
What is one area of Excel you want to learn more? [Survey]



It is almost weekend. Today we (Jo and I) are going to watch a cricket match being played in Vizag. We are pretty excited as this is the first time we are watching a match in stadium.

So, let keep this light and fun. I want to know What is one area of Excel you want to learn more?

What areas of Excel you want to learn?

I will go first. I want to learn more about Data Tables & Simulation.

What about you? Go ahead and tell us using comments.

Note: Here are a few choices if do not know what else is out there.

  • Formulas
  • Array Formulas
  • Formatting
  • Conditional Formatting
  • Charting
  • Advanced Charting
  • Pivot Tables & Charts
  • Tables
  • Data Tables
  • Validation
  • Filters & Sorting
  • VBA (Macros)
  • Linking to Databases etc.
  • Solver
  • Statistical Analysis (regression, time series etc.)
  • Scenarios, What if analysis
  • Dashboards

So go ahead and tell us.


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    Excel formula list - 100+ examples and howto guide for you

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    Advanced Pivot Table tricks

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    191 Responses to “What is one area of Excel you want to learn more? [Survey]”

    1. SomeintPhia says:

      ... I would vote for pivot tables and reports. Enjoy to see more about.

    2. Marcelo says:

      I would like to learn about VBA (macros).

    3. Pierre Charles Dubuc says:

      Hi Chandoo;
      I wish to learn more about:
      - Formulas (as they relate to real-world problems);
      - Dashboards / Balanced Scorecard


    4. Shajan says:

      I would like to see a complete accounting package in Excel. Individual excel sheet for raw data entry and generating reports like ledger, sundry creditors, sundry debtors in a consolidated sheet.

    5. Gerard says:

      There are more areas for me thet have my interest.

      Advanced Charting
      VBA (Macros)
      Array Formulas
      Statistical Analysis (regression, time series etc.)
      Scenarios, What if analysis

    6. Bob says:

      I still struggle with VLOOKUP. I have yet to find a tutorial that is simple enough to help me. I am able to create complex queries in Access and do simple SQL statements, but VLOOKUP remains a mystery.

    7. TheQ47 says:

      Definitely, Pivot Tables. I know how to do some basics with them, but anytime I research anything more advanced, it seems too advanced, and I end up not having a clue what is being discussed.

    8. Davinosky says:

      I would like to lern more about VBA (Macros) and Dashboards, and how to combine them.

    9. Andrew Marianski says:

      Elegant, simple solutions to complex though common situation. For instance using less common excel function to replace large nested "if" formulas.

    10. Thiago Pereira Bueno says:

      Advanced charting and dashboards definitely!!
      BTW, thanks for the awesome tips and tricks and keep up the excellent work buddy!

    11. Alexander says:

      More solver and statistical (regression and time series) would be amazing. But I will read anything you post, because I enjoy it a LOT! Thank you.

    12. Luke M says:

      PivotTables, specifically how to setup/use calculated fields. (I never get mine to work)

    13. Matt S says:

      My vote is for using Solver for Data Mining purposes.

    14. Brad C says:

      If I could cast 2 votes it would be (1) Pivot Tables and (2) Dashboards. Pivot Tables seem to be such a powerful tool, but like other posters, I have such a hard time getting them setup and configured to work how I want them to. Love the site Chandoo!

    15. Kevin Lehrbass says:

      Excel models are often passed around and used by many people. I hear this a lot: "I just received this model, can you help me figure out how it works?" Two major neglected areas I have seen are: Spreadsheet design principles and then proper documentation.

    16. Rich says:

      Pivot tables (or work around), particularly around doing things not built into it like unique counts.

    17. JO says:

      - Solver
      - Statistical Analysis (regression, time series etc.)

    18. Char says:


    19. 3G says:

      Pivot tables! maybe a 5 day series...basics working up to an advanced homework or something...

    20. Deb says:

      Array formulas, pivot tables, and data tables. You didn't say we had to choose just one:). I would be interested in statistical analyses and scenarios, but I don't know enough about them to know how I might use them.

    21. Angi says:

      Array formulas, different lookup types (I still have some scenarios that I can't figure out using index, match, etc.), macros, scorecards.

