
Understanding Variables, Conditions & Loops in VBA [Part 2 of 5]



This article is part of our VBA Crash Course. Please read the rest of the articles in this series by clicking below links.

What are Variables, Conditions & Loops are and how to use them in Excel VBA

  1. What is VBA & Writing your First VBA Macro in Excel
  2. Understanding Variables, Conditions & Loops in VBA
  3. Using Cells, Ranges & Other Objects in your Macros
  4. Putting it all together – Your First VBA Application using Excel
  5. My Top 10 Tips for Mastering VBA & Excel Macros

In part 2 of our VBA Crash Course, we are going to learn what Variables, Conditions & Loops are and how to use them in Excel VBA.

What are Variables, Conditions & Loops?

If you are new to computer programming, you might think I am speaking legalese. So, to make it easy to understand, lets assume you run a bunch of stores across the town. To make it colorful, lets call your stores “We are nuts” – a dry fruit and nuts store chain. At the end of every day, you call each of the 24 store managers and ask them how much sales they have made in that day.

Now, you are not the kind of boss who micro-manages & nitpicks. So you don’t really note down sale for every store. Instead, as you call the store manager, you just mentally update the total. So first store says “$2,300” your total is 2300. Second manger says “$4,000”, the total now will be 6300. So on.

The value 6300 here is nothing but a variable.

A Variable is a small chunk of computer’s memory used to store a value.

Although you don’t micro-manage, you are certainly concerned, whenever a “we are nuts” store reports sales that are too low or too high. You then speak with the store manager for few extra minutes to understand what is going and how you can help. Lets just say, this threshold is $500 for low sales and $5000 for high sales. So anytime a manager reports values beyond this limit (500,5000), you spend some time discussing the business and learning what is going on.

This sort of thing is nothing but a condition.

A Condition is a logical check computer performs to test something. For eg. Sales < 500 or Sales > 5000 is a condition.

And now the whole process of each of the 24 store managers calling you and reporting the daily sales is nothing but a loop. They call you everyday and do the same thing.

A Loop is a set of instructions meant to be followed certain number of times.

Understanding Variables, Conditions & Loops in Excel VBA [Part 2 of 5]

Using Variables in VBA

Variables as we learned, are small chunks of computer memory used to store and retrieve a value. We can use them to store numbers, text, ranges of cells, charts or pretty much anything when it comes to VBA.

As with anything else, Variables too have a life span. Some variables die as soon as the SUB in which they are created ends. Some variables (declared at module level) have better life span as they go to gym and eat healthy food.

How to create variables in VBA?

Whenever you want to use a variable, you must create them first. This is your way of telling computer to set aside some memory units so that your variable can be used.

In Excel VBA, you can do this by the DIM statement.

For eg. below are some variables declared in VBA.

Dim someNumber As Integer
Dim otherNumber As Double
Dim someText As String
Dim aCondition As Boolean
Dim myCells As Range
Dim myChart As Chart
Dim myList(1 To 10) As String
Dim anotherList() As Variant

Aside: Should I define my variables?

By default, you can use variables without defining them in VBA. That means, if we write someNumber=12 without writing any DIM statement corresponding to it, your VBA code would still work. But this is not a good practice. Mainly because, if you are not declaring variables, then you don’t know what is available for you to use.

You can force Excel to throw up an error whenever you did not declare variables by adding the statement option explicit at the top of your code.

As you can see, this is almost like plain English. Let us understand 2 of these lines. The rest you can figure out easily.

Dim someNumber as Integer: This line tells Excel that you want to have a variable with the name someNumber which is of the type Integer. This means, you are going to use someNumber variable to store integer values only. Please note that Excel VBA integers are capable of storing values from -32,768 to 32,767 only. If you want to store bigger (or smaller) numbers, you can use the types Long or Double.

Dim myList(1 to 10) as String: This line tells Excel that you want to use a list of values (called as arrays in computer lingo) of String (text) type. The list size is defined to be 10. You can access individual items of the list by using the item number, like this: myList(2) points to second item in the list.

How to use variables in VBA?

Once you have created a few variables, you can use them in your VBA code. A few examples below.

