
A weekend that was…

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Me had a wonderful weekend. Sorry for the late post. I am busy meeting doctors and gathering their inputs. Anyways, coming back to the weekend stuff, it started on the evening of thursday itself with hairy, karthick (an fms dude) and me watching “Mumbai Expresss“. Not a very great movie. But full of dumb comedy. Worth seeing once if you are movie starved like me.

Saturday I was busy watching movies in laptop. Managed to see 3 of them. Eraser, A Knight’s Tale and High Crimes. All of them are really good. especially knight’s tale is a fundoo movie. High crimes had visual entertainment in the form of ashley judd. umm…

finally i have managed to complete “the code book” by simon singh, a book on the history and evolution of cryptography and cryptanalysis. Learned hazaar new things about code braking, especially the enigma et al. Cryptography is my pet interest. I spent almost an year with it during graduation doing all sorts of experiments. Good to be an engineer again :d

Sunday I started reading a dan brown book called “digital fortress“. Almost finished it. Sunday again me and nirmal went to a movie. This time it is “robots“. Even though its not from pixar’s stable, the movie had some really good 3d animation. Overall a fun movie to watch on a weekend.

Back again on monday, me wasted 4 hours waiting outside a doctors clinic trying to meet him. Just came to office after a hectic day on the field. I will be in mumbai for another 7 days. Then I will be on the move….



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