
Who went to both USA & UK? [Excel Challenge]



How about a fun Excel challenge? I have data in below format in the table named trips

I want to know which employees visited both USA & UK?

How would you solve this problem? Post your solutions in the comments.

Filter employees that visited both countries

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13 Responses to “Who went to both USA & UK? [Excel Challenge]”

  1. Matej says:

    Filter for USA & UK in col 2, remove col 2, keep duplicates col 1, remove duplicates col 1.

  2. BDT says:

    Is it cheating to use PY formulas?
    focal_locs: list[str] = ["UK", "USA"]
    df_trips = xl("trips[#All]", headers=True)
    df = df_trips.drop_duplicates().query('Country in @focal_locs')
    recs_both = df[df['Employee'].duplicated()]

    I started to do an Excel solution, but need to run to a meeting. It wasn't as concise as yours anyway!
    allEmps, UNIQUE(trips[Employee]),
    blnEmpsWentToEither, ISNUMBER(XMATCH(trips[Country],focalLocs)),
    recsWentToEither, FILTER(trips,blnEmpsWentToEither),
    uniqRecsWentToEither, SORT(UNIQUE(recsWentToEither)),
    empsWentToEither, CHOOSECOLS(uniqRecsWentToEither,1),
    Just need to return the dups from `empsWentToEither`.

  3. Rasmus says:

    Power Query solution based on Group By and List.Contains.

    Source = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="trips"]}[Content],
    #"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source,{{"Employee", type text}, {"Country", type text}}),
    #"Grouped Rows" = Table.Group(#"Changed Type", {"Employee"}, {{"Countries", each _, type table [Employee=nullable text, Country=nullable text]}}),
    #"Added Custom" = Table.AddColumn(#"Grouped Rows", "CountriesList", each Table.Column([Countries], "Country")),
    #"Added Custom1" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added Custom", "Went to both UK and USA", each if List.Contains([CountriesList], "UK") and List.Contains([CountriesList], "USA") then "Went to both UK and USA" else "Did not go to both UK and USA")
    #"Added Custom1"

  4. Ranjith says:

    Does this require a formula or power query ? A simple pivot table added to data model will allow a count distinct output. A country filter on US & UK should return the two employees.

  5. Giancarlo says:



  6. Daniel H says:

    Another one, very elegant in my opinion.

    e, trips[Employee],
    c, trips[Country],
    one, UNIQUE(FILTER(e, c = "USA")),
    two, UNIQUE(FILTER(e, c = "UK")),
    combo, XLOOKUP(one, two, two, ""),
    SORT(FILTER(combo, combo ""))

  7. Daniel H says:

    In the last filter, "less than" and "more than" signs are gone.

    Same formula, this time not using the missing signs:

    e, trips[Employee],
    c, trips[Country],
    one, UNIQUE(FILTER(e, c = "USA")),
    two, UNIQUE(FILTER(e, c = "UK")),
    combo, XLOOKUP(one, two, two, ""),
    SORT(FILTER(combo, NOT(combo = "")))

  8. Eleuterio says:

    I've translated from italian language, maybe some separators need to be changed, but is very short:
    E, trips[Employee],
    E, E,
    trips[Country], {
    ) > 0
    ) > 1,

  9. David N says:


    • David N says:



  10. tetonne says:

    Hi, could be great to add min Excel version required.

  11. Stéphane says:


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