    22. John says:

      I would like to learn more on...
      VBA (Macro)
      Statistical Analysis (regression, time series etc.)
      Scenarios, What if analysis
      Pivot Tables & Charts

    23. Teresa says:

      Definitely Pivot Tables - I use them all the time and I know there are lots of tricks I don't know.

    24. cALi says:

      Array formulas

    25. Michael says:

      VBA for sure!! Arrays would be my second choice!

    26. Ron says:

      i'd like to learn more about charting!

    27. Vinod says:

      Hi Chandoo,

      I would like to learn more on

      VBA (Macros)
      Linking to Databases etc.
      Statistical Analysis (regression, time series etc.)
      Scenarios, What if analysis

    28. Guy says:

      Statistical Analysis
      Array Formulas

    29. Bill says:


    30. Prash says:

      vba macros and dynamic dashboards. Also statistical capabilities of excel

    31. Josh says:

      I would like to see more design tips and tricks. I feel like I struggle putting important info into dashboards while keeping it clear and concsise.

    32. Jae says:

      I would like to learn more about:

      VBA and Macros

    33. Sydney says:

      Specifically Gantt Charting

    34. Kelly Stilwill says:

      I would love it to see some Stock Balance Reporting, Trending for production planning, EPR/MPR in Excel, Supplier Report cards.....

    35. Miguel says:

      Advanced charting

    36. Fabio says:

      I would like to learn about VBA (macros) and Pivot Tables!

    37. rich soby says:

      Linkage to databases and passing data back and forth. Currently I'm exploring having pivots in a dashboard - I want the user to select a value ( like a filter/pull down etc) then use that to call to a sql server, run a query with the selection as a parameter, and have it return a dataset to the dashboard - eg data is weekly - user selects the 3rd week - data is refreshed for 3rd week

    38. Oleksiy says:

      Scenarios, What if analysis
      VBA Linking to SQL and Access Databases
      Statistical Analysis (regression, time series etc.)

    39. Jomili says:

      For me, charting, VBA, and the intersections betweent the two.

    40. Brian Holt says:

      Pivot tables (which I know nothing about) and Dashboards (only slightly more than nothing).
      That being said, my knowledge is so basic, pretty much anything is of interest to me.

    41. Shane says:

      Pivot Tables/Charts - but in regard to how to use VBA to manipulate them and create more flexible reports more efficiently

    42. Lewis says:

      Statistical and time series analysis and what if (solver, monte carlo simulation, etc.)
      Love the site. Thank you...

    43. rich says:

      pivot tables

    44. Pablo says:

      VBA (Macros)

    45. RichW says:

      The whole language is so redundant and confusing! Theres "ActiveCell.CurrentRegion" but also "ActiveSheet.UsedRange" ? Some folks use ".Select" all the time, but others say to only somehow use ranges?

    46. Roger Fisher says:

      Here are mine...

      Data Tables & Simulation.
      Array Formulas
      Conditional Formatting
      Pivot Tables
      Data Tables
      Filters & Sorting
      VBA (Macros)
      Linking to Databases etc.
      Statistical Analysis (regression, time series etc.)
      Scenarios, What if analysis

    47. Izabel says:

      A lot of examples of Formulas and Dashoboards

    48. Krisztián says:

      Array Formulas
      Data Tables
      Scenarios, What if analysis

    49. Lewis says:

      I would like to learn more about advanced charting.

    50. Kathy says:

      Dashboards in general and Databases

    51. Enrique says:

      Hi Chandoo, thanks for your great help.

      I'd like to know more about linking and working with external databases.

    52. Sam says:

      Hi Chandoo,

      my interest would be Dashboards and free templetes!

      Enjoy the game, Live!!

    53. Mike86 says:

      How different functions react in array formulas.
      When / why do some functions output arrays versus single functions and how that can be changed.

    54. Tau says:

      My vote is for array formulas: not only what they are, but when to use them and what alternatives to array formulas exist.


