
3 upcoming courses to Make you awesome [Announcements]



Upcoming Courses & Training programs from Chandoo.org - first 3 months - 2013A quick announcement for all of you aiming to become awesome in Excel in 2013.

I am very happy to share our course timeline for first 3 months of 2013.

Upcoming Courses:

Here is a summary of courses I am planning to launch in next 3 months. I will be posting more details about these courses soon.

1. Finance for Non-finance people

Learn about financial basics, financial analysis thru Excel in our finance for non-finance people course. Designed by my partners at Pristine education, this course helps you gain insights to finance world quickly.

This course will be launched Thursday, January 10th – 2013

2. Power Pivot School

Jump in to power pivot, analyze data & extract insights like a pro by going thru this program. Aimed at Excel analysts & reporting professionals, this course helps you unleash power of PowerPivot to do awesome things.

This course will be launched on Wednesday, February 6th – 2013

3. MS Access & Databases for Excel Analysts

Explore the world of databases & SQL with our brand new course. Learn all about setting up a database in MS Access, creating forms & reports, analyzing Access data using familiar Excel interface and VBA coding in Access.

This course will be launched on Wednesday, March 6th – 2013

Already launched

Apart from above three, below courses are already launched and ready for you.

1. Excel School + Excel Hero Academy Bundle course

Learn from basic Excel to super-advanced level in one concise program. Re-opened on 7th of January by popular demand.

Click here to know more and join this course.

2. Excel School Program

Our flagship Excel training program makes you awesome in Excel, advanced Excel & Dashboards in a short span of 8 weeks. Join today and unleash the power of Excel.

Click here to know more and join this course.

3. VBA Classes

Explore the world of VBA, macros & automation. See how much more you can achieve by customizing Excel & creating your own applications. Automate boring, repetitive work to save time & $$$s.

Click here to know more and join this course.

4. Financial Modeling Classes

Learn how to create a completely integrated valuation model using Excel. Analyze financial data like a pro & impress your colleagues.

Click here to know more and join this course.

Which courses are coming up?

I have set up a what next page on our site where you can learn about upcoming courses & products. Check it out and watch it often to stay up to date.

Question or suggestions?

If you have any questions about my Excel courses or have  a suggestion, please post a comment below or email me at chandoo.d@gmail.com. I am eager to read what you say and help you out.


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15 Responses to “3 upcoming courses to Make you awesome [Announcements]”

  1. Cristina says:

    How doe Power Pivot school work? I am an analyst and would love to learn more about this tool.

  2. montrey says:

    YES!! Finally a course with Access!. Will this course also teach us SQL? PLEASE PLEASE! I need this to make the next step in my career. So many employers needs SQL knowledge.

    • Chandoo says:

      Thanks Montrey... Yes, the course will have atleast SQL modules with enough information to write your own queries. We are planning to cover simple queries, where clause and combinations, joins, building views, unions etc. in this.

      • montrey says:

        Thanks! This should be enough to at least get started on SQL. Just like Excel. If you know the basics, you can build off of that. Nice Chandoo! Very excited. Access is very important but I feel SQL is even more important because of the prominence in bigger companies and the demand for people with knowledge in SQL. Please make sure the SQL lessons in this course are very knowledge filled and  not just an after thought.

  3. Karine says:

    I share the enthusiasm of montrey. Finally a course with ACCESS! May the price be affordable!!!

    - Specially for us here in Brazil. Our currency (real/R$) is 2,07 (the double) of the dolar. Everything gets so expensive when we double it... 

  4. Evelyn says:

    Hello... What are the details about Finance for non-finance people? How long is the course; what is the time commitment, what is the cost? Thanks!

  5. John says:

    Great news, 2 of those topics are of great interest to me!

  6. vijay says:

    Chandoo... Your Excel blog is very useful. I am doing self-learning of Excel, Access.
    Seeing your new courses on Excel and Access, very excited.

    Currently wish to join the MS Access with SQL ... as I am confused with how to start and learn. Hope this would be cost effective.


  7. Crystal says:

    Good news for me!  We're finally upgrading from 2003 at work, and I understand a lot of Powerpivot features are going to be included in Excel 2013, so the timing's perfect to get a handle on this.  Thanks for working so hard for us...

  8. Saikumar V says:

    Hi sir,
    Plz let me know about pivort tables..
    i want deeply explanation

  9. Samtheman says:

    What happened to MS Access & Databases for Excel Analysts course?
    Isn't it supposed to be launched in March 2013?

  10. Vijay Kumar says:

    What happened to MS Access & Databases for Excel Analysts course?
    Isn’t it supposed to be launched in March 2013?

  11. Sam says:

    Hi, Is there anymore information about the MS Access & Databases for Excel Analysts? I think this would really useful for me and would like to be notified when it is up and running!

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