel for Beginner or Advanced Excel pages to learn more or join my online video class to master Excel.
Thank you and see you around.
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