    55. Modeste says:

      Hi Chandoo,
      ;o)) What about audio tips and tricks...
      i.e. sounds, music, speech
      in warning, comments or help and debugging

    56. Andrew says:

      Dashboards & Advanced Charting

    57. DaveG says:

      VBA - especially dealing with outputs to Word Documents and Templates for better report presentation.

    58. ahmed says:

      I'd like to learn all, but mostly how to send data to access

    59. Domingo Martez says:

      I would like to see a top ten ranking of the best,useful and interesting solution giving by n formula.

    60. Parthiban T says:

      How to create a Income tax estimation taking the income slabs given by government of india.
      Formulas and Scenarios, What if analysis....

    61. Josh Howell says:

      Array forumulas, especially in conjunction with named ranges
      Statistical analysis
      Forecasting methods utilizing Excel

    62. Lynda says:

      Pivot Tables! They hate me!

    63. Marcelo Rivadeneira says:

      Hellow Chandoo:
      My options in descending ranking order are:
      . ? Dashboards
      . ?Scenarios, What if analysis
      . ?Pivot Tables


    64. exoskelet says:

      I saw a plenty how-to videos & tutorials about functions, VBA, dasboarding, array functions, multifunctions around a net, but still cannot find good resource for linking Excel with databases, like Access or SAP R/3.

    65. Billy says:

      Integrating excel into HTML format, and keeping the functionality.

    66. Anne says:

      I would like to see more on the VBA adn dashboard functions.

    67. Antoine says:

      Hi Chandoo,
      I would like to know more about solver and the analysis toolpack.
      Thanks for the good work!

    68. Jeremiah Minifield says:


    69. Anish J says:

      Array Formulas
      Advanced Charting
      VBA ( Still dont understand this at all :-/ )

    70. Peggy says:

      I would like to learn more about Pivot Tables, Conditional Formatting, Advanced Charting. I create a lot of charts with my data and look for different and interesting ways to disply the data. Also, Scenarios - "what if", would be interesting.
      Thanks so much and enjoy the game!!

    71. R.S. Beaver says:

      Chandoo, a big thanks for sharing all your knowledge in such a straightforward, easy to grasp manner. I would need like to see more about pivot tables and charts, array formulas and dashboards. Keep up the great work.

    72. Gabriela says:

      Hi Chandoo,

      I would like to learn more about:
      * VBA (Macros)
      * Validation
      * Solver
      * Statistical Analysis (regression, time series etc.)
      * Scenarios, What if analysis
      * Dashboards

    73. Chris says:

      Walkenbach recently posted a link on his blog to an article about excel skills that will keep you employable...

      "Using Excel to ensure employability means familiarising yourself with pivot tables, VBA, importing and exporting data from SQL servers and more complex elements like DDE (dynamic data exchange strings)."

    74. John D says:

      Arrays and VBA

    75. Sue says:

      My vote is for advanced charting techniques for dashboards.

    76. Armando says:

      VBA! definitely VBA!
      Formulas are good, but some things just can't be done by complex arrays or nested conditions... (wow! first time I participated!)

    77. Erika says:

      Pivot tables! Sometimes they seem to work for me, other times...

    78. mohamed Samy says:

      Array Formulas
      Conditional Formatting
      Advanced Charting
      Pivot Tables & Charts
      Data Tables
      Filters & Sorting
      VBA (Macros)
      Linking to Databases etc.
      Statistical Analysis (regression, time series etc.)
      Scenarios, What if analysis

    79. Alejandra says:

      For me,
      Scenarios, What if analysis
      Pivot Tables
      Advanced Charting

    80. Dagoberto Rocha says:

      Array Formulas
      Data Tables
      Scenarios, What if analysis
      And many many exemples

    81. andreaswpv says:

      1. Databases
      2. Pivot tables (complex)
      3. Array formulas

      would be really great topics, although I love what I've read so far.

    82. Wookiee says:

      In the order I would like to learn more:

      1. Dashboards
      2. Charting
      3. Pivot Tables

    83. RickGallo says:

      VBA (Macros)

    84. Patrick says:

      I'd like to see further discussion on the following:
      1) Solver
      2) Statistical Analysis (regression, time series etc.)
      3) Scenarios, What if analysis

    85. Ben says:

      Please email more me macro exercises with some added formula forensics if possible. For I feel uncomfortable at work when a co-worker sends me a macro to use. I would like to be able to understand and possibly fix others' macros, but now I just have to trust that there are no mistakes and that the macro will do exactly what I want. Thank you very much!

