Superb Tail Piece
Today we had our last session for the term 1. And man, it was really a great way to end the term.
The session is of BTO ( Behaviors and Theories of Organizations ). This is what that has happened in the class.
– First we (today both sections had the class together in audi and both sections were sitting separately) were given a case for reading inside the class. We were given 45 minutes to read and analyse the case.
– After the 45 minutes we had a 9 minute quiz.
– Then First Section A was asked to summarize the case and answer the questions. the questions were like evaluating business plan and assessing whether Koski’s plan was realizable etc. Finally the prof raised a question as to whether the plan would succeed and how many think so. Only 5 in section A raised their hands.
– Then Section B got the chance to put forward their views. We were asked to tell whether the plan is working or not. Many of us gave points reinforcing the view that plan was successful.
– Then we got the surprize of the day. The prof told us that he gave different cases to both sections. Section A got the business plan only. Section B got its 15 years of implementation. The business plan dealt with non-conventional organization structure and design. Since through out the course we were taught about the importance of the organization structure and design, when a business plan suggesting no or little structure we usually tend to criticize it. In prof.s words ‘We are the prisoners of the system we built around us.‘ How true!!!. And the case section B got, actually listed out the ways in which the business plan (which we are not aware of) was implemented. We were considering case facts 15 years away from what section A is considering. The prof. ended the class saying that nothing is rigid. You can bend or break any and all of the existing rules but you have to stick to what you have in mind as Koski did in order to succeed. Hats off to him. It was really the best way to end the term.
Out side the acads there are more acads in the form of end terms from tomorrow. So I will not be blogging for the next 2-3 days. Later may be from my chweet home. Tada till then.
Current Y! status says: Hahahahahahahahahahahaha
PS: Agreed that the blog is somewhat technical, But really can’t help it.

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