VBA Code What it does?
someNumber = 2 Stores 2 in to the variable someNumber
someText = “Hello” someText has the text value hello
someNumber = someNumber + 1 Increments the value of someNumber by 1
myList(2) = 812 Sets the value of 2nd item in myList array to 812
activeCell.Value = someNumber Places the value of someNumber in currently selected cell
someNumber = activeCell.Value Places the value of currently selected cell in someNumber variable

Using Conditions in VBA

Almost everything we do involves making decisions & testing conditions. In the “we are nuts” example, we are testing the condition of sales less than 500 or more than 5000 and then doing something based on that.

You can use various statements in VBA to test for conditions. We will learn the simplest of them. IF and THEN statement.

Using IF THEN Statement in VBA

VBA’s IF Then statement looks almost like plain English. Here is an example to test the Sales condition.

If ourSales < 500 or ourSales > 5000 then

'special instructions to handle too many or too little sales

end if

The above code should be obvious to you by now.

Using ELSE statement in VBA

Just like IF THEN statements are used to test a condition and do something, ELSE is used to do something when the IF condition is failed.

For eg,

If ourSales < 500 or ourSales > 5000 then

'special instructions to handle too many or too little sales


'Note down the sales & move on

end if

Would just note down the sales figures if the sales are between 500 and 5000.

Using Loops in VBA

A Loop is a set of instructions meant to be followed specific number of times, as defined earlier. In “we are nuts” example, we are calling and asking for sales 24 times. That means we are doing the same set of operations (call, ask for sales, if the sales are too low or too high do something, hang-up) 24 times, in a loop.

In VBA, there are several different ways to write loops. We will see the easiest type of loop today. For more, please consider joining our Online VBA classes.

Using FOR Loop in VBA

A for loop repeats a set of VBA instructions any given number of times. For eg.

For storeNumber = 1 to 24

'call the store

'ask for sales figures

'do something if needed

'hang up

Next storeNumber

Would run for 24 times and each time repeats the same 4 steps (call, ask, do, hang-up).

Using FOR EACH Loop in VBA

FOR EACH is a special type of loop in Excel used to run same instructions for each of the various items in a list.

For example,

For Each cell in Range("A1:A10")

cell.value = cell.value + 1

Next cell

would run 10 times and increment each of the cell’s values by 1 in the range A1:A10.

Putting it all together – a Simple VBA Program to Note Down Sales of 24 stores

Now that you have learned 3 key ingredients of VBA – Variables, Conditions & Loops, its time we put them together to do a small VBA program.

A Demo of our Daily Sales Log VBA Application

Before we jump in to the code, lets just take a look at how it would work. I have shown it only for 5 stores. But it works for 24.

Using Variables, Conditions & Loops in Excel VBA - A demo

The Code behind our Daily Sales Log VBA Application

Here is the code that captures the sales of 24 stores whenever you click on the “Capture Sales” button.

Sub captureSales()
'when you run this macro, it will take the sales of all the 24 stores we own
'it will ask for a reason if the sales are too low or too high

Dim storeNum As Integer
Dim reason As String
Dim store As Range

storeNum = 1
For Each store In Range("C7:C30")
store.Value = InputBox("Sales for Store " & storeNum)
If store.Value < 500 Or store.Value > 5000 Then
reason = InputBox("Why are the sales deviated?", "Reason for Deviation", "Reason for Deviation")
store.Offset(, 1).Value = reason
End If
storeNum = storeNum + 1
Next store
End Sub

How this code works?

By now, you are already familiar with various parts of this code. So I will just explain the alien portions.

  • Dim statements: These lines declare the variables we are going to use. Notice the different data types (Integer, Range etc.) we have used for various types of data we want to hold.
  • For Each store In Range(“C7:C30”): This line is going to tell excel that for each store (ie cell) in the range C7:C30, we need to repeat the instructions all the way until Next Store. In our case, Excel is going to repeat for 24 times.
  • store.Value = InputBox(“Sales for Store ” & storeNum): This line shows a small box to you and asks for your input. You can enter a number and press OK (or enter). Whatever value you enter will be placed in current store’s cell.
  • reason = InputBox(“Why are the sales deviated?”, “Reason for Deviation”, “Reason for Deviation”): This line shows a box to user with a title and default value (Reason for deviation).
  • store.Offset(,1).value = reason: This statement places the reason for sales deviation in to the cell right to the store sales. Offset(,1) does the trick here.