    86. Pankaj says:

      Simulations and scenario analysis beyond two way data tables will be my interest. Especially, managing and comparing project timelines and costs using these tools will be great. I can contribute as well.

    87. mzsampa says:

      Advanced Charting

    88. Constant Verweij says:

      Problem is : the more you know about Excel. The more you want to learn but if forced to choose I would vote for Array formulas and statistical analysis.

    89. Sumesh Pillai says:

      I would like to know more about Balanced Score Card and Dashboards

    90. José Vogel says:

      1) Dashboards
      2) Pivot Table

    91. Chethan says:

      Learning is some thing new is always my cup of Tea. i am ok with any of topic....More than happy if we get oppurnity to learn all...

    92. Winston says:

      Hi Chandoo,

      I second the vote for more on Data Table and simulations. Hui's post rocks!
      Additional ideas:
      [1.] File Scripting Object
      [2.] Early binding/late binding
      [3.] Global Unique Identifiers (GUI's)
      [4.] All things Excel Extensibility:
      A. Access (other database)
      -Parameter queries
      B. Outlook
      -Creating/Managing tasks from Excel to Outlook
      -Email distributution lists
      -Email Workbooks
      [5.]Statistical Functions

    93. Jose Luis says:

      Hi Chandoo,
      I would like to learn more on
      VBA (Macros)
      Statistical Analysis (regression, time series etc.)
      Scenarios, What if analysis

    94. Winston says:

      Sorry, a few more:

      [7.]Power Pivot Pro / DAX
      [9.]Data Mining Add-in
      [10.] Developing Add-ins
      [12.]Add-ins that may have potential to extend the power of excel
      (i.e. OpenSolver opensolver.org, RExcel http://www.r-project.org/)

    95. Sudhanshu says:

      Statistical Analysis (regression, time series etc.)

    96. Reinaldo says:

      1) OLAP cubes
      2) excel limitations

    97. wena says:

      Hi Chandoo!

      I love this site!

      I'd like to learn more about

      Linking to Databases
      VBA (macro)

      Thanks and more power!

    98. Thiago says:

      I would vote for linking to databases, using parameterized queries and connecting this to dashboards making them more dynamic.

      Another subject is add-in creation e customizing the office 2007 ribbon

    99. sriganeshh says:


      my interest list is exactly the order given by you..starting with formulas and ending with dashboards....though would like to know more on
      pivot tables and charting,
      advanced charting
      VBA (Macros)
      Linking to Databases etc.
      Statistical Analysis (regression, time series etc.)
      Scenarios, What if analysis

    100. Robert Crocker says:

      Arrays/Named Ranges
      What-if Analysis

    101. Suresh Kumar.L says:

      Hi, I would suggest..

      Dash Boards

    102. The Renegade Reverend says:

      Macros please.

    103. Tammy says:

      I would like to learn more about charts and graphs. That's what helps me at work. Thanks.

    104. Ashish K. says:

      Hi Chandoo

      My priorities to learn more in MS Excel are:
      Advanced Charting
      Scenarios, What if analysis

    105. Paddy says:

      Hi Chandoo,

      I need to know about pulling information from the website and uploading in to Excel for example we have Shares market information from the web linked to Excel rather than copy pasting and also more on VBA.


    106. Manick says:

      Statistical Analysis

    107. Randy S. says:

      Hi Chandoo,

      I would like to know more on data table and simulation, array formulas, name managers, and VBA macros.

    108. Dev says:

      Hi Chandoo,
      Use surveymonkey to survey about this, that will help you to understand the results of the survey better.

