We have updates!!!
I hate to interrupt the regular programming at Chandoo.org. But I have to give you a few updates before its too late. So here we go:
Only 2 days before Wedding Planner price goes up by 50%:
Many of you know that we have released a wedding planner software built purely using Excel. You have 2 more days before the price of it becomes $29. If you get it today or tomorrow, you will pay just $19.
Introducing Excel Financial Modeling Classes – Get $100 discount:
As mentioned earlier, I have tied up with Pristine (who are specialists in financial modeling training) to bring you online training classes on excel financial modeling. We are all set to start the classes in 4 weeks.
If you are interested to learn financial modeling and improve your career prospects, then go ahead and tell me your name and email id. We are giving an early bird offer of $100 discount for first 100 students. Click here to sign up.
Excel School is re-opening, this September:
Some of you know that I run an online training program called as Excel School. It is a program aimed to make you even more awesome in excel. I have successfully trained more than 350 students in first two batches of the program. I will be re-opening the registrations by September 2nd week.
Learn more about Excel School. If you sign up today, you will get 3 free lessons.

Hello Awesome...
My name is Chandoo. Thanks for dropping by. My mission is to make you awesome in Excel & your work. I live in Wellington, New Zealand. When I am not F9ing my formulas, I cycle, cook or play lego with my kids. Know more about me.
I hope you enjoyed this article. Visit Excel for Beginner or Advanced Excel pages to learn more or join my online video class to master Excel.
Thank you and see you around.
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8 Responses to “We have updates!!!”
Hi Chandoo,
Like you did in past why you are not mailing excel tips but trying to sell your product.
Its really horrifying to see that each mail that I receive Is about selling something instead of some excel tips which you use to send in the past.
@Amit.. Welcome and thanks for comments.
I am still sending a lot of excel tips, tutorials and giving away free files. But I also have a family to feed and life to live. I am not ashamed to sell what I make. I am very proud to sell indeed. These goods that I sell or recommend make me run the site smoothly. If you do not want to hear about my product sales, I suggest you to subscribe to a category feed like
http://chandoo.org/wp/category/excel/feed/ - this will give you posts on only excel.
Please note that you are free to unsubscribe any time you wish. after all, my disclaimer clearly states, "This is a personal blog, don't take it too personally. I post whatever I want, you read whatever you like."
@ Amit,
Go get a life, boy!!!! If something like this blog is to stustain for a long time, it has to be financially viable.
There is no free lunch available in this world. At least Starters, snacks and appetisers are free here.
Further, if somebody has burnt midnight oil to develop something, he is well within his right to expect and accept reward for that, the same way like we do for our hard work in offices.
Lastly, I am afraid, your comments suggests as if chandoo is under an obligation to provide free tips.
Just chill, buddy and enjoy this blog......come, assimilate and disseminate the knowledge.
The world is a beautiful place.
Pankaj Verma
I should have though before reacting that "NOTHING COMES FOR FREE"
I am a student and still "LEARNING" and not "EARNING" so that might have been a cause of my reaction?
Sorry and Thanks,
Hi Guys....
I guess... lets all settle down.. 🙂 @Amit : We all love chandoo for his awesome work and yes, we (atleast me) dont mind getting his mails everyday..... The 1st thng that I do in morning @office is to check if any mail has come from Chandoo.... 🙂 Hey Chandoo We all think that this wont happen again... I even agree to Pankaj who is absolutely correct in saying that "there is no free lunch" but i believe more in chandoo's work and that he should be appraised for and paid for his fantabulous pieces of work... @Chandoo : PLEASE continue your awesome work... 🙂 Have a wonderful day ahead ppl...
@Amit... You are welcome. I (and I am sure Pankaj too) dont mean to be rude to you. Thank you for understanding and supporting what we do here 🙂
@Kapil & all: You can be absolutely sure that I will write and share what I learn as long as I can.
@Amit.....great to know that you are student with such keen interest to learn. The best part is - you have chosen a good Guru, he is among the best in business. Believe me you are in safe hand.
And please don't mind my earlier comments........
Chill....and keep visiting this space, it's nice place to hang out.
Pankaj Verma
@ Amit - Buddy, I am currently a student at Chandoo's excel school, and believe me, he has been far too generous in giving excel tips and content through his blog. Even in the free blog space, he has given out so many superb tricks. Hope you benefiting too. Keep learing