Wow, I am really overwhelmed by the support and encouragement you all have shown when I announced that I am quitting my day job to pursue PHD as a full time venture. Thank you. Thank you so much.
I have received 68 comments (they are still pouring) and almost 100 emails from our readers telling me how much they love the site and wishing me all the very best in future. It is humbling to know that so many of you care about my well being. I am really touched.
Thank you
15 Responses to “Wow!!!, Thank You :)”
Go for it! I'm sure you'll do well. Your site is very helpful to many people.
Well deserved, Chandoo.
You're quitting YOUR job to make OURS better!
I think that's great! I know that I've shared your site with many of my co-workers and we really enjoy it!
Good luck!
Great move, Chandoo. I think sometimes you need to just do what is right at the time.
I have also just resigned after 8 years of working in Excel etc fo the same company. It's time to stop and take stock. Somehow I hope I can use my experience in programming to do some good and not just to earn money (though a little of that would always be useful)
My very best wishes and thanks for a fantastic resource.
I've been following your site for a long time now, and the fact that I've never commented or replied before doesn't mean that i didn't enjoy / benefit / or make good use of almost every single post here......
You're the best, and I mean it, good luck man, keep it coming.
I wish I have the same courage. I'm really proud of being one of your fans and followers. You have one of the best Excel sites and I recommend it for everybody I know.
Wishing you all the very best. I am regularly visiting your website and benefiting out of your posts. You have your priorities right, sure you will scale new heights.
All th best Chandoo.. u ve helped a lotta ppl.. u hav all our best wishes
Best wishes, Chandoo! I´m a subscriber and this content is very helpful, Thanks a lot!
absolutely good decision.........wish you all the best!!!
Hi Chandoo Sir,
Your approach towards excel problem solving has always inspired me and knowing that you are getting into full time JOB, WOW!!!, I am speechless and very excited.......
Wish you all the best in your new endeavor.......
Corporations will always treat you as a resource and this has gotten worse over the past 15 years or so.
Now is the time to create your own path. Do it. Don't look back.
Best of Luck!
I wish you the best Chandoo...your site has been extremly helpful to many people
Hi Chandoo: I am a Chilean follower of your blog and I would like to congratulate you for the great job you have been doing improve our knowldge of Excel.
Your posts have been a great help for me, due to I am in charge of the Balanced Scorecard in my organization, and your daily posts have help me a lot, so, thanks a lot!!
Chandoo, you are the man. My productivity at work has skyrockted. We need more PHD's in the world especially in technical areas. Good luck!!