    109. Shiman Gangadharan says:

      I would like to review whole of the set again.
      I would personally vouch to see again

      Array Formulas
      Advanced Charting
      VBA (Macros)
      Linking to Databases etc.
      Statistical Analysis (regression, time series etc.)
      Scenarios, What if analysis

    110. Peter says:

      Chandoo. My congratulations and admiration on setting up such a useful learning web site for Excel.
      I would like to learn more about VBA macros that I can generate through the Excel macro recorder, then customise for particular audiences. For example record the creation of a pivot table, but then adapt the code to refer to any size table in a different spreadsheet. ( I know how to do this, but it took a lot of searching to find the answer)

      I also have a problem that I have to create macros for running on Excel 2007, but I have Excel 2010 and have to recreate the macro on another machine. Is there a way I can create macros for Excel 2007 using Excel 2010?
      Many thanks Chandoo

    111. aravind says:

      Hi Chandoo,

      Would like to look at arrays and indexes as well as simple macros...

    112. Ishwar Singh says:

      Dear Sir,
      Would like to look at VBA , arrays and indexes as well as various excel macros…

    113. Subha says:

      Hi Chandoo,
      Congratulations on reaching 1,000,000 Page Hits. I wish you & your family all success with all the nicest things the nature can offer.

      I am an analyst (fresher) to this role.
      I am interested in
      Array Formulas
      Statistical Analysis (regression, time series etc.)
      Scenarios, What if analysis

    114. Vincent says:

      Hi Mr. Chandoo!

      It's very difficult to choose for all are important things to learn in Excel. But I would priorities Formula and Dashboard..

    115. Sathya says:

      VBA is the area for me


    116. murti says:

      how to effectively present Excel financial data in professional-looking PowerPoint slides that C-level executives will understand and remember. Use animation tools that help your audience focus on important information, avoiding "data dump". Insert a live Excel spreadsheet in PowerPoint; be able to use Excel from within PowerPoint!

    117. Duba says:

      Chandoo, I am here on your web-site for short period of time, but this is a great site, where I can learn a lot.

      My priorities are:
      VBA (Macros)
      Statistical Analysis (regression, time series etc.)

      Thank you.

    118. vlad says:

      VBA, Stats, Dynamic Arrays

    119. Leon says:

      Well, after a quick scan of the posts so far, VBA and Dashboarding appear to be the most called for.

      I'm surprised as these areas are extensively covered in both the free site and and training packages. So, I don't think I have much of a chance in requesting methods of analysis from multiple worksheets extracted from relational databases. However, I'll still submit my request and hope for the best.

    120. Hedieh says:

      I found a post on your site on how to avoid circular reference when modelling debt during construction using macros very useful, so more posts on using VBA Macros in Financial Modeling will be useful. I would also like to have your general view on using macros in financial modelling. Some experts say that it's best to avoid macros and circular reference by using simple algebra. What's your take on that? Thanks

    121. Yael says:

      I would like to know more on VBA and formulas

    122. Lee says:

      Arrays, Statistical Analysis, Linking to Databases

    123. Prashant says:

      Simple solutions using formulas.
      What if.

    124. Rahul says:

      vba macros, advanced charting, dashboards. Thanks

    125. Les Goins says:

      I echo both, Kevin's thoughts about spreadsheet design & documentation, and, how to more elegantly dynamically link to external databases.

      YOU ROCK, Chandoo! LOVE your site!

    126. Mohammed Mustafa says:

      Pls include some videos or explanations more on

      Animated dashboards,
      Automating tasks,

    127. sachin says:


    128. cristy says:

      VBA macros and dashboards... simple and real use. nothing too complex... thanks!

    129. Naushad says:

      Excel formulas which will help of an accountant.

    130. vamsi says:

      Pivot Tables, Dashboards

    131. Andrew says:

      XML data mapping
      Parameterised SQL queries

    132. marcel says:

      animated dashboard with examples and VBA.

    133. KFONG says:

      Thank you very much for all effort and thanks sharing.

      I would be very happy if you can provide some tutorials regarding Class Modules and the related topics or application.


    134. Elmer says:

      For me,
      VBA (Macros)
      Linking to Databases etc.
      Statistical Analysis (regression, time series etc.)
      Scenarios, What if analysis
      Data Tables & Simulation


      When could our wishes come true?

    135. Andrew says:

      Scenarios, What if analysis

    136. BDT says:

      Cell styles. I know the *what* they are and *how* to use them, but *when* should I use them? *Who* uses cell styles? *Why* do you use them?