Download Example Workbook & Learn about Variables, Conditions & Loops in VBA

Click here to download the example workbook and learn more about variables, conditions & loops in VBA.

What Next – Understanding Cells, Ranges & Other Objects in VBA

In the part 3 of this tutorial, learn how to use cells, ranges & other objects from VBA. Stay Tuned.

If you have not read, please read the first part of this series – Introduction to Excel VBA – What is it & How to write your first VBA Macro.

How do you like this Example?

How do you like the VBA examples shown in this article? How would you enhance the macro to do more? One idea is to add another button to clear previous day’s sales.

Please share your views & ideas using comments. I like to learn from what you share.

Join Our VBA Classes

We run an online VBA (Macros) Class to make you awesome. This class offers 20+ hours of video content on all aspects of VBA – right from basics to advanced stuff. You can watch the lessons anytime and learn at your own pace. Each lesson offers a download workbook with sample code. If you are interested to learn VBA and become a master in it, please consider joining this course.

Click here to learn more and Join our VBA program.


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    64 Responses to “Understanding Variables, Conditions & Loops in VBA [Part 2 of 5]”

    1. Veronica says:

      Nice 🙂 good explanation simple yet effective. The example was also not complicated..Looking forward for next part !

      • maria says:

        the download file is infected

        • Chandoo says:

          @Maria.. this file is perfectly alright. I think you have something else in your computer that is causing the trouble.

        • Hui... says:


          Why do you say it is infected?

          What message are you getting and where is the message from ?


          • Nesty says:

            The Input Box doesn't close maybe till all stores' values are entered (when "capture sales" button is pressed). Also, Alt+F11 doesn't work when Inputbox is open. Because of this, need to forcefully shut down excel. Is there any workaround for this problem?

    2. NickDJ says:

      Nice example Chandoo! I'm looking forward to joining VBA Class; these examples are such a great teaser! I have a big project at the office I'm looking to automate so I cant wait to save the time

    3. Dev Bhatia says:

      Great....!!! I am a regular reader of your blog. I am new to VBA but you just made it as easy as eating a cake. Looking forward to your next awesome articles. You guys at Chandoo.org are wonderful.

    4. Dave says:

      Excellent tutorial with clear explanations of the variables etc.
      I would only add some emphasis on the importance of using the
      'comment lines to track what the code is doing.
      This helps a lot if you need to modify it later, or if someone else needs to follow it up after you have lost the job!
      I tend to be rather verbose myself due to short term memory problems 🙂

    5. David says:

      Chandoo, I know it's only a sample, but why didn't you indent your code? Makes it easier to read, especially when you're using conditionals and loops.

      I use Smart Indenter (http://www.oaltd.co.uk/indenter/default.htm) to auto-format my code for me. So far no problems in Excel, and I also use it in MS Project modules and forms as well. Saves me the headache of trying to format everything by hand.

      And ditto to Dave's comments: Early on in my career I didn't understand the importance of commenting, and after having to go back and revise and add new features to old code I'm kicking myself for not commenting as much as I should have.

    6. Ravi Kiran says:

      Good post Chandoo. You are very best at teaching.

      One small error to your notice - In the downloadable file "Store Number 5" is repeated 7 times. I hope you can change it an re-upload the file.


    7. mike says:

      Great work, omg ive always struggled to understand dim, loops and all but this is a wicked example! KEEP IT COMING 🙂

    8. Guy says:

      Excellent examples to illustrate what variables/conditions/loops are and what functions they serve. Good mental model.

    9. Arvid Martin says:

      I'm a programmer by traiing, but Fortran and PL/1 were my languages in my day. Any recommednations on a good VBA reference book or manual.

      If I wanted to write applications in VBA outside of Office 2007 or 2010, where do I buy a VBA compiler, linker or VBA interpretor for Windows 7?

