Wake up man, You have a meeting now!!!
It seems like the craziest thing on the earth. We are having meetings at the oddest hours possible. Taste this,
– xxxx com meeting at 9:30 pm
– the same com meeting at 11:30 pm which is postponed due to some quiz to 12:10 am and lasted till 1:25 am
I need not tell about the group meetings. They can go up to 3 in the morning. Group members always disperse with a aim of meeting sometime later. If the meeting ends late in the night (or early in the morning) then they meet in the mess while having breakfast to finalize the solution so that they can present the same in the class.
There is one more kind of meeting which is called as informal meeting. In these meetings people discuss news and share views on anything and everything. These meetings have no rule of timing. It can start at any time.
Talking about the meetings brings me to the various roles assumed by people in the group meetings.
- The Steno – this is the person who religiously take notes whatever is being discussed so that case analysis becomes easier. All most all groups have a steno.
- The Leader – He is the one who tries to decide everything. Not to say, he/she succeeds least because; everyone out here has got BIG ego.
- The sleeper – The rare species of home sapein. He/she can blissfully sleep in the most noisy meeting. The best part is the kind of contribution the sleeper makes when he/she is nudged by an anxious team mate.
- The Analyst – This is the person who analyses the case data/numbers and arrives some weird conclusions. Whenever he/she made a crazy point it means that he has considered the page numbers also for arriving at the conclusion.
- The Maverick – This is the person who always ends up giving out of the box solutions, which are promptly neglected by the batchmates.
- The Typist – This person does what he does. He types whatever comes his way.
- The Flirt – They dont stop. They dont wait. They dont bother. They just flirt, no matter whether they are in meeting or they are in class.
- The Fart – These people because of their strangest abilities to come up with orbitest CPs in class try to fine tune their skills by CPing in the meetings. Not to say, these are the ones who end up getting bumps in the group meetings.
- The Timekeepers -These people always try to remind the group about the total time the group has spent on that bloody case.
- The mobile maniac – They truly believe in the ‘Express yourself’ ad. They are on the fone when they arrive. They are on the fone when the group is discussing. and they are on the fone when the group dispersed.
- The host – This is the person, who gets the honor to host the meeting in his room. His room because, men are not allowed in ladies rooms. The person has the responsibility to keep the room tidy if the group as an alternative sex member and keep some eatables if the group cant open its mouth when there is nothing to put inside.
- The late comer – This is the person who arrives late. Sometimes they arrives so late that they are on the time for the next meeting.
- The tourist – this person comes to the meetings every now and then. May be once in a couple of meetings. B Skools proudly call them as Free Riders.
That is all about meetings. Chalo, i have a meeting now, With sleep that is 😀
PS: the blog on ‘Why do you need to join IIM-I’ will be posted after some time. May be after my first year at iim indore.

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6 Responses to “Wake up man, You have a meeting now!!!”
What is your ROLE?? 🙂
hmm.. I am a maverick sometimes. Sometimes, i am a sleeper. some more times i am typist 😀
Chandoo Jam here,
Dood, what do i put in my blog ? All my frustrations have been let out on my latest post, check out http://mahabore.blogspot.com rite now.
We have propellers in our groups - these people go and drag others for the group meetings 😀 Mine is a cool group with okayish participation. The fastest decision makers we are 😉 Incidentally most of them turn out to be the best as well. :))
fundoo analysis of those "meetings"(whoa...call em meetings).am myself a proud "free rider" at the meetings here at IIM-C.infact,just back from one.
pgp 2004-06
IIM Calcutta
Hehe Bhars...
Fortunately we dont have propellers or whatever it is. So people here are betteroff just in case they bunked a meeting 😀