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CP023: My experience with Hudhud Cyclone [personal story]



In the 23rd session of Chandoo.org podcast, lets talk about my experience with Hudhud cyclone.

Note: This podcast session has no Excel tips. It is a story of how our family is surviving the effects & aftermath of destructing Hudhud cyclone that recently (on 12th October) passed thru our city. Hopefully, you still find it interesting & inspiring. If you are expecting some Excel tips, check again next week.


What is in this session?

Growing up, I lived all my childhood in coastal cities. So cyclones & severe storms are not new to me. But first time, I have experienced anything as severe, destructive & long as Cyclone Hudhud. After the cyclone, we (our family and 1000s of other families in Vizag, our city) had to endure days with no power, water, cellular signals and access to essential supplies. Fortunately, great progress has been made in the last few days and things are restoring to normalcy. We (our locality) is expecting to have power & regular water supply by this Sunday (19th of October).

In this podcast, you will know,

  • My experience with Hudhud cyclone
  • What I gained from it
  • What I am thankful for

Listen to this podcast


Transcript of this session:.

Full transcript of this podcast will be uploaded once it is ready.

Have you experienced anything similar? Please share your stories & thoughts with us

If you ever had a close encounter with a natural calamity, you know what I am talking about. Go ahead and share your stories, good thoughts and blessings in the comments. Thanks for your support.

PS: As of now, we have driven to a small city 150 miles away from our home as we ran out of water & our back-up electric supply thru Solar panels failed yesterday night. We will return home by Sunday.


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18 Responses to “CP023: My experience with Hudhud Cyclone [personal story]”

  1. Samuel Cruz says:

    Hello to all,

    My name is Samuel Cruz form Matamoros, Mexico.

    I had experienced natural disasters (Hurricanes and earthquakes). Matamoros is a coast city. So many times I experienced the effects of several Hurricanes.

    But my biggest experience was in 1985 with the Mexico City Earthquake. I was living in Mexico City at that time and I was 11 years old. That was my very first experience and very frightening. I felt the ground shaking and saw how many houses crackled. I saw my own house "dance".

    My father was on the way to his workplace. When he arrives, he found that the offices building was collapsed and many people in horrible situations. He manage to help as many as he can.

    What I had learned from that experience??
    I learned that no matter how hard the a situation can be, if we are able to help the persons. We must. I learned that from my father, because he was a rescue volunteer.
    I also learned to console our closest members in terrible situation. Because they were in need of hope and console. I learned that from my mother, because she consoled me and my brothers (younger than me).

    What I gained??
    The "awareness" of to be alive. The "heart" to help and take care of the ones in need. The "spirit" to learn and teach to others the importance of life, to help as much as we can.

    What I am thanked for??
    I am thankful to God, because he let me live to learn and also to teach many people with lessons I had learned. My father was a volunteer, but also a survivor. He was very close to die during the earthquake. And I am thanked for that. I am also thanked to have my family complete, because other families lost one or more of their members. God remembers the ones that were lost in that day.

    I don't want to make this post sad. But this experience made me how I am and how those lessons put in me the need to learn as much as can to teach as much as I can. I am (in sort of way) a teacher, because I like to teach and help the ask me for my help.

    All my blessing for all the ones in this community that allowed me to publish my post. To Chandoo that also likes to teach (because he is a teacher). He has the "Heart" and the "Awareness". And to also the team members that help him.

    God bless you all.

    Samuel Cruz.
    Matamoros, Mexico.

  2. Sanjib says:

    Still haven't heard the podcast.
    But what a relief getting your post.
    God bless you and your family.

  3. DH says:

    Samuel, thanks for sharing your story. The lessons you learned are powerful. I for one need to remember not to take things for granted. Best wishes for Chandoo's family as well, and thanks for sharing your story too.

  4. Dan says:

    Glad you and fam are safe! Hang in there!


  5. Sagar says:

    Glad that everyone is safe. Yes, Hudhud was really bad

  6. Wookiee says:

    I'm glad to hear that you and your family are safe and secure! Best of luck to you.

  7. oldchippy says:

    Hi Chandoo,

    I'm glad to hear that you and your family are OK and hope that you can get your house repaired as soon as possible. I've just read about it on the BBC website also, lots of damaged caused by the cyclone.


    God bless to you and your family

  8. Raghuram says:

    Hi Chandu,
    Thank god you and your family are safe. I admire the efforts put in by the government to safeguard everyone. I know exactly what phase you are going through because I am from a village near by Vizag too. May the god be with you and all the coastal people.

  9. David Hager says:

    Chandoo, I am so happy that you and your family is safe and recovering from the storm. My prayers will be with you and your neighbors for a quick recovery.

  10. Krishna Teja says:

    Good to hear that you and your family are safe. It has been one of the most severe storms the city of Vizag has seen. I hope everything goes after enduring the effects of the cyclone.

  11. SAUL says:

    Glad to hear you and your family are okay!
    a big sorrow how the city end up!

  12. Chris says:

    I live in eastern NC. We just had the 15th anniversary of Hurricanes Floyd and Dennis which raised river levels some 30 feet.

    Thousands of homes and businesses and roads were destroyed in 1999. Several dozen people died and power was lost throughout the region.

    We have mostly recovered and made many changes to buildings and evacuation procedures.

    I hope people get through these things and try to lessen the effects the next time it may happen.

  13. Aanand says:

    Sad part is hat you lost your Mango tree. We know how much you Love it and the best part is Every one is safe

  14. vijay says:

    Hi Chandoo,

    Happy to know that you and family are safe. Life has lot of struggles.
    You have crossed over hurdles. This too will go pass and you will come up strongly.

    I too came across such a situation in 2006. But we didn't lost anything, but we had seen a lot of devastating incidents.It was very disheartening for me that you lost the beloved mango tree in your house.

    Regardless of the situation you are writing to us shows how much you are passionate about your work. God bless you and family.

    Take care.

  15. Sean Hyland says:

    Scary experience but glad to hear that no one got seriously hurt in your town. Hope that the kids are doing well after the storm.

  16. wintermute says:

    Hi Chandoo,

    little bit strange but we have situation with HudHud these days here in Slovakia, Central Europe, tousands kilometers away from you, not so heavy, but anyway, stressful. Earth is small. Hope you're doing well.

  17. Terry Buda says:

    Hi Chandoo,
    I just listened to your story and am touched. I am so glad you and your family are safe and healthy.

    God bless!

  18. Kieran says:

    Chandoo, I very much appreciate how you combine learning and building business skills with observations and recognition of our rich human lives and all that comes with being humans - highs, lows, challenges and rewards. Your happy spirit is often the brightest spot in my workday. So thankful that you and your family are well and endured the cyclone, Thankful, too, to read the lovely supporting comments from so many good people around the world.

    Life is good.

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