    10. rizzy says:

      I have to create a Powerpoint whoes headline should be populated from the column of the XL sheet. Is this do able? if so could you please guide me. I actually do testing and take test evidence and store it in the PPT as slides,now i want to populate the step of test from the headline of every slide into the XL sheet which stores the Test script or from the test script to the PPT headline. which one is executable? i am totally new to macro and have faction of knowledge of it..

    11. Amy says:


      I read your site daily. It is awesome. I need a VBA macro that will cycle through the options in a combo box (which you taught me to create), and print the dashboard for each sales manager in the combo box. Then stop looping. Any chance you can help? Thanks!


    12. Shanmugam says:

      Good and thanks,

    13. Siva says:

      Great Tutorial its very useful.


    14. Mark Saren says:

      I need help developing a variable loop for the following code please. The two variables are the person's email (eMailID) in which to send the report and the place of service (POSc) to select in a pivot table of the report. Both variables are in an Excel table range as listed:

      For Each POSc In Windows("Constants.xlsx").Sheets("ProvPOS").Range("AR3:AR74")
      For Each eMailID In Windows("Constants.xlsx").Sheets("ProvPOS").Range("AU3:AU74")
          Workbooks.Open Filename:="I:\Denials Monthly FYTD Resp.xlsx", _
          Windows("Denials Monthly FYTD Resp.xlsx").Activate
          Sheets("DirMgr Resp").Select
          ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable156").PivotFields("POS").CurrentPage = _
          Sheets("Denials by Catg").Select
          ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("POS").CurrentPage = _
          Sheets("Top25 Reasons").Select
          ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable2").PivotFields("POS").CurrentPage = _
          ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
              "H:\Service Payor Mix\Denials FYTD " & (POSc.Value) & ".xlsx", FileFormat:= _
              xlOpenXMLWorkbook, CreateBackup:=False, ConflictResolution:=True
          Sheets("Top25 Reasons").Select
          Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
              :=False, Transpose:=False
          Sheets("Denials by Catg").Select
          Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
              :=False, Transpose:=False
          Sheets("DirMgr Resp").Select
          Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
              :=False, Transpose:=False
          ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Visible = False
          Sheets("DirMgr Resp").Select
          ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
              "I:\Denials\Denials FYTD " & (POSc.Value) & ".xls", FileFormat:= _
              xlExcel8, Password:="", WriteResPassword:="", ReadOnlyRecommended:=False _
              , CreateBackup:=False
          ActiveWorkbook.SendForReview _
              Recipients:=(eMailID.Value), _
              Subject:="Please review your report: Denials FYTD.", _
              ShowMessage:=False, _
       '   Application.DisplayAlerts = True
      End Sub

      The above code runs, but does not do what I want it to do, i.e., use each variable in the range, "POSc", as the pivot table field selection "POS" to create a unique report for each person's "eMailID".

      Thank you,

    15. Hi,

      Thanks for such a great website. It has been very useful to me. I have done an IF formula to calculate Tax in excel but would like to write it as a UDF in VBA, can anyone help pls? Please see the formula below. Pls note that if taxable income is 5,751,882 then tax  = 1,605,565.

      IF(TAXABLE INCOME<=150000,0,IF(TAXABLE INCOME<=450000,0.15*(450000-150000),45000))+IF((TAXABLE INCOME-450000)<300000, (TAXABLE INCOME-450000)*0.2,60000)+IF((TAXABLE INCOME-750000)>0,(TAXABLE INCOME-750000)*0.3,0)


      • Hui... says:

        Try the following:
        Function Tax(TI As Double) As Double
          If TI <= 150000 Then
            Tax = 0
          ElseIf TI <= 450000 Then
            Tax = 0.15 * (TI - 150000)
            Tax = 45000
          End If
          If TI > 450000 And TI <= 750000 Then
            Tax = Tax + (TI - 450000) * 0.2
          ElseIf TI > 750000 Then
            Tax = Tax + 60000
          End If
          If TI > 750000 Then
            Tax = Tax + (TI - 750000) * 0.3
          End If
        End Function

        To use it copy the code and paste it in a Code Module in VBA
        In excel simply use:

        I hope the logic is correct but you can adjust to suit

        • Abdul Aziz Sowe says:

          @Chandoo, I was trying to join VBA Classes but getting a response that my card cannot be used to pay. I am using a Visa Debit Card from Sierra Leone. Will appreciate your help. In the meantime, Hui, can you pls help me with a udf to calculate taxable income?

