
Excel Links – 2014 Holiday Sale Edition

excel links - 1 comment

Hello folks, how are you?

I have an announcement for you.

Chandoo.org sale - begins on 10th December & ends on 12th December.

It is almost holiday time. Every year, Chandoo.org celebrates holidays with a 3 day sale on our most popular product – Excel School training program. The sale for this year will be,

10th December to 12th December (Wednesday to Friday)

What is on sale?

You will be able to save $30, $50 or $100 on our most popular courses

  • Excel School + Dashboards program ($30 discount)
  • Excel School + VBA + Dashboards ($50 discount)
  • Excel School + VBA + Power Pivot + Dashboards ($100 discount)

More details & links for Sale page will be available on 10th of December. Stay tuned.

Excel Links

It has been a while since we had a round of Excel links. Here are some cool tips & links for you.

How skewed is your data

Mike at Bacon Bits wondered how to measure the skewness of data. He shares, not one but 6 different ways to measure the skewness. Statistics is a boring subject (at least for me), but Mike makes it entertaining with statements like, “all that math talk has made me hungry. I’m off to get to get a breakfast sandwich.” Check it out (not the sandwich, but the skewness measuring techniques).

Got numbers with different decimal point symbols? Here is a fix

Often, I download statements from my bank account. Excel things all these numbers are text, because my bank uses , & . seperators in the number. I used to write a SUBSTITUTE formula to replace the comma with nothing so that Excel can treat the value as number. But Debra shares with us a better technique, using Text to columns feature of Excel. Read it.

Add a line to your bubble chart to show the trend

Krisztina at e90e50fx shares an interesting chart that combines bubble chart with a line to show trend information. Very useful when you want to tell the story of how certain thing (like market share or customer satisfaction) has varied over time.

Going beyond Excel’s default charts

My good friend & fellow blogger Robert had a chance to present at PASS SQL Saturday event in London recently. He talked about “Going beyond Excel’s chart gallery”. You can download the slides & workbooks from the above link. Check it out for learning several cool tips & gaining ideas on creating custom charts using Excel.

An awesome pie chart

Pie chart pyramid - a funny look at the silliness of pie charts

I saw this doing rounds on social media. A perfect pie chart that explains why they are irrelevant & silly for most cases. (hat tip – flowing data)

So that is all for now. I will see you tomorrow with something awesome about Excel.


Hello Awesome...

My name is Chandoo. Thanks for dropping by. My mission is to make you awesome in Excel & your work. I live in Wellington, New Zealand. When I am not F9ing my formulas, I cycle, cook or play lego with my kids. Know more about me.

I hope you enjoyed this article. Visit Excel for Beginner or Advanced Excel pages to learn more or join my online video class to master Excel.

Thank you and see you around.

Related articles:

Written by Chandoo
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One Response to “Excel Links – 2014 Holiday Sale Edition”

  1. Chandoo, thanks for linking to my currency separator article -- glad you liked the tip!

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