    137. Sai says:

      I want to learn
      VBA (Macro)
      Data linking
      Array formula

    138. samuel says:

      Pivot tables

    139. lister says:

      VBA, for sure

    140. GavinJM says:

      VBA (Macros)
      Linking to Databases

    141. tommi says:

      Household budget in form of comprehensive dashboard.

    142. Narayan Murthy says:

      Hi Chandoo

      Your website is just amazing .... its like Excel university
      Your postings are indeed very helpful and easy to learn, However I would like learn more about
      Statistical Analysis (regression, time series etc.)
      Scenarios, What if analysis
      Thank you
      Your's sincerly

    143. Alex says:

      I would like to learn Array Formulas and VBA.

    144. Nithya Srivatsan says:

      VBA Macros, Dashboards, Array formula, Data tables & Simulation.

    145. hk says:

      ? Advance level of Validation
      ? VBA (Macros)
      ? Linking to Databases

    146. Carmen says:

      VBA Macros and Dashboards, plz

    147. Sawan says:

      VBA Macros and Dashboards

    148. Ameya says:

      VBA and Dashboards would be great

    149. Greg says:

      I would like to know a lot more on how to fully use the power of index and offset and nesting these in to formulas for dynamic uses. PLEASE!!!

    150. Mark says:

      Array formulas & pivot tables would be good.

    151. abhishek says:

      Array Formulas
      Conditional Formatting
      Pivot Tables
      Data Tables
      Filters & Sorting
      VBA (Macros)
      Linking to Databases etc.
      Statistical Analysis (regression, time series etc.)
      Scenarios, What if analysis

    152. Pablo says:

      One can always learn something new and interesitng in all the areas listed here, what it matters is how to apply that to the daily job; in my case, Finance and Accounting. So what I like about Chandoo web site is the clever, simple and direct approach of applying Excel tools to solve the problems we encounter often.
      With that said, a little exploration of those two will be great:
      - Statistical Analysis (regression, time series etc.)
      - Scenarios, What if analysis

    153. Istiyak says:

      My AOI (area of intrest)


      >nested “if” formulas Solution.
      >"Offset" formula
      >Revers "Vlookup"
      >different Lookups and why they use?

      2.Array Formulas
      > what it is?
      > why we use it?

      3.Advanced Charting

      >How to setup data in single sheet.

      5.VBA (Macros)

      6.Statistical Analysis (regression, time series etc.)
      >what it is?
      >why we use it?

      7.Scenarios, What if analysis


      9.Linking to Databases etc

      I wanna forgot to visit this site.


    154. Marcelo says:

      Microsoft Powerpivot!!!

    155. Greg says:

      Advanced Pivot

    156. rbk says:

      VBA, please.

    157. Peryno says:

      Pivot Tables
      Advanced Charting
      Dash Boards

    158. Levan says:

      Array Formulas

    159. Michelle says:

      Calculated fields in pivot tables, and an explanation of array formulas in plain English.

    160. Sharique says:

      Array Formulas
      Conditional Formatting
      Advanced Charting
      Pivot Tables & Charts
      Data Tables
      Filters & Sorting
      VBA (Macros)
      Linking to Databases etc.
      Statistical Analysis (regression, time series etc.)
      Scenarios, What if analysis

    161. Chandrasekhar says:

      I would like to learn about data analysis

    162. Raju says:

      I want learn about :-

      VBA (Macros)
      Pivot Tables & Charts

    163. Husain says:

      Array formulas

    164. Joyson says:

      Hi Chandoo,

      i like to learn more about Pivot Tables & Charts.

    165. Chris M says:

      Dashboards would be top of my list 🙂

    166. 5.antiago says:

      My votes:

      1) Advanced conditional formatting
      2) Pivot tables
      3) In general, replicating Tableux as much as possible with as little VBA as possible 🙂

      Love the site

    167. Tanja says:

      Hi Chandoo,
      Always awesome work!
      I love to learn more about Excel presentations, either through powerpoint or within Excel.
      Also data tables and simulation sounds good 🙂

    168. Pitchumani says:

      1.Statistical Analysis
      2.Printout Formatting : to have the headers in every page
      3.Web refreshing of the excel sheet: such as financial portfolio.