          The logic is: taxable income = Gross Salary - (Social Security Deduction + 220,000))

          Looking forward to your response.


    16. Thanks a ton, Hui.

      It works perfectly.

      Thanks once again. I was wondering, is it possible to do this in Access?

    17. Rakesh says:

      how is the dollar symbol automatically coming up ???

      • RavanReturn says:

        For doing this you need to select you all sheet by pressing ctrl+a.
        After that you need to press ctrl+1 at your left side and in the last whenever you will put numberic figure in that sheet $ symbol autometically shown at the end of figure.

      • RavanReturn says:


    18. Steve says:

      It would have been much more benefitical to have a step by step tutorial to have us create this actual example from start to finish. 

    19. Salahuddin Sultan says:

      Perfect, your site is just about perfect......
      i have a huge data and wish to sort out some desired data out of it......
      what do you suggest me to use as sorting tool? 
      i know how to use pivot table but it is not resolving my problem as i have many fields 

    20. Ravi Dayal Kumar says:

      Please Check this, my condition value becoming zero when I run this macros..................

      Dim Revision As Integer
      Dim Purpose As String
      Application.ScreenUpdating = False
      ' ---------------------- Removing Border ------------------
      Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
      Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
      Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlNone
      Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlNone
      Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlNone
      Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xlNone
      Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = xlNone
      Selection.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).LineStyle = xlNone
      ' ----------------------- Looping -------------------------
      Do Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell)
      If Revision = 0 Then
      Purpose = "C"
      Else: Purpose = "R"
      End If
      ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Range("A1").Value = Revision
      ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Range("A1").Value = Purpose
      ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5).Range("A1").Select
      ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Range("A1").Select
      ActiveCell.Offset(0, -4).Range("A1").Select
      ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5).Range("A1").Select
      ActiveCell.Offset(1, -5).Range("A1").Select
      Application.CutCopyMode = False
      End Sub

    21. Sagar says:

      Hi Chandoo,

      I'm new to VBA and this example was marvelous. Very simple and made lot of sense in ur explaination. Would surely go through all the other examples. It was excellent.

      Thanks a ton.

    22. How can I loop this little code in A1 I a number to add to A2 answer in Sub learnloop()
      Dim aone As Integer
      Dim atwo As Integer
      Dim athe As Integer
      aone = Range("a1").Value
      atwo = Range("a2").Value

      athe = aone + atwo
      Range("A3").Value = athe
      If athe < 100 Then
      MsgBox ("learn about looping")

      End If

      End SubA3 in A4 and 5 other two number answer in a6 how loop apply here.

    23. Loise Galedo says:

      Good Day,
      I need your help/assistance, because I need to do this report filtering only the Start Time and End Time of each Practitioner.
      Report Date Practitioner ID Practitioner Name Start Time End Time

    24. Steve says:

      Hi Chandoo,

      I use Excel spreadsheet a lot and find writing some basic logic statements that will generate a result for me. For example, in the above example of yours (i.e. 25 stores reporting revenues) I can do that in Excel spreadsheet using " =IF(....)".

      My question is, how do I convert my knowledge of " =IF(...)" into VBA? Where do I start when I have a different scenario and thus a different " =IF(...) " logic?

      I am not technical, and am only learning VBA from your tutorials (just finished lesson 1 🙂 ; and btw, your site is very helpful. Great Job!

