
Celebrating the Lookup Formulas – VLOOKUP Week @ Chandoo.org



Hi all,

Few weeks back, I had a mild internet outage. Since I didn’t know what to do, I turned to you for help and asked you to share “VLOOKUP tips” while I get my connection back.

Oh boy!, the response to that has been overwhelming. More than 50 comments were posted, each with unique, fabulous uses of VLOOKUP & Other lookup formulas.

VLOOKUP is such an important formula that, I cannot imagine preparing a dashboard, report or any other data intensive workbook without using it a few times. So, to celebrate the versatility and usefulness of this beautiful formula (and other lookup formulas) we are going to call this as VLOOKUP week @ chandoo.org.

Announcing VLOOKUP Week @ Chandoo.org - Learn Tips & Tricks on Lookup Formulas

VLOOKUP.. what now?!?

Yes, VLOOKUP week. The idea is simple. Through out this week, I will share VLOOKUP tricks, tips & examples with you.

Since VLOOKUP & other lookup formulas are so dynamic, capturing their myriad uses and technique in one week is a daunting task. So, I am going to write 12-15 articles this week as against the usual 3-4.

What can you expect?

Tips, lots of them. Simple, quick & dirty, awesome and sometimes silly ideas that can one up your productivity. Wherever possible, I will also provide downloadable workbooks so that you can see the tip in action.

What do I expect from you

I am going to work my ass off this week writing as much about lookup formulas as possible.

All I ask in return is, go ahead and learn as much as possible.

If you can, please share this web page with your colleagues or friends and help them become awesome too.

That is all.. On to VLOOKUP Week then.


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    2 Responses to “Celebrating the Lookup Formulas – VLOOKUP Week @ Chandoo.org”

    1. Frank Franco says:

      How did you arrive or formula when you ask me who made more sales Jackie or Jamie?? I could not figure the formula out yet??

    2. Hui... says:

      You need to sum up the sales for Jackie and compare them to the sales of Jamie over the same period.

      The practical parts depends on how and what data you have and how it is arranged.

      But it will either involve a Sum, Sumif, Sumifs or Sumproduct to accummulate the sales for each within a specified date range.

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