    169. Manoj S Negi says:

      I would like to learn more:

      1. Pivot Tables
      2. Dashboards
      3. Charting
      4. Advance Charting
      5. Conditional Formatting
      6. Formulas

    170. Andrea Lane says:

      I vote for any of the above, but What if scenarios would be good to learn.

    171. Hairi says:

      Here's mine. This knowledge is quite important in my career in Proposal Engineer.

      - Array Formulas
      - VBA (Macros)
      - Solver
      - Statistical Analysis
      - Scenarios, What if analysis
      - Dashboards

    172. Tanner says:

      Advanced charting and dashboards would be my choices.

      BTW why don't you put up a survey consisting those choices ?

    173. Nilesh Desai says:

      - Solver
      - Statistical Analysis
      - Dashboards

    174. Excel Addin says:

      For me:

      Userforms and "non-standard" controls that you can get
      Working with shapes in VBA

    175. Jasmin says:

      Macros, dashboards, and formulas.

    176. Nacho says:

      Next step on Pivot Tables. I think people know how to create them and basic use but the next step will be is to apply them to create graphs and dashboard. I believe that making tables and charts interactive makes one "awesome in excel"

      Great site.

    177. Moises says:

      1. Dashboards
      2. Pivot tables
      3. Charts (Advanced)

    178. Angel Garrido says:

      1. Dashboards
      2. Conditional Formatting
      3. Formulas

    179. Anand Kumar says:

      - Solver
      - Statistical Analysis (regression, time series etc.)

    180. Megsu says:

      Chandoo - Thanks to you and others who contribute to this site. It has been a tremendous help to me. It would be great to learn to better leverage statistical tools within Excel and probably some tips and tricks on maintaining file size and speed within a excel spreadsheet.

      For e.g. cleaning up various tabs and maintaining the file size(Formatting, unneeded conditional formatting, unneeded rows/columns), knowing impact of certain formulas that slow down calcs in a large file, best use of vlookups, how to reference data on other sheets (best practice) and tools to identify bottle necks within a spreadsheet, etc.


    181. SirJB7 says:

      Array Formulas
      Advanced Charting
      Pivot Tables & Charts
      Linking to Databases etc.
      Scenarios, What if analysis

      ... do I have plenty till 2012 arrives? 🙂

    182. srs says:

      I would like to learn more about using excel for budgeting and forecasting and charts.

    183. Gary says:

      Pivot Tables

    184. Roy Camden says:

      I keep a lot of blocks of text in Excel cells. They range in size from a few characters to many thousands. I would like to know some work around methods for displaying beyond the 1000 character limit on the spreadsheet. A jagged approach would be using len(), but that might split a word, perhaps a " " near the break point, Anything simpler?



    185. LacGagnon says:

      I would like to learn shortcuts to enter data into cells of a Data Entry Form... Such as DropDown menus, Date Picker Calendar, Default entries, automatic formatting of telephone numbers or postal codes, etc. any ways that would speed up the process of inputting data into an Excel Speadsheet Data Table and also prevent errors by narrowing the type of entries that can be entered into a specific cell. A Date Picker is essential in this case as it can be very time consuming to input dates into a cell... as well as I would like a way to enter 10 numbers into a cell that would automatically be converted into a telephone format like (123) 456-7890 into the data table. I have created my own Data Entry Form as a separate sheet so the formatting in some cases could possibly be done as I Save each record to the Data Table using a Macro (VBA Procedure). I am using Excel 2010. Thank you Chandoo.

    186. Kishore says:

      Chandoo. My congratulations and admiration on setting up such a useful learning web site for Excel.
      I would like to learn Excel from Basics please Suggest and Help me in this area.

      Many thanks Chandoo

    187. Uday says:

      Vlookup and Design Tips 🙂

    188. Kalyan says:

      Sorry Guys for being extremely ambitious and crazy abt below comment

      But I would like to learn anything and everything about Excel and I am in the Quest @ this website


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