    25. John says:


      Your example spreadsheet does not work in Win.8.

      message when I try to save the spreadsheet: Compatability Check; loss of functionality

    26. Saad says:

      how to learn easily coding/programming in VBA in excel which sources is useful

    27. Saad says:

      Also logic use in VBA and how are we better in vba

      • Hui... says:

        Programming or making a Model in Excel is effectively the same thing
        It is purely the format of the environment and the syntax of the language that you are working in that is different

        You break a problem down into logical steps
        where each step or group of steps represents generally a physical or data flow component from real life

        Variables are simply cells (in the Excel Model) or Variables (in VBA) that can hold a value or string

        In Excel
        A1= 10 Sales of Apples
        A2= 20 sales of Bananas
        A3= A1+A2
        =30 Total sales

        In VBA
        Dim Sales_of_Apples as Double
        Dim Sales_of_Bananas as Double
        Dim Total_Sales as Double
        Sales_of_Apples = 10
        Sales_of_Bananas = 20
        Total_Sales = Sales_of_Apples + Sales_of_Bananas

        =30 Total sales

        VBA has a number of tools that allow more effective decision making and repetitive functions or loops to be performed a lot simpler than can be done using Excel

        To learn,
        1. Start with small problems and slowly get bigger by introducing new functionality and steps to your VBA
        2. Look at other peoples solutions to problems and ask how/why they did what they did
        3. Read a book on VBA, They typically walk you through from the basic steps to advanced steps in a logical sequence

    28. Kamlesh says:

      Hi Chandoo,

      Very good basic understing of VBA and Macro. However I am not clear how this programe will simulate the Macro.. I am not clear, whether program will run the excel or excel data will create the programme..? please clarify.

    29. Eric says:


      I was able to go run the macro on my own and it worked. I notice the macro does not store the values to excel, is this expected? Is there a way I can do this?


    30. Naveed says:

      Excellent tutorials Chandoo. I am new to VBA. I was wondering if you want to add another question, like "What is the store number?" before putting in the associated sales value, how do you do it?

    31. Splinkey says:

      Noob Alert!

      Am I the only one who is having an issue with this example.

      When i copy this code into VBA for a blank sheet and ensure that the range C7:C30 is as shown in the Gif

      Store Number--Sales for the day--Reason for Deviation

      when I enter a value for store 1 in the input box, excel overwrites the store number with the value i've just entered, rather than writing it in the "Sales for the Day" column and if there is a reason for deviation it gets written to the "Sales for the Day" column?

      I thought I could fix this by editing the line of code
      store.Value = InputBox("Sales for Store" & storenum)
      store.Offset(, 1).Value = InputBox("Sales for Store" & storenum)

      and editing line

      store.Offset(, 1).Value = reason
      store.Offset(, 2).Value = reason

      Which sort of worked, but now asks every time "Reason for Deviation", regardless of Value?


      • Splinkey says:

        When I say it sort of worked. I mean that it does now correctly write the value to the ""Sales for the Day" column, but now asks for reason for each store?


    32. Elvis Thabiso says:

      Hi Guys
      My name is Elvis I would like to join the group as I do believe that this forum do have some to lean from, I'm using excel vs macros on a daily basis and the best part is that I never attend a formal course for both of them.
      I hope and trust that there is a lot that I still need to learn more with your assistant through this forum.

    33. Anurag says:

      Great work dude!

      VBA simplified!!!

      Look forward to get more free stuff here 😀

    34. Ravi says:

      What change would I need to make in the code if I want the popup box to abort itself if I press the cancel button.

    35. mithun says:

      Dear chandoo team the article is awesome but I need more clarification how I delete blank row within data & special character.

    36. subramanya says:

      Hi any body can tell me how to generate a mentor report of many students one by one with the help of vba code.pls give me the code.

    37. Vivaan says:

      Respected Sir,
      Its really Helpful but as i coming from Telugu Medium Back Ground i am unable to understand completely so if possible if you provide it Telugu Language also it is very help full to the persons like me..

      Thanks& Regards
      Vivaan Kumar

    38. Pradeep Sahukari says:

      Very Useful..Thank You..

    39. Justin says:

      Chandoo you are the man

    40. Jamez says:

      Love this, can you just explain to me how the End If works

      End If
      storeNum = storeNum + 1

      What is VBA doing during this process ? Why would the Integer StoreNum being itself + 1 end the program ?

    41. ratan sawant says:

      Here is what I need to do. If I have a very long file with pairs of data in 2 columns for example:
      A 1
      B 2
      C 3
      D 4
      and so on

      I would like to arrange this data in 4 columns, so it looks like this:
      A 1 B 2
      C 3 D 4

      How can I do that? I created a macro that will do it for the first 2 rows, but how do I repeat that (range) until the spreadsheet reaches a blank cell?

      • Hui... says:


        D1: =OFFSET($A$1,2*(ROW()-1),0)
        E1: =OFFSET($A$1,2*(ROW()-1),1)
        F1: =OFFSET($A$1,2*(ROW())-1,0)
        G1: =OFFSET($A$1,2*(ROW())-1,1)

        Copy D1:G1 down

        • Ratan says:

          Thank you for your suggestion. But I was looking to do this without having to copy the formula to the entire spreadsheet. Also, the number of rows from one spreadsheet to another may be different. So, is there a way to write the program for the first two rows and make the program repeat it (via range or some other function) until it reaches a blank cell when it will quit.

          I am new to VB so, your suggestion of Copy D1:G1 down, is that a part of the macro, or you're saying copy it manually?

          I had written a similar Macro in Lotus many years ago, and the statement in Lotus was \branch which took the operation to the top and repeated the function until it reached a blank cell when it quit. Unfortunately, there's no more Lotus.

    42. hey can u explain me this code

      "TRANSFORM Count(MyTMP_MRAntrag.MeldungsNr) " & _
      "SELECT TMP_Zustandsklassifizierung.Zustand AS [Metric_MR_State] FROM TMP_Zustandsklassifizierung " & _
      "INNER JOIN MyTMP_MRAntrag ON TMP_Zustandsklassifizierung.MR_State = MyTMP_MRAntrag.Zustand " & _
      "WHERE ((MyTMP_MRAntrag.Produkt In " & Product & ") " & _
      "AND ((MyTMP_MRAntrag.Priorität)>=0) " & _
      "AND (MyTMP_MRAntrag.Datum <= #" & EndCycleText & "#) " & _
      "AND (MyTMP_MRAntrag.ConfField1_Key in " & AffectedArea & ") " & _
      ") " & _
      "GROUP BY TMP_Zustandsklassifizierung.Zustand " & _
      "ORDER BY TMP_Zustandsklassifizierung.Zustand DESC , MyTMP_MRAntrag.Art " & _
      "PIVOT MyTMP_MRAntrag.Art In ('Err','Imp','CR','NCI');"
      iRow = 14

    43. Vidushi says:

      Hi Chandoo,

      I tried to re-write the code by myself but got stuck here :

      Sub ATTEMPT()

      Dim start As Integer
      Dim sales As Range
      Dim reason As String

      start = 1
      For Each sales In Range("D1:D10")
      sales.Value = InputBox("Sales for Store" & start)
      If sales.Value 5000 Then
      reason = InputBox("Why", "Reason", "Deviation")
      sales.Offset(, 1).Value = reason
      End If
      start = start + 1
      Next sales

      End Sub

      but the line with the condition has stuck without any reason and it shows debug error and does not go further beyond that?

      I am new to this.


    44. Hi Guys,
      I am New in VBA
      I need your help to create VBA code for below case/example
      I have created userform for Raw material entries with below details
      For Example -
      SR.No - 1
      Date Of entry - 29-Mar-2020
      Supplier Name - ABC India Ltd
      Material Name - Deisel Engine
      Material Number - ............

      Now Condition is I want to create Material Code automatically in userform for each material on the basis of material receipt as below

      Material Code For below Case should be - A100120B

      Material name - Deisel Engine - A
      Supplier Name - ABC india ltd - 1
      Batch Code - for first batch - 001 (so on for remaining batches)
      Year - 2020 - 20
      Material Type -
      please guide me

      Sachin Bhor
      Mail - sachin22588@rediffmail.com , sachinb22588@gmail.com

    45. Rekh@ says:


      I need urgent help to get specific data from description field .
      Like i want from excel Short description field search "Bandwidth" and if found then copy to the next blank row (exact to that row where it found).
      I tried to record the macro but for any kind of changes it wont work perfectly.
      If anyone can help me to solve this problem and make my report perfect.

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